The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2011 talking on your stomach

After listening, LAN Jin wants to use his body, but finds that his body doesn't even belong to him, or even wants to commit suicide.

"How is it? Is there no way? " Lin Tian smiled at the blue in, and blue in said angrily, "boy, sooner or later I will kill you."

"No chance!" Lin Tian finished, let the other side come, and that blue into the body do not listen to call, came to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian put his hand on his head, then entered the soul seal, and read each other's memories one by one.

"Deleted, too?" Lin Tian found that this blue in was also deleted, and there was a voice in his mind, controlling him.

Seeing this, Lin Tian frowned, and LAN Jin roared, "boy, let me go!"

Lin Tian stared at him. "That man, have you seen him?"


"The master of the voice." Lin Tian stares at LAN Jin. LAN Jin finds that his memory has been stolen and hums, "you see it too, so you should know that I haven't seen that person."

"So it's the man who made you guard here?" Lin Tian stares at the blue in, and the blue in takes a white look. "Why should I tell you?"

"Say." Lin Tian's words were like an order. The blue man immediately said, "yes, he asked me to guard!"

"Why do you want to be a guard?"

"Let me prevent anyone from entering the cave," he said This blue into depressed way, and one side of the East Qingming do not know what these two people are talking about.

Until after a while, Lin Tian asked, "your uncle, is he OK?"

"Yes." LAN Jin opens tightly, and Lin Tian understands, discards the immortal soul of LAN Jin, and then seals his immortal soul.

At this point, the body of blue Jin was abandoned, and Eastern Qingming was shocked, "he is dead?"


Eastern Qingming suddenly suffered a little bit. After all, how can this LanJin be his elder martial brother.

However, Lin Tian turned to the East and looked at the green world.

The Eastern Green hell was a little afraid in a moment, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "that ghost, demon and Immortal Emperor is in here."

"He's really in here?" The eastern Qingming was a little unbelievable, but Lin Tian continued, "but it's easy to get in and hard to get out."

"Here." East Qingming is suddenly scared. He doesn't know what to do. But Lin Tian walks in and says, "if you want to see your master, you should keep up with him. Otherwise, I won't mind you when you are in trouble."

East Qingming is scared, and Lin Tian has gradually disappeared. He quickly follows.

After a while, I came to a dark tunnel. At the same time, Oriental Qingming felt that his body seemed to be attracted by something. Without moving, his body would move forward.

"What's the matter?" This scared the eastern Qingming, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "this is the magic place here."

"Then will we die here?"

"If you are afraid of death, don't come!" Lin Tian has no choice but to say, but Eastern Qingming is stupefied and says, "I'm not afraid to die!"

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, but Eastern Qingming doesn't understand and asks, "why did you come to the seventh wasteland area and spend so much energy to find the ghost, demon and Immortal Emperor?"

"What do you think I'm doing for?"

"There are only two kinds of people who want to find the ghost, demon and immortal."


"One is the enemy, and the other is the one who wants to learn from him." Said the eastern Qingming after meditation.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "Isn't that all?"

"Impossible! And you must have come to see the teacher! " East Qingming stares at Lin Tian's weird way.

"A teacher?"

"Yes! You want to learn the powerful ghost skills of the ghost, demon, immortal and Emperor. So you come here to find him. The purpose is to find him! " The eastern Qingming vows.

But Lin Tian laughed and didn't speak. He went on his own way, while the Oriental Qingming said, "you see, I've learned his skills, and I have his notes. If you want to learn them, I can pass them on to you and let you be my apprentice. How about that?"

"Apprentice?" Lin Tianbian walks and laughs, but the eastern Qingming is afraid to offend Lin Tianshen, so he says, "well, I'm a little aggrieved. You should be my younger martial brother."

"Younger martial brother?"

"Yes, in this way, we both learn the skills of the ghost, demon, and Immortal Emperor. We are brothers." The Eastern Green Ming said with a smile.

But Lin Tian couldn't cry or laugh, and went on, while the eastern Qingming was depressed, "really, I have it here! Why take risks? "

"That's how you don't want to go in?" Lin Tian asked, and the eastern Qingming immediately explained, "no, I just think it's strange here. If I don't find it then I will die in it."

Lin Tian had no choice but to smile. "You don't have to talk, just follow. Don't wait. If you are in trouble, I won't mind you."

Seeing Lin Tian threatening himself again, the eastern Qingming was too depressed to speak. He could only follow him silently and murmured to himself, "this guy, how much do you care about paying a teacher?"

At this time, the attraction of the front is stronger and stronger, the speed of the two people is faster and faster, and there is no light except the weak purple light on the walls.

When he saw the Eastern Green hell, he began to be afraid. Until the whole man started to be sucked into the air, he began to say, "how can I fly?"

"It's attractive. Be careful." Lin Tian finished speaking, the speed is faster and faster, that Oriental Green Ming all sorts of yells.

Not only that, when the armor on Dongfang Qingming's body and the surrounding scraped, it sent out a fire until "boom". That Dongfang Qingming hit a place heavily, and then he was dazed.

"Where is this?" The Eastern Green hell stood up in a daze and saw himself standing in a pile of mud.

Lin Tian then sat and smiled at him. "If it wasn't for the mud, you would have broken all the bones."

East Qingming is depressed, but just stand up, the whole body "bang" and heavily hit the ground.

"What's the matter?"

"There's a powerful attraction here that people can't stand." Lin Tian laughs at him, and the eastern Qingming startles, "can't stand up?"


This scared the eastern Qingming, so he rolled and tried to get up again, but at half the distance, he hit the ground again.

"So what a ghost place!" said the Eastern Green hell with a loud cry

Lin Tian looked around, stood up and began to look around. "This place, it's a little strange."

The Eastern Green Ming was stunned, "why can you stand up?"

"I'm not like you."

"Why not?" The Eastern Green hell was so depressed that Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "I'm better than you, and I have a solution."

"You, tell me now." The East is in a hurry.

"Don't worry, it's still early!" Lin Tian said to him, while Oriental Qingming was depressed and lying on the ground, "when are you playing with me?"

"Playing with you? Do you think I look like that? "

"Then why don't you tell me the solution? Do you want me to lie down like this all the time? " The Eastern Green World complains.

"I said it all, wait!"

"You, you are mean."


"Yes, I said to be your elder martial brother, you won't let me, so you will revenge me!" The Oriental Qingming thinks he is right.

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