The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2119 return to God

Lin Tian thought about it and said, "you can arrange it and trap him."

Hear Lin Tian say sleepy, masked woman and her servant girl all know what meaning.

Lin Tian said that he would do as soon as he could, and began to set up the array around here. Until the next day, at dawn, Naning old ancestor appeared again.

However, as soon as Ning Laozu appeared, he was bound by Lin Tian's array, so he couldn't leave at all. He could only collide with the array there, and he was as stupid as a fool.

The servant girl was frightened. "Look, his forehead is bleeding."

Masked woman dignified, "so hit down, not dead also hurt."

Lin Tian condenses his pen in the array, then locks his soul, and then pulls his soul out.

At last, Lin Tian's body was separated and examined. Finally, from his body, he found a stone with a faint white light.

"I found it." Lin Tian is very happy, and then put back the soul of Ning Laozu.

Ning Laozu suddenly lost his power and passed out in a coma. The masked woman and her servant girl were curious about what happened to Ning Laozu.

Lin Tian, however, was calm and went to check.

Maybe for a while, Ning Laozu opened his eyes, but now, instead of being silly, he looked puzzled and even looked at Lin Tian and others, "why am I here?"

Seeing that Ning Laozu recovered his mind, the servant girl said excitedly, "finally, she is sober."

"Awake?" Ning Laozu didn't understand, and the masked woman explained everything one by one.

Hearing this, Ning Laozu was shocked. "What? I will be controlled? "

"Yes." The masked woman nodded, and Ning took a breath. He couldn't believe it.

Lin Tian took out the stone in his hand. "It's this stone."

"Isn't this a conveyor stone? How can we control people? " That masked woman did not understand, but Ning Laozu was also confused, even very confused.

Lin Tian stared at the stone, then looked up into the air. "It seems that there is a mystery in the stone."

"Do you understand?" The masked woman asked curiously, and Lin Tian said, "look at it in the evening."

Then Lin Tian and others sat there, and the masked woman continued to ask Ning Laozu, but Ning Laozu seemed to have lost his memory, and he didn't remember anything.

At last, they had to stop asking, and Lin Tian waited until after the night, and the stone began to flash.

When Lin Tianzheng felt that he was going to be sucked away, suddenly a powerful force hit Lin Tian, trying to crush him. At the same time, a strong voice shouted, "look for death."

Before Lin Tian could react, he was beaten and the stone in his hand disappeared.

Ning Laozu and others were shocked and hurriedly surrounded the past. Lin Tian was OK and stood up, but he could sense the power of the voice just now.

What makes Lin Tian curious is that the voice is very like a person.

"The woman?" Lin Tian thought about it carefully, and thought of the blood beast that she met in xianmai.

The masked woman and others did not know what Lin Tian thought, so they looked at him curiously until Lin Tian said, "OK, go to the cloth house."

"Bujia? So this? " The masked woman is suspicious, but the servant girl also doesn't understand, "don't you look for the moon palace now?"

"It's not that we don't find it, but that the stone is gone, and we can't continue to study it." Lin Tian exclaimed.

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly depressed, and Lin Tian picked up his mood and said, "at least, there is a little clue."

"Clues?" Everyone looked at each other, and Lin Tian said, "as long as you find the origin of the messenger, you will understand."

"Emissary? Origin? Does he have anything to do with this month's palace? " The masked woman was curious, but the servant girl murmured, "the emissary is all gone."

"Find Bu's house and ask about yuewangchi. It should have a result soon." Lin Tian said to them.

The masked women and others looked puzzled, but Lin Tian took them directly and left. But Ning's father didn't know the cloth family or the emissary. He didn't understand until the maid explained one by one.

However, it has been several days since Lin Tian's people came to cloth's house.

At the moment, the Bujia City, like some big cities, is very busy. After the servant girl went in, she played around and didn't want to go.

Lin Tian goes to the cloth's house after he directly inquires about its whereabouts.

Until an hour later, they came to the front door of the cloth house, and the guards of the mansion were very strict and stopped them quickly.

A guard also said, "who is that?"

"I'm looking for your cloth master." Lin Tian was very straightforward and didn't talk too much. The guard looked at Lin Tian and asked, "is there an invitation? Or, who are you? I'll inform you. "

Lin Tian didn't know what to say, and the masked woman and others didn't know what to say.

This made the guards suspicious, so the leader said, "everyone, if you are here to make trouble, I ask you to leave immediately, or we will blow you away."

Lin Tian smiled back, "we are not making trouble, but we are really busy."

"What is it, say!" The guard asked patiently, and Lin Tian said, "well, there is an emissary. Let me come to your master."

"Emissary? What emissary? " The guard didn't understand, and Lin Tian hesitated, "it's the messenger who judges you when the four families play every year."

"You mean him?" The guard was suspicious, and Lin Tianen said, "yes, it's him."

"Any references? Or to prove that he asked you to come. " The guard is very scrutinized.

Lin Tian wondered, "how can you audit so strictly?"

"No way, this is our cloth rule, so if you want to go in, you can show that you are sent by the messenger." That guard is not afraid of Lin Tian's identity. He is serious.

Lin Tian had no choice but to smile. "So, if I can't prove it, I can't go in."


Lin Tian looked at the servant girl. "I think you have a good eloquence. Come on."

The servant girl was stunned and hurried forward, and stared at them and said, "you'd better make way, or he will start, you are not his opponent!"

Lin Tian's face was black immediately. "I let you use your eloquence, not to threaten you."

"It's all the same." The servant girl replied, and the masked woman couldn't help laughing. As for Ning Laozu, he opened the ten thousand immortal ways directly.

When they saw the ten thousand immortals, they were immediately shocked. After all, all the people of the ten thousand immortals had gone to the Moon Palace. They could not appear in the street, let alone in front of them.

So one by one the guards ran back to the mansion and closed the gate.

Ning Laozu was also happy to say, "it's not as good as my momentum!"

That servant girl is depressed immediately way, "ten thousand fairies way, put where, who can frighten a jump!"

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