The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 212 senior treatment

Lin Tianbei walked to the blood refining city and explained, until they were stunned, especially Ouyang Fei hesitated, "so the purpose of the blood refining city is to collect all kinds of genius's blood?"


Ouyang Fei took a breath, and Pang Shan could not imagine, "I didn't expect that the blood refining City, which has been standing for thousands of years, will be abandoned by you!"

Ouyang Fei also looked at Lin Tian in disbelief. She felt that this man was terrible. Lin Tian's next words made them look pale.

"The Lord of the city has been killed by me, and his soul has been detained by me, so don't be afraid, those who practice blood will not doubt you."

"What?" Ouyang Fei and Pang Shan stared at Lin Tian in horror.

Lin Tian continues to walk on as if nothing happened to him. Ouyang Fei sees Lin Tian walk out for several steps, and then she looks back at Pang Shan. "Master, he, is he human?"

"It's the first time I've ever heard of building foundations and destroying gods." Pangshan has been covered.

In fact, Lin Tian knew that he was totally lucky this time. If it wasn't for the blood sword to absorb blood, and if it wasn't for the power of five golden elites in his body, I'm afraid that in front of the blood sand, he might have died.

"Hoo, I have to continue to make the remaining four golden elixirs take shape. Then I will enter the golden elixir period completely and see what changes will happen!"

At this moment, Lin Tian is looking forward to the formation of nine golden elixirs, and wants to see what impact it will have on himself.

But the two behind, looking at Lin Tian's look at the moment, are all in awe. They dare not say anything more. They are also afraid of saying something wrong, but follow in silence.


three days later, the three slowly returned to the ten thousand demons.

Mo old man saw three people come back, hurriedly came forward to feel guilty and said, "master, I'm really sorry."

"What's the matter?" Pang Shan looked puzzled, and the old man Mo hesitated, "the day after you went out, the man with black red collar will come to ask for someone. You are not here, and the old monsters with black red collar will be fierce. In order to avoid loss, we let go of Qiu kuanfeng!"

As soon as the words came out, Pang Shan became angry. "A black red collar, what are you afraid of?"

"The black red collar is not afraid, but the Longyou valley behind him is a medium-sized clan. Although they have something to do recently, they still invite a person from the peak of transforming gods to help us."

Don Mo, he looks ugly, but Pangshan is afraid that Lin Tian is not happy. He looks at Lin Tian and says, "I'm sorry."

"It's OK. The black and red collar business is my business, not yours!" Lin Tian doesn't think much about it. After all, the peak of the transformation is different from the ordinary transformation. Even if the people of the ten thousand demons are powerful, it's hard to fight with them.

Pang Shan was ashamed to hear Lin Tian's words, and Ouyang Fei hesitated, "Mr. Lin, if you need anything, just say that I'm willing to fight with you."

Pang Shan also said, "I can bring some people to support you."

Don Mo didn't know why they were so polite to Lin Tian. Lin Tian shook his head and smiled, "no need."

Pangshan and Lin Tian are nervous, but Lin Tian hesitates to ask, "what's the relationship between this Longyou Valley and Longyou city?"

"Longyou city was originally a fourth class city, belonging to Tianlong city! The Fengyun city is the same, but thousands of years ago, the people of Longyou Valley moved to Longyou City, and the name of Longyou city changed from its original name to chenglongyou city. With the support of Longyou Valley, the fourth class city has become half of the third class city, which is also the richest and most famous one among all the fourth class cities under Tianlong city. "

Lin Tian Oh voice, did not rest assured heart, then looked at two people, "I also should go back!"

Finish saying, Lin Tian left here.

Pang Shan looks at Ouyang Fei. "Do you want to keep up?"


"I'm afraid he's not happy." Pang Shan hesitated, and Ouyang Fei was a little afraid, "he, can't see through, I'm afraid too!"

Old man Mo on one side looked at the two men and asked strangely, "what's wrong with you? It's mysterious! "

Ouyang Fei and Pang Shan have told Lin Tian what happened to the blood refining city one by one, especially when it comes to the city Lord, this old man Mo has opened his mouth.

"How is it? Are you afraid? " Pang Shan sighed, and the old man Mo stammered, "order, people of the ten thousand demons sect, don't provoke anyone in Tianshui gate! Remember, it's anyone! Otherwise, it will be abandoned and the demons will be expelled! "

For old Mo's decision, Pang Shan also supported and nodded. As for Ouyang Fei, she stared at Lin Tian's back and said, "who are you? Why can't you see through? "

Lin Tian has already left. I don't know what these people say.


two days later, Lin Tian returns to Tianshui gate slowly, and the defense array of Tianshui gate is still open, but there is a lot of quiet outside, no one is harassing.

When Xu Bai and others saw Lin Tian coming back, they were very happy. Mu Dong even went up and said, "Grandpa, you are back at last!"

Lin Tian had been out for nearly ten days, so he looked at the crowd curiously. "After I left, did those black and red collars still come?"

Mudong quickly explained with a smile and said, "ancestor, those who were out there soon withdrew, and then they didn't appear."

Lin Tian feels something is wrong, especially this black red ridge has a big back. He should attack again.

"What's the matter with the black and red collar?" Lin Tian didn't understand. He asked.

They shook their heads, but Xu Bai took out an invitation letter. "By the way, there is an invitation letter. It's Fengyun city. Fengyun Er Lao asked people to send it here."

Lin Tian was curious to take the invitation, only to see it said, "important things to talk about, if you have returned, please come quickly!"

"What's important? What are these two guys doing? " Lin Tian's face was puzzled, but the empty white air path was divine. "Ancestor, we Tianshui gate, now it's the most powerful gate in Fengyun city."

"The best?"

"Yes, since you destroyed the Tianyang clan and gave the black red collar clan to the pit, now everyone dare not provoke us, and even a lot of people want to join us, but recently I'm afraid that someone will make trouble, so I haven't accepted them!"

Empty white finish saying, other elders are also happy, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "don't worry, wait for my golden realm, I will let the clan become a medium clan."

"What?" When they heard about zhongzongmen, they were all shocked. Lin Tian didn't explain, but he took Lingmao and left for Fengyun city.

On the back of the civet, Lin Tian is curious about what the Fengyun Er Lao is doing by sending an invitation to himself.


now in the Fengyun hall, tie laokui looks at the Old Dan excitedly, "that boy is back to tianshuimen."

"You know?" Old Dan was curious. "I have Eyeliner at Tianshui gate," he said. "He just gave me a voice."

Old Dan immediately eyebrows, a face surprised way, "then he? Did you get the invitation? "

"Here we are, coming!"

The old man hurriedly got up, "go, inform the city Lord, and hurry to prepare for his arrival!"



Lin Tian has a civet. He will arrive at Fengyun city in a short time. When Lin Tian enters the city, he can hear people everywhere talking about blood refining city.

"Have you heard? Blood refining city is now a ghost city! "

"Ghost town?"

"Yes, some time ago, it was said that after collecting the blood of genius, everyone dared not go, so people there withdrew one after another."

"What about the blood refiners?"

"I don't know. It disappeared the next day, even the guards."

"That's empty?"

"Well, it is said to be!"

Hearing these people talking about it, Lin Tiancai had no choice but to smile when he knew that the city of blood refining was empty

Suddenly a group of guards rushed out, and the leader was bloodline leader. He came up and said respectfully, "Mr. Lin."

"You, look for me?" Lin Tian was surprised to see such a big battle, and the onlookers were even more surprised.

"Look, this is the ancestor of tianshuimen!"

"The lineage leaders come to meet them in person. What's the situation?"

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