The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1827 disguised Lord

Lin Tian stared at the thousand illusory drinkers and asked with a smile, "where is Lin Di?"

Qianhuan bartender frowned and looked different. After all, as a professional fairy intelligence agent, he naturally knew a lot about Lin Di, especially the world where Lin Di lived. He also heard about it, so he frowned, "are you Lin Di's grandson?"

Lin Tian is smiling. A past, directly into the soul seal, and Qianhuan drinkers instantly feel a strong soul in front of themselves, just like a mountain.

"You, you're Lindi!" the drunk trembled with fear

"At last?"

"No, it's impossible. Emperor Lin has already become a God and left the fairyland. How could he be here?" I don't believe this drunk.

"I've come back anyway, believe it or not." Lin Tianbian said while checking the other side's memory.

Qianhuan's drinker was scared to be silly, especially when he thought that he was under Lin Tian's control at the moment, and the whole person sat there, "no, no, you can't, how can you be Lin Di?"

"Well, now you're my man, but I have to get you a separation and give it to Zhou Chaoxian's mansion to cheat you through."

"Will you let me go?" The Qianhuan drinker was a little shocked, and Lin Tian smiled at him. "You are an important person in Xixian mansion, so you are still useful to me."

The thousand illusions drinker had a kind of foreboding feeling, but Lin Tian thought of something and smiled and said, "tomorrow, prepare a separation, wait here, hide yourself, I will find you later if I have something to do."

Thousands of illusory drinkers doubt, "do you want to?"

Lin Tian has learned from the memory of Qianhuan drinker that Pang family privately adopted Qianhuan drinker, so he wanted to clean up Pang family, but he didn't tell Qianhuan drinker, just smiled, "cooperate with me tomorrow, act."

With that, Lin Tian turned to leave, and the thousand illusory drinker was shocked. As for Baide and pangshuai Xian in Pang's mansion, they were still waiting for news in the attic.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Tian left the inner courtyard of Pang's family, and didn't disturb anyone. He quickly came to the outside of the mansion and stared at Pang's family and smiled, "I'll clean you up tomorrow."

Then Lin Tian left here and went back to his yard. Now in the yard, Zhou Yantian and others have found the iron judge.

The iron judge is looking for Lin Tian in a hurry until Lin Tian suddenly appears. The iron judge asks quickly, "are you ok?"

"Nothing." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the iron judge asked, "how about that? Is there any news about that guy? "

"Yes, but the place where he is is is the place you dare not touch." Lin Tian smiles at judge tie.

Iron judge doubt, "dare not touch the place?"

"Yes, it's very important. Go to the Lord of your mansion and ask for instructions. It's better to go together tomorrow. Then I'll show him the thousand magic drinker." Lin Tian said with a smile.

The iron judge hesitated, "here."


"That's fine. I'll ask for instructions." The iron judge left, but Zhou Yantian asked, "do you really know where that guy is hiding?"


On one side, Shayuan smiled and said, "I'll tell you, he won't be arrested. At most, he just pretends to be arrested."

Zhou Yantian stares at Lin Tian strangely, "this thousand illusions drunk, but Jinxian, it's said that it's still Jiuxing Jinxian. How can you do nothing? And find out where he's hiding? "

"I escaped, do you believe it?" Lin Tian laughs at Zhou Yantian. As for Zhou Yantian, he is half confident and half suspicious.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "have a good rest. I'll give you a big gift tomorrow."

Finish saying, Lin Tian will find a place to sit down and cultivate himself, while Zhou Yantian doubts, "Dali? What do you mean? "

But Shayuan congratulated, "Dali, it must be a good thing, so you just have to wait to receive it."

Zhou Yantian doesn't believe it. He stares at Shayuan strangely. Shayuan doesn't speak, just smiles and finds a place to rest.

Zhou Yantian had to find a place to sit, and in the house of Zhou Chaoxian, tiechenfeng found the Lord and reported to him one by one.

When the LORD heard this, he asked in the dark, "you mean, he knows the hiding place of the thousand magic drinker."

"Yes, but he said," I can't move. I want you to come with me. " The iron dust wind said, as for the people in the dark, they were curious to discuss.

"This week in Chaoxian mansion, who else can't move?" Some doubted, others said, "is it not in the house of the minister that this illustrious drinker is hiding?"

For a moment, people began to suspect each other until the Lord of the mansion shouted, "all quiet!"

The people were quiet, and the LORD said, "well, I'll go with you as soon as tomorrow morning comes. But in order to prevent unnecessary alarm, I'll disguise myself a little. As for the ministers here, you'll stay until I've finished."

As we all know, the Lord of the mansion suspects that the people here are related, so everyone expresses their willingness to stay here to prove their innocence.

The LORD was relieved that we didn't want to leave. Then he asked tiechenfeng to prepare everything.


the next day, at dawn, the iron dust wind appeared in the courtyard of Lintian, but behind the iron dust wind, there was another man with a mask.

This man has magic weapon on his body. He hides his breath so well that he can't recognize him even when he sees him on Sunday.

But when the man saw Zhou Yantian, his eyes showed kindness, and the iron dust wind came to Lin Tian and said, "here comes."

Through his soul, Lin Tian can be sure that he is the Lord of the mansion. He said with a smile, "it's OK."

The Lord of the mansion stared at Lin Tian, "I don't know where the thousand illusions drinker is?"

"As soon as I come." Lin Tian takes them to leave here, but that Sunday looks at the Lord strangely.

The Lord took a white look. "What do you want to see? Haven't you seen it? "

"It's really you." Zhou Yantian immediately depressed up, obviously the relationship between the two is not very the same.

"I said little brother, how can you talk to your father like this? It's rude."

"Dad? Is he like a father? If I can't move, I'll be confined, and I'll never ask. " That week inflamed day depressed way.

However, the LORD said, "you are my son. Naturally, I have to be strict with you. Otherwise, how to manage the Zhou Dynasty immortal mansion?"

"Yes, you have your Zhou Chaoxian mansion in your heart. You don't care how your mother died." That Zhou Yantian hums.

"Your mother was killed by xixianfu. Haven't I fought with xixianfu enough these years?" That week the Lord asked.

"If it's me, I will take people to fight with xixianfu directly, rather than nest on this planet and develop slowly." That hot weather.

"If it's so easy, then they're not five-star immortal mansion," the leader of the Zhou mansion criticized

Zhou Yantian doesn't care. He still stares at the Lord of the Zhou mansion. His eyes are full of resentment. As for tiechenfeng, he can only find Lin Tian in all kinds of embarrassment. He even says, "Mr. Lin, I don't know who the Qianhuan drinker is hiding in."

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