The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 188 defying war and transforming God

But the immortal Huoyang stared at him and said, "boy, you think my Tianyang clan is empty?"

"I don't care. Kill one more!" Lin Tian looked at immortal Huoyang coldly, and immortal Huoyang said angrily, "look for death!"

I saw a group of fire crows gathered in the palm of the hand of Huoyang immortal, and then burst out a powerful force to fight against Lin Tian.

However, Lin Tian made a circle with both hands and beat out the empty shadow. The immortal Huoyang was immediately punched through a hole.

Elder Leng was stupid. "Is this still human?"

Not only that, Lin Tian's hands went out again, and the immortal Huoyang disappeared completely in the scream.

"It's your turn!" Lin Tian stared at the cold elder, and the cold elder looked at Lin Tian with trembling, "boy, have something to say."

"Say? What did you say? When I came just now, I asked you to hand over people, but if you don't, I'll give you a ride today! "

Lin Tian's cold eyes twinkled, and the blood rattan caught him. The cold elder wanted to struggle, but the fragile yuan baby couldn't stand a single blow and was immediately broken.

Not only that, Lin Tian sealed him directly with a spirit talisman.

Lin Tian took out three talismans, namely, the red eagle king, the purple cloud Taoist priest and the cold elder.

"It's all yours!" Lin Tian put up the talisman.

But behind the stone gate, the immortal Huoyang said angrily, "wait, boy! When I get out of the customs, I will be the first to destroy your Tianshui gate! Let your tianshuimen disappear on this continent! "

"Do you think I'll give you a chance?" Lin Tian turns his head and comes to the stone gate.

Then I look at the stone gate and find that it is a special stone gate, which can only be opened from inside.

Lin Tian hesitated, put his hands on the stone door, and began to absorb the strength attached to the stone door.

The immortal Huoyang in it hums, "boy, do you think you can break the stone gate?"

"Just a moment." Lin Tian absorbed the Earth Spirit on the stone gate one by one, and the Huoyang immortal sneered, "boy, this stone gate, let alone you, is the one that transforms the divine realm. It can't be broken."

"Others are others, I am me!"

Lin Tian said word by word.

That Huoyang immortal just wanted to laugh, but the stone gate suddenly cracked, and the next moment the stone gate turned into powder, while the Huoyang immortal standing in it was only a few steps away from Lin Tian.

Immortal Huoyang immediately gathered a red fire mask and said coldly, "you broke it, so I will kill you in advance!"

Lin Tian glanced at the back of Huoyang immortal and found that there was a middle-aged man closing his eyes, as if he was practicing some Kung Fu.

"I'll take care of him first." Lin Tian knows that this God changing environment is very powerful. With his current ability, it can't be shaken at all. So Lin Tian suddenly split into 32 magic shadows.

Immortal Huoyang, one at a time, the ghosts disappear one by one. This is the terrible power of transforming the divine realm, which can destroy a person who builds a foundation or even a golden elixir in an instant.

Lin Tian also knows, but he relies on his own shadow many, no longer can be released, all of a sudden came to the middle-aged man behind.

The immortal Huoyang was shocked, "no!"

Lin Tian is not polite. He fights with the burning palm together. The middle-aged man spouts blood and stares at each other, "who, who attacked me?"

This man is the patriarch, Dong XIII. Lin Tian ignores him and gives him a few palms.

When the patriarch came back, he was seriously injured, and immortal Huoyang hurriedly went up to protect cave 13 and said, "patriarch, are you ok?"

"What happened?" When the patriarch regained his dignity, immortal Huoyang said, "it's Tianshui gate!"

"What? That garbage sect has such a master? " It's obvious that dongshisan didn't expect such a person to come out of Tianshui gate.

As soon as immortal Huoyang wanted to explain, Lin Tian asked, "five hundred years ago, did you take someone to extinguish Tianshui gate?"

There is no sense of guilt in Dong 13, and he sneers, "they collude with the devil gate and don't let them disappear, that's good!"

"Disappear? Then I will let your tianyangzong disappear today! "

After hearing this, Dong shisan laughed, "I'm Tianyang sect, so many elders, so many yuan babies, and golden elites. Do you think your Tianshui sect can solve them?"

At this time, Lin Tian took out three talismans, and the three talismans immediately flashed out the souls of three people, who were the three elders.

At this moment, the three elders asked for help one after another, "Lord, help!"

"Lord, help us out!"

"Lord, he is the devil!"

Lin Tian put up three talismans, and then said coldly, "tianyangzong, except for you two, others are either dead or escaped!"

Dongshisan doesn't believe it. "It's impossible. Our tianyangzong is rich in talents. How could it be destroyed by a group of wastes in tianshuimen?"

On one side, the immortal Huoyang looked ugly and said, "master, he is the only one."

"What? Alone? " Dong shisan was even more shocked, and Huoyang immortal advised him, "you are seriously injured, leave here first, and he will give it to me."


"Don't worry, I'll solve him, and then I'll kill tianshuimen!" The fire sun immortal cold way.

"Good!" Dong13 drags the injured body, uses the talisman of hiding, and leaves here.

Immortal Huoyang immediately focused all his energy on Lin Tian and said coldly, "boy, now let me deal with you!"

"I know you are powerful, but it's not so easy for you to kill me!" Lin Tian releases the bleeding vine.

The immortal Huoyang hummed, and immediately a flame caught the rattan. The rattan was too weak to resist the attack of the master Huashen, and immediately made a strange sound.

Lin Tian immediately put up the rattan, and the Huoyang immortal laughed, "boy, please accept your life, no one can save you today."

Lin Tian took a deep breath. "The man I want to kill, even if he is stronger, I will kill him."

"Funny, you build the foundation, what am I? Metaphase! Do you know what the realm of deification is? "

"But you have been destroyed by me, and you have also been injured. At this moment, you are at most in the early stage, even in the early stage of cultivation."

The immortal Huoyang laughed, "even if not, it's very powerful."

At this time, Lin Tian saw the king of fire, and Lin Tian quickly added some Reiki pills to the king of fire one by one.

Seeing the flame changing, immortal Huoyang knew what it was and smiled and said, "boy, it's not bad. There's such a good spirit fire."

"Just know!"

But the immortal Huoyang was not afraid to say, "I'm in the fire department, and I can resist the fire. Do you think your fire can hurt me?"

"Fire control? You try! " Lin Tian sneers, and then the fire pours on him, and the Huoyang immortal grabs the fire with one hand, intending to control the spirit fire.

Who knows that this spiritual fire is not controlled at all, but also changes color. At last, it reaches purple. The immortal Huoyang can't bear such a high temperature flame immediately, so he directly throws it out.

But the flame had caught him and began to swallow the spirit of his body.

The immortal Huoyang scolded, "asshole, you are playing with me!"

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