The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1859 astonishment

At this time, xijianfeng took out his wooden sword again, while other young men were curious to talk about it.

In particular, a young man who looks relatively older than xijianfeng appears, and has scales on his right corner of the eye, as if growing out of the flesh.

Only listen to this person come over, to xijianfeng ask, "Thirteen younger brothers, this, how to return a responsibility?"

"Big brother, it's my personal business and his personal business. Don't worry about it." The xijianfeng said to the man, and the man frowned, "Dad asked me to entertain you. How can I explain to dad when you are so noisy?"

"Elder brother, I just want to beat him and finish Miss Ji's gambling engagement," said xijianfeng

As soon as the words came out, everyone suddenly realized that obviously everyone knew what the gambling agreement was like. But the young man stared at Lin Tian and then looked at Ji Xin, and his brow furrowed, "Ji girl, this."

Ji Xin immediately explained, "I can't blame you, young master Xi. You, the thirteen younger brothers, have been pestering him to compete."

"Do not admit defeat?" The young man was curious, and Ji Xin said with a smile, "yes, he has lost to this young master Lin twice."

As soon as this word came out, people all didn't believe it. Some people also murmured, "how could this thirteen little but nine star celestial being lose to a fairy?"

"That's not true. This guy is only eight stars and earth immortals. Why are thirteen less likely to lose?"

Xijianfeng didn't care. He shouted, "as long as I don't give up, it doesn't count."

"You're a liar." Ji Xin was depressed, but xijianfeng didn't care. As for the young man, he looked at Lin Tian. "I'm the eldest son of Xixian mansion, xichufeng. I don't know what to call this friend."

"Lin Tian."

After hearing this, Xi Chu Feng took out a list and saw the above remarks, he was surprised and said, "are you the nine star appraiser, the nine star appraiser, or even the nine star painter?"

Everyone was confused when they heard this, but the nine star appraiser was heard by everyone, so they all wondered, "this is the powerful appraiser a month ago?"

"It seems that it's him." Some people gradually recognized Lin Tianlai and said, while others immediately discussed.

Lin Tian smiled at the West Chu wind and said, "it's just me."

The West Chu wind immediately looked at the West sword wind, "Thirteen younger brothers, people are distinguished guests, must not be rude."

"Big brother, it's my personal business and his personal business, so leave it alone." Xijianfeng obviously didn't want to be disturbed, so he stared at Lin Tian.

What does the West Chu wind want to say? Lin Tian says helplessly, "if he wants to compare, he will not give up."

But my thirteen brothers are nine stars, you

"It's OK. What can he do for me?" Lin Tian smiles with confidence, and the four leaders have seen Lin Tian's strength, so they are not shocked.

But other people didn't see Lin Tian's hand, so they all thought that Xijian wind could easily defeat Lin Tian.

But what happened next stunned everyone, because this western sword wind was passive defense.

I saw this xijianfeng put out a sword mask and stared at Lin Tiandao. "Boy, my sword mask is much more powerful this time than last time."

"Still too weak." Lin Tian said to xijianfeng, "hurry up, I will break your swordsmanship."

Lin Tian can't help but smile and directly play shadowless swordsmanship. When these swordsmanship shadows first appeared, people didn't know what swordsmanship it was.

But when the shadow disappeared, someone said, "it's the shadowless swordsmanship of Wujian school."

"Does he have no sword clan?"

"No way."

However, at the moment, standing on the fake man with the black box on his back, he stared at Lin Tian strangely. "It's shadowless swordsmanship, and it's King level."

Just as the fake man muttered, the shadow of the sword disappeared, and then hit the Western sword wind again.

At first, the sword mask could resist, but only a moment later, the sword mask immediately exploded, making everyone in the room open.

For xijianfeng, he was hurt by these sword Qi again, but Lin Tian still controlled his strength and didn't kill him.

That West sword breeze immediately facial expression changes greatly, "how to break again?"

The West Chu wind looked back from the shock and said to the West sword wind, "thank you for not killing?"

"I'll try again." The Western sword wind obviously wanted to try again, but the fake man stood behind him and said, "don't try, you will not be his opponent if you practice for another 100 years."

The West sword wind was covered. "Don't you say I can defeat him?"

"I just didn't expect you to be so different from him." The fake man said helplessly, but xijianfeng was so depressed, "you liar."

"I didn't mean to lie to you, just to be honest." The fake man said, and xijianfeng hummed, then he was sullen.

The West Chu breeze then smiles to see the public, "well, it's OK, everybody dispersed."

But they did not disperse. Instead, they continued to stare at Lin Tian and talk. As for the four leaders, they looked at each other and whispered in private.

But the West Chu wind came to Lin Tian and said with a smile, "please come inside."

Everyone looked envious. Obviously, all the people in this hall are those childe brothers and childe brothers who are qualified to enter. It's hard for outsiders to enter. But now the West Chu wind invites Lin Tian to enter.

After laughing, Lin Tian followed the West Chu wind and entered the hall. In this hall, other young men came forward one by one to ask if Lin Tian was the real nine star painter and the nine star alchemist.

Lin Tian laughs at them, "all of them."

Those childish brothers were so excited that some people asked, "then you can draw nine star fairy talisman?"


"What will happen? Show us. " Some people suggested that Lin Tian smile, "Nine Star fairy talisman is extremely precious, of course, it is impossible to take it out at will."

Some of them were lost, but the West Chu wind looked at them, "are you not afraid to frighten others when you look at you?"

They had to go back one by one, but the xijianfeng was obviously not willing to, and he looked at the fake man beside him, "you are trying to find a way for me."

"Well, it's hard." When the fake man finished, he stared at Lin Tian and watched his every move.

Xichufeng continues to entertain Jixin, then comes in with some VIPs, while others continue to wait outside.

Until half an hour later, a voice came, "the Lord of the mansion is here!"

They immediately looked at the source of the voice. Then a man in Lin Jia and a mask came from a distance.

Only saw this mask, looks like a black hawk, and step by step, everyone bowed one by one to show respect.

Until this man entered the palace, those childish brothers got up one by one, "Dad."

The four generals were even more respectful, "Lord."

The LORD looked at the people, then entered, sat down in a seat, looked around, and finally stared at Lin Tian and asked, "you are Lin Tian?"

Lin Tianen's voice, and the Lord of that mansion, after his voice, looked at Ji Xin and said, "Ji girl, you are here too."

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