General Nie's strength is very strong, and the three star throne can be changed in two forms.

Therefore, people can see that the appearance of the throne of immortals becomes a fist set and a shield.

The devil child is unwilling to go forward, but Lin Tian says to him, "come back, you are not his opponent."

But the devil child insisted, "I want to try again."

Lin Tian shakes his head. "The three star immortal throne has unlocked two forms. What's more, he cultivates shield and fist. He can attack and defend. What can't you do?"

Although the devil child can't understand it, he doesn't feel that he has much confidence in going up, so he has to step down, but Shayuan worries, "master, what can I do now? It's not easy to deal with the throne of three stars! "

But Nie Wuxuan said proudly, "don't counsels! Go on! "

Nearby onlookers pointed out one by one, "look at this general's move, and these people counseled."

"Nonsense, general, but the throne of three stars! And how do they fight against the general? "

"Of course, it's not unreasonable that the head of the Nie family can become a general!"

When they were praising the general, general Nie said to Wu feihou, "what are you still doing? Get them all! "

"Yes." Marquis Wu Fei immediately wants to fight, and the black widow comes forward to guard, but general NIE is quick in eyes and quick in hands, and punches in the air.

A remnant of flame flew by. The black widow couldn't resist it at all. She was beaten directly. Seeing it, Shayuan hurriedly went over and asked, "my God, are you ok?"

"Nothing!" The black widow got up, and then looked at Lin Tian, "my Lord, this guy is not easy to deal with."

"It's OK. Leave it to me." Lin Tian said confidently, but the black widow's benediction worried about the owner of the burning house. After all, both the black widow and the devil child could not resist the attack of the general. What should Lin Tian do.

Not only the head of the family, but also the onlookers all thought that Lin Tian would finally compromise.

As for Nie Wuxuan, he sneered at Lin Tian. "I said, my father is a general. He is very powerful. Do you want to kill us? This is ridiculous! "

But Lin Tian said, "your father is very powerful, but it's impossible to beat me."

People didn't expect Lin Tian to be so crazy, but Nie Wuxuan couldn't help crying and laughing, "boy, do you have a brain? My father can't beat you? "

"I'll see if I try." Lin Tian said, and that Nie Wuxuan looked to the Nie's head, "Dad, look, this kid is crazy."

The head of Nie's family didn't take Lin Tian seriously. "It's just a fairy. It's only when the brain blows."

"Then you come."

"Boy, I promise you a blow, and you'll die."

"If not?" Lin Tian asked, and the head of Nie's family hummed, "if you don't die with a fist, I'll go right away!"

Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "is it so simple? You're not afraid of accidents? "

"Accident? Here I am, no! " The Nie family leader said, and immediately went out with a fist, and the speed was fast, faster than just dealing with the black widow.

But after the fist passed, Lin Tian suddenly turned into countless ghosts, which made the fist hit directly on one.

Then the shadow disappeared, but Lin Tian didn't do anything, but the people there were stunned.

The head of Nie's family was stunned, and Wu feihou and the guards were all stupid. As for Nie Wuxuan, he was in a hurry. "Dad, let's do it again."

The head of Nie's family is a face loving person, so he said coldly, "I said, if I can't hit you, I'll go!"

Finish saying, Nie family Lord turns around, shout to Wu Fei Hou, "withdraw!"

Wu feihou Leng next, "general, this."

"What? Don't I understand enough? " The head of Nie's family glared, but the Marquis Wu Fei cried out gloomily, "withdraw."

But Nie Wuxuan shouted, "Dad, that's not enough!"

The Nie family turned around and left with all the people. However, Nie Wuxuan was persuaded by all kinds of persuasions, and the onlookers were blinded.

Shayuan was even more puzzled, "little master, this general, just left?"

"It's said that the Nie family majored in a unique skill. Once it's said, it can't be taken back."

Sha Yuan said strangely, "what skill? Can't get it back? "

The owner didn't understand, and the black widow hesitated, "I've heard about it, but no one has seen it."

Lin Tian understood what he said with a smile, "to cultivate the mind is a mental skill. Once you have promised it, you must abide by it, otherwise it will be destroyed."

Shayuan took a breath. "Then can't we do what we want?"

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "You are naive."

"What do you mean?"

"He just said that I would turn around and leave if I couldn't hit him, but he didn't say that he would come back!" Lin Tian is smiling, but Sha Yuan is stunned. "What? Can you play like this? "

Sure enough, within a short time, another person came from nearby. This time, Wu Fei Hou sent someone to surround him. Nie Wuxuan said excitedly again, "how about that? Didn't you think of that? "

Shayuan Meng, "he's really back."

Nearby onlookers were puzzled, wondering what the general meant, while general Nie stared at Lin Tiandao, "boy, I'm gone, I'm back again, isn't that illegal?"

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "You're playing a good word game."

"For so many years, many people want to pit me, so I have left a hand for myself." General Nie felt very proud.

Shayuan was not happy. "You rascal."

"Whatever you say, today, none of you can escape, and that's what I said." General Nie said crazily.

"This guy, I dare to say anything. I'm not afraid that his heart will kill him."

Lin Tian was very calm, and stared at general Nie and said with a smile, "come on, what are you going to do with me this time?"

"Boy, I won't be fooled by you this time." After that, general Nie didn't speak. He changed the throne of immortals and then punched again. However, several fists appeared this time.

Lin Tian is still a myriad of ghosts, and the onlookers continue to watch. General NIE is unwilling to continue to attack, but there are only more and more ghosts, even infiltrating the crowd.

General Nie said coldly, "boy, do you really think I can't help you?"

"Then you can come, but don't talk nonsense, or you'll lose face later."

"You." General Nie was so angry that he attacked crazily again, but there was no place to go out, so he looked at Shayuan and others, "I will take you first."

With that, general Nie was ready to attack them. At that time, a black bat appeared and turned into a figure, standing in front of them, and a blood mask resisted the fist of general Nie.

People are curious about who the strange person suddenly appears, and Shayuan is also curious, "who is this?"

The black widow said, "he calls night fly!"

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