The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2023 forcing the real person out

After discussing with Xingshan, the owner of the blue family flew to the direction of Lin Tian. Yan Jiu'An, who was walking behind Lin Tian, was worried until the owner of the blue family fell in front of them.

I saw the blue master staring at Lin Tiandao, "come on, boy, I will attack you once."

"Attack me?" Lin Tian didn't expect that there would be such a good thing, and the owner of the blue family explained, "no way, I will prove that you are not simple in front of my second brother."

When Lin Tian heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry, "so let's try my strength?"

"Nonsense, I won't die at all!" The leader of the blue family swore, but Lin tianxie laughed, "you won't die for a while, but I will make you very painful."

"Then come on, don't just talk about it." The owner of the blue family said wildly, and Lin Tian laughed, "then I'll do it!"

"Less nonsense!" The blue family leader said that he was on guard, but his heart was seven up and eight down, and his forehead was sweating.

After Lin Tian, those Western alliance people showed curiosity. At this time, Lin Tian's hands were in virtual extinction. But this time, he integrated the ghost king into the virtual extinction.

The owner of the blue family didn't understand it, but when he saw Lin tianchuli for so long, he wondered, "I said, boy, when are you going to do this?"

"Do I have a chance? How can I have to store my strength!"

"You." The blue family leader was so angry that he couldn't speak, but Lin Tian smiled strangely at this time, and at the next moment, he slapped it out.

That virtual extermination pesters the ghost king and hits him heavily on the immortal soul. The blue family leader takes a few painful steps back, then looks up into the air and says, "second brother, do you see that? How terrible this guy's attack is. "

"It's a bit fierce, but it won't die yet."

"What?" The blue family leader felt that his brother was really strange, but Lin Tian laughed, "the blue sword immortal is still as cold-blooded as before."

In the dark, the blue sword immortal said coldly, "boy, don't stimulate me, I won't be fooled."

"Oh? Not fooled? Then I'll kill him later, don't you

"Premise, you have this ability." The other side looked down on Lin Tian's meaning, and Lin Tian smiled at the blue family leader. "Blue family leader, it seems that you have to have three strengths and two weaknesses, so your brother will do it."

The blue master looked ugly, and Lin Tian smiled strangely, "come here."

Before the blue family leader reacted, his body was under Lin Tian's control. The blue family leader was shocked, "what did you do to me, boy?"

"The attack just now, I integrated a force, but you let me attack, so I controlled you." Lin Tian smiles and stares at the blue master to tell the truth.

The leader of the blue family was shocked. He shouted to the blue sword immortal in the dark, "second brother, help me!"

The crowd was stunned, and the star mountain stared in the distance, but took a breath in the heart, "fortunately, I didn't go up, it was terrible."

But the blue sword immortal didn't show up, which made the blue family leader worried badly. He stared at Lin Tian and said, "boy, my second brother is very powerful. You can't hurt me."

Lin tianxie smiled, "don't you really want him to do it? Then I'll make him do it now! "

The blue family leader was worried, but he had no choice but to see Lin Tian nervously. "You, what are you going to do?"

"Stand up!"

The blue family leader stood still in front of Lin Tian, but he looked flustered. "What do you want to do?"

Lin Tian smiled strangely, and then pointed his finger on his forehead. At the next moment, the soul power of the blue family leader, the immortal soul, went back crazy.

In the dark, the blue sword immortal found a problem, and immediately a blue sword shadow fell from the air. The target was Lin Tian.

The speed of the sword shadow is very fast. It can be said that a blue light comes to Lin Tian's face, but the people present haven't responded yet. The sword shadow has hit Lin Tian.

However, to everyone's surprise, the sword shadow didn't do any harm to Lin Tian.

Everyone was stunned, and the owner of the blue family was horrified. "It's all right?"

Lin Tian separated himself with water. How could something happen? As for the blue sword immortal in the dark, he was shocked. "Why is my attack invalid for you?"

"Because I'm better than you." Lin Tianxiao said, but the blue sword immortal immediately began to be angry, "it's just a fairy! Better than me? "

"Nonsense, those ghost skills or immortal skills you cultivate are very rubbish." Lin Tian continued to stimulate, and the blue sword immortal was even more angry, and the sky began to dim.

The clouds turned black everywhere, as if a storm was coming, and everyone trembled one by one.

Lin Tian said with a strange smile, "it's the same as before. After a little stimulation, he went away."

The blue sword immortal didn't know what Lin Tian said, but threatened in the dark cloud, "boy, say it again!"

"Say what?"

"If you dare to say that I am weaker than you! I'll kill you! " The other side roared, but Lin Tian smiled, "ten thousand years ago, you were possessed by Lin Di. Aren't you weak?"

"You!" As soon as the other side heard this, it was even more angry, and even a strong breath came from the air.

As for Lin Tian, with a wave of one hand, he threw the blue master aside.

When the leader of the blue family saw that his immortal soul had become the soul of mortals, he immediately became frightened, "no, my soul! How did my soul become like this? "

Lin Tian smiled at the blue master. "Thank you for your soul power."

The owner of the blue family didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but suddenly countless snow needles in the air flew to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian made a leap. Instead, he rushed into the air to control the needles one by one, and the needles gave way one by one in front of Lin Tian.

The crowd was demented. "How did he do it?"

"I don't know. It's terrible."

The owner of the blue family is sitting there regretting, and this Yan Jiu'An came to him and sighed, "all said, he is terrible, and you have come to die."

The blue family leader is very unwilling, but he has no choice but to look at the forest sky in the air until the dark clouds change and the snow begins to fall madly.

When Lin Tian rushes into the dark clouds, no one is seen, but the snowflakes on the ground gradually condense into a huge snowman.

The snowman also gathered a snow sword in his hand, just like a sword made of snow.

Lin Tian took a look at the snowman for a long time, then smiled and said, "you have integrated yourself with the Snow Demon beast."

The snowman suddenly got red eyes and stared at Lin Tian. He said coldly, "you know a lot, boy!"

But they were stunned. Especially the blue family leader couldn't believe that his second brother had become a Snow Demon beast.

Lin Tian leaps and falls in front of the snowman and ridicule. "I didn't expect the swordsman to turn into such a thing," he said.

"I can't wait for you to comment!" With a wave of the sword in the opponent's hand, a white light sword shadow crossed Lin Tian's body.

But it was Lin Tian's shadow, so when the shadow was broken, more shadows appeared everywhere, and smiled at the blue sword immortal, "you said, what kind of ghost skill did you cultivate? People are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts!"

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