The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 196 the clue in the blood cloud

Lin Tian took a look at Luo xiangtian and said, "you can find evidence."

The blood guards outside were all shocked. These people didn't expect that a man with a large and round foundation could be so crazy, and he was still in front of their blood guards.

So these people blew up, and immediately Naro called to the guard around him, "come on, get him for me."

Ouyang Fei knew that it would be a lot of trouble if she went on like this. She hurriedly came to Lin Tian and whispered, "let's go with them first, or we'll have a lot of trouble when more guards come."

"I said, I never make trouble. I have something to make trouble with. I can't help it." Lin Tian said something lightly.

When these blood guards heard these words, they laughed at each other. Some people laughed, "this kid, don't you know this is blood refining city?"

"If he thinks he's a genius, he can pull it."

"Any genius who comes here has to be a sheep."

"That's right. Fight us. It's a dead end!"

Lin Tian sneers, "you can do whatever you want with your blood guard?"

These blood guards are always high in the sky. They don't pay attention to anyone. Naturally, they are no exception at this moment. Even at this moment, they laugh at each other.

But Lin Tian is not someone else, not to mention those little sheep. He can be scared by them at will.

However, Ouyang Fei was frightened and worried, "this is terrible."

Luo said to the cold sky, "so, do you really want to fight us?"

"You just rely on backstage, but I don't care. Come on." Lin Tian is very calm.

The guards laughed and some said to Luo xiangtian, "Captain, look, how crazy this kid is."

"Captain, I've been a guard here for many years. I haven't seen such a crazy one."

"This kid, just built the foundation, so crazy, see how I fix him." A man from jindanjing came out and went straight ahead.

Ouyang Fei is in a hurry, but this golden talent arrives in front of Lin Tian. As soon as he wants to catch Lin Tian, Lin Tian avoids and sits on the other side. The other side pours into the air directly.

The blood guards looked curious at once, and Luo xiangtian stared at Lin Tian with doubts.

As for the blood guard who grabbed Lin Tian, he was a little upset, so he reached for Lin Tian again.

But the result is the same, how to catch and how not to touch each other, each other is like loach.

This can make the golden elixir anxious. He took out his sword and pointed to Lin Tian. "I don't believe you can all hide!"

But Lin Tian stared at the sword and said with a smile, "you'd better take it away, or you'll hurt yourself later. It's not good!"

"Hurt myself? Ha-ha! Naive! " This man stabbed at him with a sword, but he didn't know that the sword flew away from his hand and flew directly to his face.

Immediately a blood ran down the face, and the sword flew to one side of the wall.

The people present were shocked, and Luo xiangtian was even more frightened. When he saw Lin tianzhuji, who could play a golden guard to death, he wondered, "is this guy a genius?"

But that gold Dan's popularity is urgent, "look for death."

When the golden man made another move, the sword flew back and floated in front of him, pointing to him.

This surprised the golden elixir. He wanted to avoid it, but the sword locked him and kept a certain distance from him.

"Boy, you." The people of Jindan began to panic, but Lin Tian sat there quietly and said, "I said, I don't want to cause trouble, but if you want to provoke me, I have no choice but to do it!"

The golden elixir was afraid. He stepped back and went back to Luo xiangtian. He hurriedly hid behind Luo xiangtian and became angry. "Captain, he, he wants to rebel!"

Luo xiangtian stared at Lin Tian calmly, "what's your name, young man?"

Luo xiangtian's attitude changed, and Ouyang Fei was blindfolded. Lin Tian said directly, "Lin Tian!"

Luo xiangtian hesitated and said, "even if Mr. Lin doesn't want to be investigated, let's find out first and come back to you later."

After that, Luo xiangtian took the blood guard to leave, and the people who were watching the play around the inn wondered how the guard left.

For the sudden departure of the blood guard, Ouyang Fei also looked puzzled, "why?"

"What and why?" Lin Tian asked.

"This captain, it was cold just now, but now it seems very polite to see you."

When Lin Tian heard this, he laughed, "this world is nothing but two words."

"What word?"


Ouyang Fei didn't understand, but Lin Tian smiled, "look, they will come to me?"

"Why?" Ouyang Fei did not understand.

Lin Tian looked out of the window at the blood cloud in the sky and smiled strangely, "I'm afraid they don't like this thing, but they dare not approach it!"

Ouyang Fei did not understand. Standing outside, she looked at the blood cloud and found that there were some things flying around in the cloud. But she had seen this phenomenon for a long time, but she did not understand and asked, "what's the problem with these things?"

"Do you think you'd like something flying over your head every day to prevent it from falling down or something?" Lin Tian asked.

Ouyang feileng next way, "you mean, these things are not blood refining city?"


"Then where did it come from?" Ouyang Fei didn't understand, but Lin Tian looked outside. "It's estimated that after some people died, their souls were hidden in these magic weapons, and they didn't want to leave, so they had to fly to this cloud to hide, hoping that one day, they could revenge something."

Ouyang Fei didn't expect Lin Tian to see this and asked, "how do you see it?"

"The smell of blood is so heavy that it has turned into a cloud, and there is a lot of resentment. Isn't it hatred? What is it?" Lin Tian is smiling.

After listening, Ouyang Fei didn't understand, "then how do you know they will find you?"

"Look." Lin Tian closed his eyes and didn't speak.

At the moment, in the interrogation room of blood refining City, Lin Yan's life is not as good as that of death, a little bit of blood is sucked.

When Luo xiangtian came back, Lin Yan said excitedly, "did you catch him?"

Luo xiangtian didn't speak, but looked at the person who was sitting there with his eyes closed, legs cocked and dressed in a black robe. He hurried forward and said, "chief."

Yang Ying, chief of the blood refining city guard team.

Yang Ying was skinny, but he had black gloves on his hands. He patted the chair and asked rhythmically, "say."

Luo xiangtian comes to Yang Ying's ear and whispers in his ear. Yang Ying immediately stares, "what?"

"Really, everyone is watching." Luo xiangtian points to the guards, and Yang Ying stares at them and asks, "that boy, can you really control others' swords?"

The guards nodded wildly, and Yang Ying immediately got up, "go with me!"

Everyone immediately followed, and Lin Yan heard that the chief of the team was out, and he was very happy. "Now that kid is dead!"

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