The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2083 the goddess, and she is very similar!

Lin Tian did not answer directly, but smiled at her, "I said, do not look down on me, or you will regret it."

The old lady was depressed. "It's our bad luck!"

At the next moment, the old woman turns into a pile of grass, and then the whole person disappears. Lin Tian laughs bitterly, "this kind of escape skill is really powerful."

so Lin Tian picks up his mood and moves on. There are more and more trees in the forest until a path appears. Lin Tian goes along that path, and then comes to a valley.

In this valley, there are caves everywhere. In many places, there are people fighting and watching.

"Well? It's a little intense. " When Lin Tian saw these people's fighting, he murmured, and King Ning Xi suddenly appeared, laughing at Lin Tian, "what's up? How do you feel? "

"Is there a strong one?" Lin Tian asked directly, and Ning Xiwang smiled at Lin Tian. "Yes, there are many, four or five thousand immortal, even some hidden experts."

"Oh? "Where?" Lin Tian asked curiously. King Ning Xiwang pointed to a stone ladder in front of him, and on the edge of each stone ladder was a small stone tablet with a name on it.

"See that death ladder?"

"Death ladder?"

"Yes, it's from the lowest to the highest, according to the strength ranking from the lowest to the highest. If you want to find a strong one, just run to the top of the ladder, but each stone tablet is their glory. If you want to cross over, you have to see whether they are willing or not."

Lin Tian looks at the so-called death ladder. At last, there is a stone statue above the ladder, which makes Lin Tian frown.

"What kind of stone is it?"

"Oh, goddess, the goddess of our moon King Star. Many people adore her." This Ning Xi Wang said with a smile.

Lin Tian's eyebrows are wrinkled, because the stone statue is too much like Tianluo, or rather, Nangong snow.

Just why the goddess of the moon King Star is the Nangong snow, so Lin Tian asked, "how did this goddess come?"

"Since ancient times."

"Since ancient times?"

"Yes, the goddess is the portrait of the master of the Moon Palace of the moon King Star."

Lin Tian suddenly asked with interest, "where is the Palace this month?"

"Well, it is said that only those who have reached ten thousand immortals can be eligible to receive the invitation from the Moon Palace. But where is it? No one has disclosed it. Because the person who has received the invitation never comes back, but everyone says that the person who has been invited is likely to have left the moon King Star."

Lin Tian is a little excited at the moment, but he can't help but continue to ask, "then why does this stone appear?"

"Generally, in important places, some people like to put stone statues on the spot, so they will put them in conspicuous places to encourage everyone." King Ningxi explained.

Lin Tian immediately froze and gave up whispering, "the palace of the moon, the goddess, and the snow of Nangong, Tianluo? What's the connection? "

The fog was shining on Lin Tian's head, especially the relationship between Tian Luo and Nangong Xue was not fully understood. At this moment, another thing came out, which made Lin Tian not calm down.

"What are you thinking?" King Ningxi asked, and Lin Tian went back to the divine way, "is it ten thousand immortals that can find the Moon Palace?"


Lin Tian understood and asked, "well, now the whole moon, Wang Xing, who is ten thousand immortals?"

"This is our Ning family. It's said that there is an old ancestor who has reached more than nine thousand, nearly ten thousand. It's estimated that there are many other families who have reached more than nine thousand."

When Lin Tian knew it, he looked at the place. "Is there any here?"

"This? At most seven or eight thousand, if you want more than nine thousand, it's difficult. " King Ningxi replied, and Lin Tian understood and said, "then I challenge the person at the top of the ladder."

Finish saying, Lin Tian is ready to go up the ladder, but in the first ladder, there is a man covered with animal skin stopped Lin Tian and said with a smile, "boy, do you want to go up? That's better than me. "

Lin Tian takes a look. After the other party has only 3000 fairies, Lin Tian directly says, "you are too weak!"

"What?" This man was not happy, and the people around, seeing a fairy King appear, and also look down on this man wearing animal skin, they began to talk about it.

"Where did this kid come from? Caixianjun, is it so crazy? "

"Who is not crazy to come to the blood immortal devil Valley?"

"That's right, too."

Just now, the old lady came out of the crowd, saw Lin Tian and the man in the animal skin and smiled and said, "crazy beast, this boy, it's not easy. Be careful."

That man in animal skin, that is, this guy called crazy beast, saw that the old lady said that about Lin Tian'an, but refused to accept the way, "grandma Hua, don't scare me, he's just a fairy king. How strong can he be?"

"Really, I just suffered from him." The old woman laughed, but the wild animal didn't believe it, and stared at Lin Tian and said, "boy, I tell you, I don't take you seriously at all!"

"Get out of the way." Lin Tian just said three words lightly, but the other side couldn't stand it. He punched out and said, "look for death!"

But this fist hit Lin Tian, "Dang", the other side stopped, and then stared at Lin Tian strangely, "you."

People around also showed curiosity until someone shouted, "this boy's golden body, not bad."

"Interesting. I'll try." Suddenly someone rushed out, looking for Lin Tian to compete, while others went crazy.

Who knows these people actually in order to be able to compete with Lin Tian, but fight up, and Lin Tian froze, in the heart secretly murmured, "as expected are all lunatics."

After a while, they were all killed and injured, but none of them gave in and shouted to continue.

Lin Tian can't help but look back and look at the wild beast, "get out of the way, or you fall down."

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you." The wild beast was on guard immediately, and his eyes were fierce at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian had to sigh, and then a palm of his hand gathered together to destroy the animal.

At the beginning, the wild beast was arrogant, but at the next moment, his brow was wrinkled and his face was ugly. But the old lady said with a smile, "I said wild beast, how does it taste?"

"No more playing!" The wild beast immediately retreated to one side and let Lin Tian have the second step. Although there were stone tablets on the second step, no one came out to stop it. Lin Tian continued.

After about ten steps, he suddenly shouted, "are you kidding me? Did you let a fairy King run to my place? "

When they saw the past, they were a big man with great strength and a lot of heavy armor on his back.

This big man, a rough skin, and walk, the earth is shaking.

The people immediately discussed and said, "how is this mighty king coming back?"

"I thought he was gone."

"I thought so."

Ningxi king then told Lin Tian, "he is a famous King of great power in the South District, and he can play a powerful power without the immortal method. As for his immortal way, it has reached more than 4000."

Lin Tian heard more than four thousand words, and had a little interest. The king took a look at Lin Tian. "Boy, do you know who I am?"

"I only care about your strength, but not your name." Lin Tian's words were heard by all.

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