The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1951 God's assist

Seeing Nie Wuxuan like this, Lin Tian said with a smile, "come on, who is your master?"

Nie Wuxuan just wanted to open his mouth. General Nie punched him and knocked him out.

Everyone looked at each other one by one, and Lin Tian smiled, "it's cruel enough. I fainted twice a day."

"What do you want to do, boy?" General Nie asked, and Lin Tian stared at general Nie and said with a smile, "I just want to hear your son talk about his master. What are you so excited about?"

"Boy, I tell you, if you don't untie these people again, I can't spare you in xuanming immortal mansion!" General Nie threatened.

But Lin Tian smiled, "do you really think I'm afraid of you xuanming immortal mansion?"

They didn't expect Lin Tian to be so arrogant that they didn't pay attention to xuanming immortal's mansion, and general Nie said, "you."

At this time, countless shadows of Lin Tian spread, and one of them was still standing behind Nie Wuxuan.

Seeing this, general Nie was very angry. "Boy, if you dare to move him, I can't spare you!"

"You said many times today that you can't spare me, but can you meet me?" Lin Tian smiles at general Nie.

General Nie said angrily, "you will know later."

As soon as the voice fell, a black fog appeared over the mansion, and general Nie was very happy and laughed at Lin Tian, "boy, you are finished."

Lin Tian feels that the black fog is not simple, and he may even be close to Xiandi.

At this time, countless black smoke hit Lin Tian's ghosts one by one, and Lin Tian immediately got Sha Yuan and others into the lamp to make sure they were not in danger before he was ready to leave.

But the man in the black smoke said, "want to go? No way! "

At this time, a black smoke directly entangled Lin Tian, and then Lin Tian disappeared as a whole.

General Nie stared at them and said, "don't get out yet?"

Marquis Wu Fei was so scared that he took people out with him. But the mansion was quiet again. But general Nie came to Nie Wuxuan. When he saw that he was ok, he looked at the black smoke. "Master, what should I do now?"

"He is supposed to be controlled by the ghost book. I'll find the ghost book later." Said the master.

"Ghost book?"

"Yes, I think that kid has ghost books. I'll talk to him right now." The black smoke disappeared.


now Lin Tian, standing in a deserted mountain, looks up at the sky, and says with a smile, "can't you come out after watching for so long?"

"Boy, this is my space. If you want to come out, just say it. But you have to tell me what I want to know."

"What do you want to know?"

"Yes, such as your ghost book, how did it come from, and you, and who? Why there are so many abilities. " Said the man in the dark.

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "what if I don't tell you?"

"You should know this space, only I can take you out, otherwise you will never get out." The other side is very confident.

Lin Tian smiled, "I advise you not to be so confident, or you will regret it!"

"Regret? Boy, I don't think it's as good as you. Think about how to answer me, or you will regret it later. "

Lin Tian didn't take each other seriously. He said, "if you can kill me, why am I trapped here?"

"I've got a reason to keep you here." The other side said confidently, but Lin Tian laughed.

"Are you still in the mood to laugh?"

"Should I cry?"

"Well, it seems that you are determined to do the right thing with me." The other side hums, then on the ground everywhere, one after another emerges a lot of immortal spirits.

These immortal spirits include immortals, golden immortals, and Xianjun.

Seeing these immortal souls, Lin Tian smiled and said, "do you still raise immortal souls?"

"Yes, there are tens of thousands of immortal souls in my space, so if you don't want to be tortured to death by them, you will answer obediently. Otherwise, these immortal souls will only destroy you according to my order!"

Lin Tian laughed again, but the other party wondered, "what are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing. You don't know me at all."

"What do you mean?"

"These spirits can't hurt me at all." Lin Tian said confidently, but the man joked, "can't hurt you?"

"If you don't believe it, you can try."

"It seems that if you don't get a little color, you really think you're pretty good." Finish saying, that person an order, those immortal spirit rushes madly into forest celestial body inside.

Lin Tian's body is like a big container, and those immortal souls are crazy one by one, as if they want this body to snatch it down.

So these immortal souls rush in madly without stopping, and the person in the dark complacently says, "boy, if you don't want to die, you should surrender quickly, or your immortal soul will be smashed by them."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak. Instead, he extracts these immortal spirits crazily until suddenly a powerful force emanates from the immortal lattice.

Lin Tian's accomplishments directly impact on one star celestial beings, and the chapter of celestial beings is also completely opened.

Lin Tian sweeps through them one by one, and finds that this "chapter of immortals" also breaks through cultivation by refining the spirit of immortals.

However, the immortal chapter gives Xiange a unique ability, that is, nine Xiange can become nine separate bodies.

But a star celestial, only a separate body, but also the fire in the golden wood, water, fire and earth.

"Nine? It's not bad, but I don't know Jinxian. What will happen? " Lin Tian looks puzzled.

When Lin Tian was curious, the man was laughing, "boy, I didn't expect you can break through at this time."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "thank you for that."

"Thank you?"

"Yes, thank you for the spirits." Lin Tian seemed to laugh, but the other party was puzzled and despised him. "Is that right? That row! I'll keep you going! "

After that, countless immortal spirits came out again, and they all rushed to the forest.

Lin Tian said gratefully, "come on, it's better for Xianjun. It's more powerful."

"I don't believe you are a body that can withstand so many immortal soul attacks!" After the other party finished speaking, he released many immortal spirits.

But Lin Tian refined one by one, making the cultivation from one star to two stars, and then leaped a little bit. At last, he stayed behind the five-star immortals, and could not grow up any more. He sighed, "these spirits are too weak."

The man in the dark has already been blindfolded, "why in a blink of an eye did your cultivation reach the five-star celestial being?"

"This? Thank you, too. " Lin Tian said with a smile, and the man doubted, "what do you mean?"

"I, can suck immortal soul, do you believe it?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, but the man didn't believe it. He tried to sense the spirits, but found that none of them had entered the forest.

It surprised the man, "boy, you."

"What? Is it only now? " Lin Tian said with a strange smile, and the man said in a hurry, "boy, I tell you, I will find a way to deal with you."

"Take your time and I won't be with you." Lin Tian finished, began a leap and came to a space crack.

The man laughed, "boy, although my space is flawed, this space crack leads to the crack in the celestial space. Once you enter, it will be torn!"

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