The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1867: eagles, Dapeng

But after walking on the cliff for a while, a hole suddenly appeared under his foot. He fell into the hole and shouted.

The big cry is getting further and further away, and Shayuan looks silly. "What can I do?"

Lin Tian looks at the two of Shayuan. "Together."

Finish saying, Lin Tian also jumped into this cave, and Sha Yuan had to say to Zhou Yantian, "hurry up."

Zhou Yantian's benediction, and then he jumped into the cave. Then Lin Tiansan slipped down from the cave.

It's getting faster and faster, and it's very smooth everywhere, like a pipe.

This frightens Sha Yuan to scream, but Zhou Yantian's face is serious, but his heart is flustered very much.

Only Lin Tian was very calm until he fell into a pile of sand, and the cliff was sitting on the edge of the sand at the moment, watching the fairy stone flashing on the walls everywhere muttering, "Sir, here is it."

Lin Tian looked at it. "It's just that some people inlaid the fairy stone on the strong."

At this time, Zhou Yantian and Shayuan fall one after another, smash together, and then Shayuan immediately jumps to be on guard, "where is this place?"

Zhou Yantian is also curious and stares at four places, while Lin Tian looks around. "First, find the exit."

But Shayuan looked at the tunnel. "Can't we go back here?"

"The tunnel is very smooth, and it can't fly. It's hard to get up." Lin Tian said to the Shayuan.

With half a doubt, Shayuan put his head into the hole, then touched the tunnel barrier with both hands, and found it was really smooth.

But Sha Yuan was not willing to take out the dagger and smash it there, trying to make a crack. Lin Tian joked, "these are made of immortal stone. They are very resolute. If there is no immortal power, they cannot be smashed."

"What? Immortal stone That Sha Yuan is wide eyed, and Lin Tian says with a smile, "yes, it's close to the God stone, and it has the characteristics of the God stone, so it's called the God stone."

After hearing this, Shayuan wondered, "well, here and there."

"All the walls here and there are fairy stones." Lin Tian explained, and Sha Yuan took a breath, "isn't it necessary to have the power of Immortal Emperor to inlay the immortal stone on these immortal stones?"

"Maybe, but first." Lin Tian can't judge whether it's artificial at the moment. He can only move around here.

Until a long time later, all of a sudden, sand came out from some holes, and there was a black smoke.

Everyone was shocked, but Lin Tian asked them to move closer to themselves, who knows that these people felt that someone was catching them.

Then these people passed out in a coma. What happened behind them? They didn't know. Lin Tian was the only one who avoided the extended arm.

Until Lin Tian rushes out of this area and stands in an empty cave, he looks back and finds that there is no trace of Shayuan and other people except the fool, the black smoke.

Lin Tian frowned. "How about people?"

"Whoever trespasses here dies." A hoarse voice resounded all around, but Lin Tian doubted, "then you come out, let me see, how can I die?"

The other threatened, "are you sure you're not afraid of death?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Lin Tian doesn't care, but the voice gradually appears, and then in front of Lin Tian, the black smoke turns into a figure.

There are many hairs on the face, like eagle hair. Lin Tian looks at them and says with a smile, "it's not human."

"Yes, I'm not a human, but I can deal with you." Said the man.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "let me see what kind of animal it is."

Lin Tian smiled after seeing it for a while

"Yes, I am the king of eagles, the king of birds with Dapeng blood!" The eagle animal said proudly.

But Lin Tian stared at him and said, "I don't care what king you are. In my eyes, I'm just a bird."

"Do you really think you are great? How dare you insult me like this? " The Gargoyle was annoyed.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I'm not insulting you, I just want to warn you not to provoke me, or I'll let you know that I'm not easy to provoke."

"Funny, it's just a human fairy. I'm afraid you won't make it?" That hawk doesn't care.

But Lin Tian smiled, "let's start."

"Start?" Before the other side could react, Lin Tian suddenly scattered countless shadows, and then cast the trap.

Not only that, Lin Tian also takes out the trapped beast column of the ghost Kingdom and points to the eagle beast, which is still domineering at the beginning, and immediately counsels at the next moment.

"Boy, who are you? Why? Why do I lose so much power?" The eagle beast is in a hurry.

"Because I've suppressed your power." Lin Tian laughs, then the pillar throws it away, and the eagle turns into black smoke immediately to avoid Lin Tian's attack.

Lin Tian laughs, "think it's smoke, what can I do for you?"

"Boy, you have the ability to come." The eagle beast began to play rogue and didn't want to appear. Lin Tian sneered and directly released the ghost king.

The ghost King shuttles through the black smoke, and the eagle beast feels something wrong until the ghost King returns to the forest.

Lin Tiancai laughs, "still don't submit?"

The eagle beast immediately turned into a human figure, and then the body uncontrolled kneel, and stare at Lin Tian, "you."

"How is it? Are you honest? " Lin Tian smiled at him, and the eagle beast said gloomily, "I, I will not surrender."

"Is it? Then I'll see if your soul can be as stubborn as that. " Lin Tian finished, stretched out his hand and pointed it on his forehead.

The spirit of the beast is very powerful, comparable to the Human Immortal King, but Lin Tian's powerful soul seal can enter. The spirit of the beast can't struggle on the spot, and is shocked to stare at Lin Tian, "you."

"Come, make a contract." Lin Tian knows that animals and humans are different after all, but the best way to control them is to make a contract.

Especially at this moment, the eagle beast can't resist at all. It can only make a pact with Lin Tian and stand there shivering at last.

"Let them go." Lin Tian stared at him, and the eagle beast said, "I am."

"What are you?" Lin Tian smiled at the eagle beast, and the eagle beast said, "I sent them to the king of the mountain."

"King of the mountains?"

"Yes, it's the king of the mountain. He controls the whole mountain, and countless immortal animals are controlled by him." The Gargoyle explained.

After hearing this, Lin Tian began to check the eagle beast's memory. After reading this, Lin Tian knew that there was a mountain king in this mountain range who was wearing a mask.

But this mountain king is not the Western dragon, so he asked curiously, "have you seen this man?"

Lin Tian shows the spirit of the Western dragon, and the eagle animal nods, "he, he is our believer."


"Yes, he came here many years ago, and worshipped the Immortal King as his teacher. He wanted to learn some skills from the Immortal King, but the Immortal King confiscated him, just let him practice in the mountains." The Gargoyle explained.

Lin Tianhu asked, "can anyone become a believer?"

"People often come here by mistake, but some people are qualified to become believers. Some people are unlucky and killed by some immortals."

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