The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2097 is the same thing

But to everyone's surprise, Lin Tian didn't do anything, and he let the wind roll the mat, and even laughed at the shadow master, "go on."

The shadow ancestor is so depressed that he can't take Lin Tian, especially other forces, which have been greatly increased. The purple ghost immortal in the air laughs, "you have some skills, so you can resist?"

"You are too weak for blessing." Lin Tian despises the way, but this purple ghost fairy is stupefied after next smiled, "too weak?"

"Any questions?" Lin Tian asked, and the purple fairy couldn't help laughing.

Lin Tian doesn't pay attention, but the purple ghost fairy starts, and the speed is very fast. All of a sudden, he gives the shadow ancestor more strength.

Lin Tian, however, enjoyed staring at the shadow and said with a smile, "hurry up!"

Under the power blessing, the shadow ancestor thought that he was very powerful, so he also frantically gave Lin Tian the power to bless, but he still couldn't do anything about Lin Tian.

The shadow ancestor, even the family, felt puzzled and stared at Lin Tian strangely.

But Lin Tian laughed, "what? No way? "

Shadow ancestor is not willing to, but also to the sky purple ghost fairy said, "Purple ghost fairy, give me a little power."

The power given by the purple ghost fairy is already the limit, so he said there, "I've given everything I can, but you still can't."

Purple ghost fairy said words, let that shadow ancestor very depressed, until that purple ghost fairy said, "let me come!"

After that, the purple ghost fairy hit Lin Tian with a faint purple light, and there was an independent space around Lin Tian. Then Lin Tian saw a person standing in front of him.

The man's face is covered with bark, looks like a tree man, and looks at Lin Tian and says with a smile, "little guy, you have some abilities."

Lin Tian looked around and said with a smile, "it makes me fall into a dream."

"Yes, in my dream, I will toss you as I want." That purple ghost fairy complacent way.

Lin Tian smiled at him. "You are sure that in my dream, how do you want to toss me, how do you want to toss me?"

"Nonsense, I'm a famous dreamer. Once someone else gets my dream, he will be tortured by me in my dream." The purple ghost fairy said confidently, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "then you look down on me too much."

"Look down? You're just a fairy king. You want to turn the sky, don't you? " Purple fairy laughs.

Lin Tian smiled but didn't speak, and the purple ghost fairy had to say, "let you experience it first."

Finish saying, this purple ghost fairy makes a rope, directly entangles Lin Tian, but this is actually to the soul attack.

Then the purple fairy began to inject power, and the rope rolled with lightning, as if to kill Lin Tian.

Lin Tian is still smiling, and the purple ghost fairy looks at Lin Tian strangely, "why don't you do anything?"

"You think I have something?" Lin Tian asked ziguixian with a smile, and ziguixian said strangely, "say, what's going on!"

"To tell you the truth, my soul is much stronger than you, and you want me to be attacked by you in your dream, you are too naive." Lin Tian finishes saying, a big drink, this purple ghost fairy, immediately is frightened by Lin Tian's momentum.

"You." Purple ghost fairy stare big eyes, and Lin tianxie smile, "how, feel comfortable?"

The purple ghost fairy began to think that Lin Tian was not simple, so he took a leap and turned into a purple light and disappeared.

The dreams around Lin Tian disappear and come back to reality, and people are curious about what happened to Lin Tian just now.

For Lin Tian, he looked up, stared at the purple light in the air and said with a smile, "what? That's how you escaped? "

"Boy, don't be complacent. I will find a way to clean you up!" After this purple light finished, it took a leap and disappeared from there.

People are curious about what happened just now, but Lin Tian is very calm, and he laughs at the face of the ignorant shadow ancestor, "he's gone, it's your turn."

"I can't help you, but you don't want to get it," said the shadow master

Lin Tian's right hand stretched out, and a pen appeared, but Ning Laozu knew Lin Tian was going to start, so he reminded the shadow Laozu, "shadow Laozu, I advise you to surrender quickly."

"Surrender? I said Ning Laozu, do you think he is an Immortal King, what is his qualification to let me surrender? " The shadow ancestor sneered.

Ning Laozu is helpless. "Soon, you will know."

"The shadow ancestor laughs," will you know soon

At this time, countless shackles quickly went up and caught the shadow ancestor, and the spirit of the shadow ancestor was immediately caught by something and pulled out of the body.

The people of the shadow family, one by one, are curious about what's going on, and the shadow river is even more anxious, "Laozu!"

The shadow ancestor panicked and began to look at Lin Tian and said, "boy, can you have a good chat?"

"Have a good chat? What are you talking about? " Lin Tian asked, and the shadow ancestor said gloomily, "I, I'll give you Xianjing, you let me go."

"Sure give it all to me?"

"Yes, it's all for you. It's in the magic of my body." When Lin Tian waved his hand, the shadow ancestor's body arrived in front of Lin Tian. Lin Tian took out a space magic weapon, checked it for a while, and then smiled and said, "I knew it would be like this. Why did you do it in the first place?"

"I'm wrong!" The shadow ancestor begged for mercy again, and Lin Tian hit his immortal soul with a soul seal, and then let go.

The people of the shadow family don't know what happened at all, but the shadow ancestor knows that he has been controlled by Lin Tian.

This makes the shadow ancestor stand there shocked, and Lin Tianxiao says, "no need to send it."

Finish saying, Lin Tian takes Ning Laozu to leave, and that masked woman and her servant girl hurry to follow.

Yingchuan then came to yinglaozu, "Laozu, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter? Shut up for me! " Shadow ancestor is very angry, but helpless, and finally left angrily.

Ning Laozu is looking forward to following Lin Tian, and Lin Tian throws the bag to him, "is that enough?"

Ning Laozu hesitated, "although Xianjing has it, it's hard to say whether it can break through."

"Don't worry, I'll make another array for you. With these excellent immortal crystals, you can attack ten thousand immortals."

Ning Laozu asked excitedly, "really?"

"Well, I have to find an immortal vein. I don't know what famous immortal veins are around here?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and Ning Laozu said stupidly, "the most famous thing in the south district is the immortal vein that no one dares to go."

"Oh? Where? "

"Do you really want to go?" That Ning old ancestor is uneasy, obviously he is also afraid of that place. As for Lin Tian, he says with a smile, "there is a good place, of course, to go, otherwise, how can we get twice the result with half the effort?"


"Well, come on, lead the way." Lin Tian didn't want to ask where he was. Anyway, he didn't know. But Ning Laozu had to lead the way.

But the masked woman suddenly said, "master Lin, I suggest not to go to that place!"

The servant girl also nodded madly, "yes, that place is one of the most terrible places in the south. If you go there, it will be broken to pieces."

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