The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2112 is nothing but rats!

After hearing the words of the masked woman, the servant girl suddenly became sad, "then are we in danger?"

"You can still choose to quit now and go back to Wen's house." The masked woman looked at the servant girl and said.

But the servant girl said gloomily, "I said, follow the young lady to the ends of the earth, so I am not afraid of danger!"

The masked woman sighed, "I'm a small thing, mainly this young master Lin, and I don't know if it will attract us. We are unexpected people."

"I don't know until I wait." The servant girl's face was helpless.

The masked woman had to wait quietly.

Lin Tian is waiting in his house quietly. On the first day, nothing happened. But on the second day, Meng Lin came again with leprosy, and asked the second child to call them down.

When the masked woman heard that Meng's family came, she immediately went to the inn hall, and that Meng Lin was still playing with his birdcage, and she was in a good mood and laughed, "come on."

But the servant girl did not understand, "you again?"

"Nonsense, of course we are. Is there anyone else who will come to you?" The Meng Lin asked, but the servant girl joked, "I ran away in a gray way before, but now I'm still here?"

"That's because we've got the tough guy to deal with." Meng Lin refers to Lin Tian behind the masked woman.

Lin Tian looked around and said, "Oh? What about people?

"He's good at changing looks and concealing breath, so I don't know when he will come or where he will appear." Meng Lin laughs.

After hearing this, the masked woman frowned, and the servant girl even scolded, "you are called joking!"

"Any questions? Ha ha! " Meng Lin smiled smugly, but Lin Tian smiled, found an empty table to sit down, and asked Xiao Er to prepare some dishes and said, "then I'll wait."

Meng Lin laughs, "boy, you have seed, but you have no choice to escape!"

"Escape? That's impossible! " Lin tianxie laughed, while Meng Lin looked at leprosy and said, "leprosy, you say, our elder, is it serious?"

Leprosy deliberately said, "he is our Meng emissary, even our ancestors are respectful to him."

"Yes, his ability is very strong." Menglin's mystical way was discussed by people nearby.

Obviously many people know about the messengers of the Meng family. Some people also say, "it is said that the messengers of the Meng family are very terrible."

"I've also heard that when he kills genius, he'll kill in one move."

The more they said, the more evil they were. But the servant girl was in a hurry. "Miss, who is this man? To be able to kill all genius with one stroke? "

"Perhaps those people are alarmist," said the masked woman

"But I always feel weird." The servant girl said uneasily, while the masked woman comforted her, "I think Mr. Lin will solve it."

But the servant girl looked at Lin Tian and said, "you are not afraid, Mr. Lin?"

"If I were afraid, I would not be sitting here." Lin Tian smiled confidently, and the servant girl nodded, "that's good."

The masked woman looked around to see if there was anything special, but Lin Tian said, "don't look, he's very well hidden."

The masked woman had to give up, and then the waiter brought up the wine and vegetables, but just when Lin Tian picked up a glass of wine, a blood red dagger appeared in the sleeve of the waiter, stabbing Lin Tian.

"Dang!" In a flash of golden light, the dagger hit Jin, but Lin Tian smiled at him. "You're the messenger, aren't you?"

They all looked at the past, and the little two immediately retreated to one side, and then a flash of white fog around, the other disappeared.

"Meng Lin suddenly lost way," unexpectedly did not kill him

Leprosy is also frown up, "so all resist down?"

But the servant girl said happily, "it seems that this messenger is just like this."

The masked woman explained, "the other side, it is estimated to hurt people by sneak attack, and it is the kind that makes people defenseless."

"But he miscalculated, young master Lin. he's golden, but invincible." The servant girl said with a smile.

The masked woman nodded, and the Meng Lin was not willing to, still humming, "wait, it's just beginning."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "you'd better let him prepare more backhand. If I catch him, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to escape."

"Don't be complacent." Meng Lin was upset, and then took out the stone to communicate.

Leprosy is waiting in silence until Meng Lin is depressed and puts away the stone, and the leprosy is curious and asks, "how about it? What did the messenger say? "

"The emissary said that the first time it didn't succeed, it could only wait for the second time, but the next time it will be the boy's death." That Menglin airway.

Leprosy understand what is the same, no longer ask, and Lin Tian spent a day in the hall, no movement, up and said with a smile, "it's dark, isn't he coming?"

"Can you manage it?" said Meng Lin

Seeing Meng Lin's arrogance, the servant girl quickly said to Lin Tian, "master Lin, don't be polite to him, just catch him up and let him out."

"Don't arrest him, that guy will come." Lin Tian finished saying that, he went back upstairs, and the masked woman and servant girl had no choice but to go upstairs.

Meng Lin sneers, "wait, it will be your death soon."

For Lin Tian, when he came back to the room, he arranged it in the room. He didn't open the window until a long time later, and then sat down to have a rest.

Meng Lin looked downstairs at the time and laughed, "it's almost there."

Leprosy but doubt way, "this messenger can succeed?"

"Don't worry, the messenger can't fail." Meng Lin said confidently, but leprosy always feels like it will fail.

However, Lin Tianna began to move.

I saw Lin Tian sitting there, felt a breeze, smiled, "come in, show up."

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing skin and rough face appeared, and his body also exuded a light green light.

"Boy, it's good. I hide so well. Can you find me coming in?" The man stared at Lin Tian strangely.

Lin Tian opened his eyes and smiled at him. "It's said that you are very powerful. You can kill genius in an instant, right?"

"Yes!" The man said proudly, but Lin Tian joked, "then why don't you kill me with a single blow?"

"I was going to succeed today, but I didn't expect you to have such a strong defense, so I had to come again when you didn't pay attention, and you found out again." The man was very upset.

Lin Tian smiled, "it seems that you are a rat."

"As long as you can kill, you don't care who I am."

Lin Tian sat there and said with a smile, "well, I'll sit here and I won't fight back, but if you can't hurt me, I won't be polite in the end."

"Don't fight back? Boy, do you think I'm a fool? " The man didn't believe it, and Lin Tian smiled at him. "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

The man said coldly, "I'm not polite if you are so crazy!"

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