The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1856 agreement of the four generals

The southern commander was very happy, and the eastern commander was also very happy, so they were ready to divide the Seven Star talisman equally.

Who knows that at this time, two people came from outside, the North commander and the West commander.

Commander Dong and commander Nan quickly put the talisman away. Then commander Nan said with a smile, "commander Bei, why are you here?"

The North commander frowned. "What were you doing just now?"

"Nothing." The South commander immediately shook his head, while the West commander stared at Lin Tian and laughed, "Seven Star cultivation talisman, powerful, even this one can draw."

The South commander and the East commander were shocked. They even wondered how the West commander knew.

Ji Xin and the old lady, who were listening to the wind, stared at the four commanders to see what would happen next.

But the North commander stared at the East commander and the South commander, "can you show me?"

The two commanders had to take out one, and the East commander said, "North commander, we have not broken the rules of Xixian mansion."

South commander also said, "yes, we just asked him to draw some seven star symbols."

"You're right, but it's wrong to have such a good thing and eat it alone." Said the North commander.

The South commander hesitated, then looked to the East commander, "or give them some?"

The East commander is reluctant to part with us, but if we don't go out at the same time today, it may cause trouble to the Lord of the mansion. So the East commander and the South commander respectively take out 50 pieces.

At the same time, Dong Tong explained, "we asked him to draw two hundred pictures, but when you came, let's have fifty pictures for one person."

Commander Nan didn't want to make a big deal, so he said, "yes, we are good to you."

The Western commander immediately took 50 pieces and got excited, while the northern commander also took them, but he stared at Lin Tian and asked, "if I can give you materials, you can draw."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "yes, but I'll take 10 million for one piece of Fu."

Ten million yuan, naturally small for these commanders, so mingbai, the northern commander, said, "well, let's go back to our four commanders and get some more, then you can help us."

"As long as you have money, you can do anything." Lin Tianxiao said, and the North commander immediately looked at several commanders, "let's go and talk."

The four left immediately, and Lin Tian smiled at Shayuan and said, "I want to have a rest."

With that, Lin Tian went back to the house, and Ji Xinning said again, "mother-in-law snow, shall we make some?"

"Will he draw for us?" The old lady thought it was impossible, and Ji Xin frowned, "yes, this guy, I guess he would like to clean us up."

"Forget it, but wait and see." The old lady said, and Ji Xinen said, intending to continue to spy on Lin Tian to see if he could find out his identity.

However, at the moment, in the same room, the northern commander looked at the other three people. "I don't care what your personal grievances are, but this talisman is very important, and it can't be disclosed. Otherwise, other people in the immortal mansion will come here to poach him, OK?"

The three nodded, and the North commander said in a kind voice, "this is the first thing."

But commander Dong couldn't help asking, "commander Bei, how are my magic things?"

"I've sent people to inquire these eight days, but I haven't found anyone suspicious." The northern commander was helpless.

But commander Dong stared at commander Xi and asked, "commander Xi, we all share the talisman with you. Should you tell us whether you stole this magic weapon or not?"

But commander Xi sneered, "commander Dong, I think you've directed and acted on your own, haven't you?"

"Self directing and self acting? Do I need it? " The commander in the East was angry, and the commander in the West laughed, "you may have known my people were in your mansion, so you want to take this opportunity to drive my people away and go to the Lord's office to complain, don't you?"

The more commander Dong listened, the more angry he became. "Will I be so bored?"

"Hard to say." The Western commander didn't think so, but the eastern commander wanted to go away, and his breath was still breathing. The southern commander quickly pacified him and said, "the eastern commander, don't be angry first, this matter needs to be discussed in a long way."

The northern commander also stared at the two men and said, "why? Isn't it enough? "

But commander Xi said, "it's not my business that he has been chasing me to bite."

The North commander stared at the two men. "I'll find out. If I know you're playing tricks, I can't spare you."

"Don't worry, it's not me." The Western commander promised, and the eastern commander also said, "that would not be my self directing and self acting."

The North commander nodded, "well, I'll send someone to continue the investigation. Now what we have to do is send someone to look for materials, so that the boy can get more symbols, OK?"

Of course, the three know that cultivation is more important than anything, so after nodding their heads, they will separate.

Then the four commanders went back to their own cultivation place, and took out their talismans to start cultivation. Just after sitting down for a while, the Western commander came across the white guard.

"What can I do for you?" Commander Xi asked, and white guard said, "commander Xi, why do you want to find blood?"

"I'll let you look for it. What's so much nonsense?" Commander Xi doesn't want to let others know the secret, or it will be sent to other immortal's houses. Lin Tian will surely be taken away by the strong. That cultivation will be delayed, so he won't even say it.

The white guard made a sound and then left, but he felt strange in his heart, "my Lord, it has never been like this. Why don't you want to tell me anything today?"

Not only the white guards, but also the guards of other mansions were puzzled, but they could only do so to collect animal blood.

As for Lin Tian, when he got the animal blood, he continued to draw for them, and the days passed by.

About three days before the Xi Xian meeting, Xi Jianfeng came and stood outside the Lin Tian yard and shouted, "come out, boy."

This shout attracted countless people, and Ji Xin wondered when he saw xijianfeng coming again, "Thirteen less, another challenge?"

Xijianfeng said confidently this time, "this time, I will take him down."

Ji Xin smiled bitterly. "His sword technique has been studied by you for many years."

"Miss Ji, don't tell me. I really study it, but some experts teach me how to crack it." That West sword wind complacent way.

Ji Xin doubts, "Oh? Who can help you crack it? "

"Secret!" Xijianfeng didn't want to say it. At this time, Dongtong came and asked, "Thirteen little, how did you come to my mansion?"

"What? Are you not welcome? " The Western sword wind asked, and the eastern commander said awkwardly, "how dare you? I just feel a little bit."

"Well, don't talk nonsense. I want the people in here to come out." That xijianfeng points to Lin Tianyuan and says.

"Do you want to find Mr. Lin?" asked commander Dong

"Yes, it's him. I'll take care of him." That xijianfeng doesn't care about Lin Tian's identity. Now he wants to challenge him and beat him by himself.

But commander Dong didn't understand, "Thirteen little, I don't know where Mr. Lin has offended you!"

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