The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1896 xianyuanli refining

This scene scared the people of the Chu Ba camp, and Chu hufei quickly backed up and flew into the array, and the old Buddhist thief also entered the array.

The array was closed again, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "what? No more playing? "

Chu Hu feiqiang endured the injury and stared at Lin Tian. "Boy, you dare to kill us."

"What are you? I am attacking you in the right light, but you are attacking only the shadow. " Lin Tian smiles at Chu hufei.

Chu hufei bit his teeth and said, "I didn't expect to be trapped by you after so many years."

"It's too early to say it's my fault." Lin Tian said, and continued to suck the array power. Chu hufei knew that this was not the way to go. He looked at the old Buddhist thief and asked, "is there any way?"

The old Buddhist thief was so depressed that he said, "this guy is just a monster. He can't take it down at all."

Chu hufei is not willing, "this Chu Ba camp is built by me. I will never let it be destroyed by this kid."

"But do you have a way?" The old Buddhist thief asked helplessly, and Chu hufei gritted his teeth angrily, "I, I'll think of another way."

Lin Tian continued to absorb the power of the array and said, "in another half an hour, the power of the array will be broken."

Chu hufei looked ugly, and immediately shouted to Chu Hai, "tell me, everyone in the city, to face the power to the sky, and also take pills."


Chu Hai immediately gave orders, and then countless forces in the city faced the air, making the whole array stronger.

Chuhu said with a sigh of relief, "boy, now the strength in the array increases faster than you absorb, so no matter what, you can't fight with all of us after all."

The old Buddhist thief nodded and said, "yes, there are hundreds of thousands of immortals in the city, and there are tens of immortals in the city. The power of these people, as long as they are output to the array all the time, can you absorb them faster than they can."

When Lin Tian heard this, he smiled, "I'm worried about my lack of strength. You have to give me strength like this. I can't get it."

They thought Lin Tian was joking with them, so they made fun of him. Especially Chu Hai, who came back, stared at Lin Tian and said, "boy, you are so good that you want to fight with everyone. Are you naive?"

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak. He continues to increase his strength there and absorbs it more and more quickly. The most important thing is that Lin Tian uses these forces to integrate the ninth immortal one by one.

But everyone didn't know, so they planned to kill Lin Tian. But a few hours later, Lin Tian's cultivation suddenly reached the nine star earth immortal.

Not only that, great changes have taken place in forest celestial bodies.

Only nine of them have become a crystal with nine layers of light.

Lin Tian's consciousness permeated the past, and he just saw the "celestial preparation chapter" of reincarnation and killing the sky.

As the name implies, the preparation of the immortals is the process of the Immortals crossing the immortals. Lin Tian is curious about what the immortals are cultivating.

After reading it, the whole person was surprised, "Xianyuan?"

Xianyuan is a kind of power absorbed from xianhun, and different xianhun agglomerates different Xianyuan.

There is a way to extract Xianyuan from the spirit of immortals in this preparation of immortals. When nine kinds of Xianyuan reach a certain amount, they can break through to the immortals.

"It seems that we need to find some immortal spirits to refine and see the effect." Lin Tian looks back at the array and knows that there are many bandits in the array. The immortal soul of these people is more suitable.

So Lin tianxie laughed and stopped breaking the array. When Chu hufei saw that Lin Tian had finally given up, he immediately got excited. "Boy, did you give up?"

But the old Buddhist thief joked, "boy, you know what you're doing, get out of here."

On the wall, others rushed to Lin Tian, trying to persuade him away, but Lin Tian smiled, "I changed my mind."

"Change your mind?" Chu hufei and the old Buddhist thief stared at Lin Tian strangely, while Lin Tian smiled at them strangely. "I'm going in."

Lin Tian finished saying, a leap, rushed into the array, and ignored the array, directly came to the array.

The people at the scene were frightened and retreated one after another, while Chu hufei stared, "how can you come in?"

"I could have walked in and out at will." Lin Tian said confidently, but Chu hufei didn't believe it. "You have such ability, why break the battle?"

"Originally, I wanted to break the battle, but seeing you work so hard, I can only come in directly and play with you."

Chu hufei scolded after listening, and then hurriedly shouted to the crowd, "withdraw."

These people, hurry up with Chu Hu and fly to the Lord's mansion of this bandit city. But those bandits in the city don't know what happened, just pour power into the sky.

When Lin Tian walked to the street and saw a group of bandits looking up at the sky to output their power, he laughed, "you guys, you'd better give up."

Those people don't know Lin Tian, so after a while, someone shouted, "don't disturb us, boy."

"Are you all from chuba camp?" Lin Tian confirms, and those people are proud to say, "yes, we are from chuba camp."

"Boy, it's all chuba camp here, but it's you. How can I feel strange?" Some doubted, others doubted.

Lin Tian smiled at them and said, "I want to ask you for help."

"Help? Do you think it's possible? " Some people despise Lin Tian, and Lin Tian is weird. The ghost king goes out.

Those people's cultivation is not so strong. They are hit by the ghost King Lin. Lin Tian smiles and says, "come here."

These people went to Lin Tian and looked at him in horror. Some people asked, "who are you?"

Others stammer, "you, you are the fairy who broke the battle outside?"

As soon as they said this, they finally knew who Lin Tian was, so they were scared to leave. But the ghost King controlled them. They could not leave at all. They could only stand in front of Lin Tian and look at Lin Tian in horror.

Lin Tian smiled at them and said, "I'll borrow your immortal soul to study."

Lin Tian put his hand on a man's shoulder, and then used the so-called Xianyuan refining technique. The man immediately screamed. After ten rest, the man was old and weak.

Lin Tian looks at his immortal soul and finds that his immortal soul has retreated from the immortal soul to the mortal, and the immortal yuan absorbed by himself is wooden, and only a little.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to bring the nine immortals together." The forest sky sighed.

Then Lin Tian took the others one by one, refined their Xianyuan, and went to find other bandits along the way.

Those bandits were arrogant at the beginning, but for a while, they were scared to escape.

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