The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2056 No one can save you!

Lin Tianke doesn't care what the homeowner says, but continues to be the homeowner.

Therefore, what everyone saw was that the formation of the main city of the city shook slightly, especially the formation of the formation at the gate, which disappeared within a while.

Only stayed in the mansion, one by one with wide eyes, weirdly staring at everyone in Lin Tian.

The homeowner was scared, and that fanqing was even more anxious, "Dad, what now?"

"Have your master come?" Fan asked urgently, and Fan Qing answered quickly, "He, he said he was on his way."

"Damn." Every homeowner was very depressed, and Lin Tian stood in front of these people and said with a smile, "Why do you want me to solve you now, or why do you solve me?"

After speaking, Lin Tian took out Tian Yinqin and faced them, and the owner of the house didn't know the power of this piano, so he hummed, "Boy, we won't be afraid of you."

Fan Qing said to the homeowner, "Dad, this piano sound is terrible, you must be careful."

"Afraid of nothing, just a fairy king." Every homeowner despised, but Lin Tian laughed evilly. "It seems that attack just now, you haven't remembered it."

"I was attacked by you just now." After all the homeowners finished speaking, they started to be on alert, and so were everyone else, all of them were alert to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian, however, moved the sound of the piano. In this courtyard, there was a powerful voice echoing immediately.

Some people who are weaker become uncomfortable immediately, while some people who are stronger can breathe.

Fan Qing's avatar suddenly appeared behind him, and emerged in the form of sand, and played a vanish. The fan screamed, scared to hide beside the fan, "Daddy, save, save me."

Fan Jia was anxious and stared at Lin Tian, "boy, you don't have to get in."

"What if I have to make it?"

"The reason why our family can become the master of Fantong City, naturally there is a powerful force behind it." The family owner began to threaten, but Lin Tian said, "I don't care what kind of power you have, I will take your son today No one can stop his life. "

Every homeowner was angry, "Dare you!"

Lin Tian continued to stand and play at the gate, and these people had nowhere to run as if they were catching in a trance. They could only hide in this home, and Fan Qing also thought, but Lin Tian always came out.

At last the lord of the family quickly took him and hid it in a secret room of the family.

In this secret room, Fan Qing shivered, "Dad, will he follow up?"

"Rest assured, this secret room, only I know the entrance, and other people, who come in from the outside, will enter the maze by mistake." The owner of the house said by himself.

Fan Qing was overjoyed and said, "When my master comes, he must take his life."

"That's right." The owner of the house nodded, but at this moment, Lin Tian stood behind Fan Qing with a smile and said, "I'll take you down first."

Fan Qing's smile solidified immediately, but it was too late, Lin Tian had attacked behind him again, and the ghost king had rushed into him, and that Fan Qing wanted to escape.

Lin Tian ordered him, "Standing in place."

Fan Qing's body flew out of control immediately, and then stood there, Fan Qing flew suddenly, "What's going on?"

Every homeowner was suspicious, "What's wrong with you?"

"Dad, my body is out of control." Fan Qing shouted in panic, and the owner guarded Lin Tian while staring at Fan Qing, "You, can't you move?"

"Ok." ;

The home owner gritted his teeth, and then stared at Fan Qing, "You wait, Dad will find someone to save you."

The next moment, Fan's owner immediately fled away, and Fan Qing was frightened, "Daddy, don't go!"

Lin Tian stood beside him and said with a smile, "It seems that your father has abandoned you."

"No, it won't, my father will never abandon me." Fan Qing said with trembling, and Lin Tian laughed, "I'm not interested in this, I just want to see you and apologize."

After speaking, Lin Tian walked out of the back room, and the Fan Qing followed silently.

After a while, Lin Tian came to the yard, where Mu Xiao and others were waiting anxiously, and after Lin Tian walked out, let Fan Qing come over and ordered him, "Kneel down and give them an apology. . "

Fan Qing didn't want to, but he suddenly knelt down and scratched his head in front of Mu Xiao and Mu Qing. This frightened them, and the people in the dark in the dark were curious about what happened.

Lin Tian smiled at Mu Xiao, "I'll leave it to you. Whatever you want to do, just leave it to you!"

"He, this is it." Mu Xiao was still a bit difficult to tell the way, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "He, he is already under my control."

Mu Xiao was startled, "Really?"

"Well, you can do whatever you want now." Lin Tian laughed, but Mu Xiao never dreamed that one day, the mighty enemy would kneel in front of himself, so he was very excited and pointed out a sword. Fan Qing.

Fan Qing shuddered in fright, and said in terror, "Mr. Mu, please, let me go, I will give you whatever you want."

"My wife's life, can you give it to me?" Mu Xiao said angrily, and Mu Qing stepped forward, punching each other with small fists, "Return to my mother!"

Fan Qing knelt there and allowed Mu Qing to attack, but she couldn't resist, she only said, "I, I'm wrong!"

But Mu Qing and Mu Xiao ignored it, until the last Fan Qing lay on the ground, motionless, and Lin Tian directly got his fairy soul into the ghost book.

A strong voice outside shouted, "Who dares to touch him."

Mu Xiao and others turned around and saw a man wearing a large black robe with a black mask on his face.

Emperor Lan Jianxian looked around and said, "What kind of dress is this?"

Mu Xiao frowned, "The master of the younger son, who burns a ash, is the person of the Heavenly Ghost Fairy."

Tiangui Xianzong, Lan Jian Xiandi and others do n’t understand. After this guy released Liangxiandao, the wooden Xiao was surprised and said, “Already two cents.”

Lin Tian was intrigued, "just right."

Burning a ash but a leap, fell to the side of this mortal body, and then looked at the people everywhere and said, "Who, who killed him."

"I, and his immortal soul is still with me." Lin Tian smiled, and the man was angry, "boy, do you dare to kill my apprentice?"

"Kill, what's your problem?" Lin Tian asked back, and this smashed into anger, "OK, mad!"

After speaking, Ran Yihui clenched his hands, and immediately a group of black gas turned into a group of attacks, hit out, passed through Lin Tian's body, and hit his soul.

People in Fan's family thought Lin Tian would be uncomfortable and screamed, but Lin Tian did nothing at all, and even looked at this burning smile and asked, "Are you attacking this point?"

"How could it?" Ran Yi was startled, still standing still, staring at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian smiled coldly, "Well, let's talk nonsense, hurry up with your skills, otherwise you will also Your apprentice ends. "

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