The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1915 immortality

Feng Tuozi immediately looked at the past and felt inexplicable fear in his heart. Especially when looking at Lin Tian, he wondered if Lin Tian was a real fairy.

At the moment, not only the wind camel, but also the nearby people and even those geniuses are talking about, "is this guy a fairy?"

"It's terrible."

But the poisonous dragon wind shouted, "what a quarrel!"

Everyone calmed down, but the poisonous dragon wind flashed by coldly, "the frenzy will only become stronger and stronger."

Lin Tian stared at the frightened alpaca, "are you capable of this?"

"This time, I will kill you!" said the wind camel

After that, the alpaca began to turn into a flame, and then began to spread. There were countless flames around. After a while, the whole area was full of flames.

The onlookers were startled one by one, while the geniuses in the air murmured, while aochangbai asked curiously, "can he do it?"

"This self mutilation skill is powerful." Poison dragon wind explained, and AO Changbai looked at it silently after the sound.

After a while, the flames disappeared, and the wind camel began to feel weak, but he was still there to see if Lin Tian could live.

Who knows that a voice came from the ruins, "you have nothing but this ability?"

At this time, Lin Tian came out, and there was no scar.

"Here." All the people in the room were dementia, and the wind camel's face was drawn. He stared at Lin Tian for a long time and said, "are you a monster?"

"What? No way? " Lin Tian laughs bitterly, and the wind camel is going crazy. The last leap, back in the air, looks at the poisonous dragon wind, "Captain, I am."

The color of the dragon is ugly, and it's more like staring at the camel, "don't you often say that you are great in the genius pavilion?"

"Wind camel son is depressed way," I am fierce, but he does not fight with me, my crazy technique, cannot promote at all

"It's simple." The dragon wind slaps the wind camel. The wind camel gets hurt immediately, but it gets stronger next moment.

Then the poisonous dragon wind struck again, and then the wind camel became stronger, and people were confused.

However, some geniuses know that poison dragon wind is to make the other party's frenzy reach the peak, so they are crazy to hurt him and make him stronger.

But one side of the proud Changbai muttered, "won't you kill me?"

Lord Wanfu said, "this crazy technique is really self abuse."

Aochangbai also felt this way, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "when are you going to fight?"

"Don't worry, boy! You'll be ready in a minute! " After the dragon wind hummed, it continued to attack the camel.

Until a quarter of an hour later, when the strong breath of the llama let him fall into the ruins, all the ruins were automatically crushed and turned into countless powders.

The crowd was stunned, but aochangbai said in surprise, "how much power is there?"

"No worse than the five star fairy king!" That poisonous dragon wind complacent way, but proud Changbai pours a breath, as for ten thousand mansion Lord all startled, "five star fairy king, that how strong?"

Not only these people, those who are watching, but also one by one.

But the wind camel was very happy, and the whole person, like a raging God of murder, stared at Lin tianxie and laughed, "boy, do you see that? This is my horror. "

"Now, it's a bit decent, but it's only useful if you can hit me, or it won't work if you see it!" Lin Tian laughs at the wind camel.

"Wind camel son hears this words, immediately glaring way," dare you say I see in not use? "

Lin Tian joked, "isn't it?"

"Good! I'll show you how strong I am. " At this time, the wind camel was like a shadow, and countless people could not see where he had gone.

Only Lin Tian, whose soul is strong enough to quickly identify the path of the other party, has turned into countless ghosts before the other party arrives.

But these shadows, under the powerful momentum of the other party, turn into nothingness, which makes Lin tianben exposed in front of this wind camel.

"Go to hell!" said the wind camel

Only the wind camel son was very happy. He hit Lin Tian with a fist. In that short time, Lin Tian used shadowless swordsmanship.

This shadowless sword technique hit the wind camel one by one, and the wind camel was hit and flew on the spot.

All the people were covered, and the poisonous dragon wind sank, "what kind of sword shadow did you make, boy? How can it be so powerful. "

"This is shadowless swordsmanship." The proud white look was ugly, but the poisonous dragon wind did not understand, "why is a sword so powerful?"

"It's said that this swordsmanship is related to soul power, and he can give out such a strong power. It's estimated that there is a powerful immortal soul in this boy's body." The arrogant Changbai guessed, and the poisonous Dragon said in a hurry, "I don't care how strong he is. If I mess with him, I will die!"

As for the wind camel, he soon became stronger after being injured, and then smiled at Lin Tian, "boy, I said that my crazy technique will only make me stronger and stronger."

"There is a limit and a time limit to frenzy. I don't know how long you can support this frenzy?" Lin Tian joked.

Hear this, wind camel son hums way, "kill you enough."

With that, Feng Tuozi rushes to Lin Tian again with his strength, and Lin Tian plans to use his sword again.

Who knows that this wind camel didn't give Lin Tian a chance. When he arrived in front of him, his body burst into flames.

"Boom", which is comparable to the power of the five or six star fairy king, directly shakes the whole city, and Lin Tian's area has already blown out a big pit, and the flames are still flashing wildly.

Nearby onlookers were also hit by a heat wave, and the people in the air also flew to higher places one by one.

"It's terrible." Ao Changbai exclaimed, while the poisonous dragon wind said proudly, "now, damn it."

"Is it really dead?" Aochangbai has been frightened by Lin Tian's skills, while the poisonous dragon wind says with a smile, "don't worry, this time you will die."

Who knows that a rock flies from the ground, and that rock disappears one by one, Lin Tian is intact inside.

Aochangbai stared, "this guy, he even used fairy stone as the protective layer."

Immortal stone, we all know what it is, so we are shocked one by one.

Feng Tuozi is about to cry. His eyes are red and he stares at Lin Tian. "You, why can't you kill me?"

"You have your madness, I have my ability." Lin Tian smiled at the wind camel, and the wind camel wanted to cry without tears. "I, I want to fight again."

Lin Tian knows that the wind camel is very powerful and difficult to deal with at this moment. Only when his frenzy disappears can it be solved. So Lin Tian is delaying time.

So Lin Tian said with a smile, "come on, I'll accompany you."

Only the wind camel chases Lin Tian, and Lin Tian always has the protection of fairy stone, so that the wind camel's magic can't hurt Lin Tian at all.

"If it goes on like this, it will disappear." After seeing the clue, the poisonous dragon wind said coldly.

Ao Changbai said, "then, what should I do?"

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