The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1920 monkey playing

At this time, a man with a gold wristband fell in front of the crowd, and behind him, followed the proud Lord.

The Lord of the mansion, respectfully to the man with the gold wrist guard, said, "the messenger of spring is him."

Hearing the spring emissary, the Lord of the ten thousand mansion said in surprise, "is it the spring breeze and thunder Lord of xuanming immortal mansion?"

The man glanced at the Lord of the mansion. "Do you know me?"

The Lord of the ten thousand mansion said happily, "I'm the Lord of the immortal mansion."

"Immortal house of all things? Why are you here? " Spring breeze thunder doubts, and ten thousand mansion Lord don't know how to say, but immediately accuses Lin Tian, "spring adult, you still hurry to take him down, he is too hateful."

But Lin Tian wryly laughed, "you capricious little man."

The Lord of the mansion stared at Lin Tian and joked, "boy, do you think I will be afraid of you? Then you are naive! "

"Just now I have all kinds of peace with you. Now I have the strength?" Lin Tian was smiling, but the Lord of the mansion said proudly, "I call it strategy."

"Strategy? In my opinion, the fickle villain, whichever side is safe, will go to this station. " Lin Tiansi said in a rude attack.

Wanfu Lord just wanted to refute, but chunfenglei stared at Lin Tianleng and said, "I don't care who you are, but I have to pay a price for making aotianxian mansion like this today."

"The price?"

"Yes!" That spring breeze thunder looked at Lin Tian, just after the earth immortal, is to show disdain.

But Lin Tian smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't take you seriously at all."

Everyone was surprised, and the spring wind thunder ice cold up, "you boy, really think you rely on that point of cultivation? You can fight me? "

"You are the three star fairy king, the two star fairy king. It's no big deal." Lin Tian, on the contrary, has a kind of contemptuous relationship.

But in people's eyes, Lin Tian is really crazy, especially the proud Lord complained, "spring emissary, this guy, is really lawless."

Spring thunder is cold, "don't want to die, all give me away!"

Aofu Lord and others immediately flew into the air, and Lin Tian also let those under control retreat.

In this way, the whole mansion is left with Lin Tian and chunfenglei.

"Spring breeze thunder but ice cold way," I already had many years, did not have to the ground fairy to start

"Oh? Then don't lose to me, or you, the messenger of xuanming immortal mansion, will be very disgraceful. " Lin Tian smiles at the spring thunder.

Spring breeze thunder stares at Lin Tian, "is that you? Ridiculous! "

"Well, stop talking nonsense. Let me see you, the two star fairy king."

Spring breeze thunder disdains however way, "deal with you, do not need to use celestial throne."

Finish saying, spring wind thunder hands golden flash, next moment, Lin Tian head a piece of thunder cloud, and then countless lightning hit Lin Tian.

"I thought it was thunder guiding wrist guard!" Lin Tian laughed when he saw the clue of these two wristbands.

Can let everybody puzzling is, those thunder and lightning hit on Lin Tian body, why to Lin Tian have no effect at all.

Even chunfenglei's eyes narrowed, "boy, I can smash Xiange of Xianjun in an instant. Why don't you do anything?"

"Just this Tianlei, want to smash my Xiange? I think you'd better not dream! " Lin Tian said to the spring breeze and thunder.

After seeing Lin Tian dare to look down on himself, chunfenglei glared at him and said, "boy, I didn't joke with you."

"Do you think I'm kidding you?" Lin Tian asked, and chunfenglei began to get angry, and then punched out across the air.

The power of the fairy king can be said to be very powerful. If he is hit accidentally, he will fall apart.

Therefore, Lin Tian had to use the magic shadow to avoid, but the other side was still too strong, and Lin Tian felt that he couldn't do it.

The spring wind and thunder seized Lin Tian for a moment, broke all the ghosts one by one, and finally punched Lin Tian across the air.

In front of Lin Tian, in a moment, a wall of fairy stones flew over, blocking the attack of the other party. Then Lin Tian took the stone king of beasts to escape into the ground.

"You want to escape?" thundered the spring breeze? Did you ask me? "

I saw chunfenglei take out a brown flag, and then the whole person also disappeared into the ground.

Then there was peace, and they didn't know where they had gone until the Lord of the mansion asked, "do you want to go underground to have a look?"

"What do you think the spring messenger can do for him?" "I don't mean that," said the proud Lord, who shook his head at once

The owner sneered, "I see, that's what you think."

Lord Wanfu is too lazy to explain, but he is staring at the ground. However, he still has no breath, which makes him confused.

But now, in a far away area outside the city of Aotian, Lin Tian emerges.

However, as soon as Lin Tiancai was on his feet, the spring breeze thunder appeared, laughing at him. "You are crazy, aren't you? How can I escape now! "

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "I'm just a fairy after all. How can I compare with you, the three stars fairy king?"

"Know you're not enough?" That spring breeze thunder in the heart gets satisfied, still laugh, and Lin Tian intentionally sighs a way, "yes, my strength, in your eyes, really too weak."

"Just know!" Spring breeze thunder says with smile, but Lin Tian says, "however, you want to catch me, still have a little distance."

Seeing Lin Tian struggling, chunfenglei hums, "dream."

Seeing chunfenglei start again, Lin Tian releases countless shadows, which makes chunfenglei don't know which one to chase at all, making him roar angrily at the top of the mountain, and finally yell, "don't let me catch you, or I will kill you!"

Lin Tian looks at it in the dark, then chuckles, "let some ghosts play with you."

I saw Lin Tian release some magic shadow to accompany the spring thunder, but Lin tianben came back to the city.

When the proud Lord and others saw Lin tianben coming back, they stared at each other, and the ten thousand Lord was even more demented and said, "you, how are you ok?"

"What can I do with that fool?" Lin Tian sneered, and the proud Lord said, "what did you do to the messenger?"

"Nothing, just let some shadows take him around in aotianxing. It should be very interesting." Lin Tian laughs at the proud Lord.

The owner of the mansion and others immediately turned pale with fear, but Lin Tian smiled at them. "Now, who can protect you?"

The Lord immediately changed his face again. "Little brother, it has nothing to do with me."

"Villain." When Lin Tian finished, he ordered those who were subdued nearby, "take him!"


After that, countless people went to besiege the Wanfu Lord, but the Wanfu Lord couldn't resist it. At last, he was seriously injured and fell down. Lin Tian came to the Wanfu Lord and smiled on his forehead and said, "it all starts with you, so it ends with you."

"You, what do you want to do?" The Lord of the ten thousand mansion was frightened, and Lin Tian continued to refine the immortal soul until the Lord of the ten thousand mansion became an old man at the next moment, and after the immortal soul was greatly reduced, the whole person was frightened, "no, I don't want to become a mortal!"

The people in the room were frightened, and Lin Tian looked at the proud Lord again, "it's your turn!"

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