The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2122 goodbye mysterious woman

"Ask you something! What are you doing? " The servant girl asked urgently, and the masked woman was curious to stare at these people to know what they were afraid of.

Ning Laozu even came forward and patted someone on the shoulder, "little guy, hurry up! You will not be killed! "

These people dare not say, but they are controlled by the ghost king, so when Lin Tian asks again, those people dare not hide anything.

One guard also took the lead in saying, "the owner here lives in the center of the city, but there's a formation that won't let us pass, otherwise anyone who passes will die on the spot."

"Oh? Is that right? " Ning Laozu asked, those people nodded wildly, and Lin Tian let them lead the way.

These people don't want to, but their bodies lead the way obediently. In this city, it's very desolate, not even a common people and friars, there are only some guards guarding around.

At first, those guarding people wanted to stop Lin Tian, but after Lin Tian got these people down one by one, they could only walk in obediently.

So, for an hour, they came to the center of the city.

There was a huge blood red array there, and people couldn't see it.

"That's it." Someone pointed to the array and said, while Ning Laozu stared at it and was shocked, "what a terrible array."

That servant girl is more demented way, "Miss, this, is all blood?"

The masked woman doubted, "maybe not."

Lin Tian saw the same blood red gas in the immortal vein and said, "wait here, I'll go and have a look."

Lin Tian then walked over, but the guards were frightened one by one. Some people didn't dare to open their eyes. At the same time, some people murmured, "will they die?"

When these people were muttering, Lin Tian had arrived at the front of the array, and nothing happened.

Then Lin Tian, another one, walked into the array and disappeared from the public.

"He went in?" Some people were shocked, others were surprised and said, "this is too powerful."

But the masked woman frowned, "what is the place in this array?"

That servant girl also wants to know, but Ning Laozu says, "still stay here honestly, that kind of place, is not what we should go to."

The two women had to be honest, and Lin Tian was in the array at the moment, and saw many people, men and women, young, old and young.

These people were originally sitting around practicing, but Lin Tian's appearance shocked them.

I saw these people open their eyes and stare at Lin Tian in surprise. One of the young people made a leap and fell in front of Lin Tian with blood light on his body and said, "boy, who are you? Why can I come in? "

"It's my skill that I can come in, but it's you, and who is it?" Lin Tianhu looks at them suspiciously.

The other side didn't say, instead humed, "the outsiders who come here must die."

Then the young man gathered a mass of blood with one hand, and then the mass of blood hit out and hit Lin Tian heavily.

Lin Tian's golden light flashes, and the powerful golden body resists the attack of the opponent.

This scene, let these people surprise in succession, "this person, how can resist the attack of blood Europe?"

"Did the blood drain?"

The young airway called xueou said, "I didn't drain!"

Hearing xueou's words, everyone was more shocked, but Lin Tian looked at them and asked again, "who are you?"

"Don't ask me more, boy!" That blood Europe finish saying, just like a bloody shadow, arrive in front of Lin Tian, and then hit Lin Tian heavily.

Lin Tian was hit directly and then covered by a pile of ruins.

Those people relaxed, then talked and laughed, "I thought he was so good."

"It seems that it's just Xianjun. It's no big deal."

"Yeah, it scared us to death."

That blood Europe is also put up fists, stained with self-confidence, but unexpected things happened.

I saw Lin Tian suddenly climb out of the ruins, and everyone saw this scene, one by one, scared, even hiding far away.

Some people stare at Lin Tian like monsters.

Blood Europe is to stare big eye more, "how can, you, why do you have nothing?"

Lin Tian smiled at him. "If you just want to take me down because of this, you must look down on me."

"You, you are a monster." That blood Europe is anxious, still stare at Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian went to him step by step, and the blood Europe cast again, but the result was the same, and he could not do anything about Lin Tian.

Not only that, Lin Tian's right hand stretched out, but also gathered a pen. Seeing Lin Tian's pen, the blood ona said, "what is this?"

Others also want to know that at the next moment, all the people know how terrible Lin Tian is.

Xueou is also in a hurry. He wants to break away from Lin Tian's control, but no matter how he tries, he can't break away. He can only stare at him and scold him, "boy, hurry up, let me go!"

"What if I don't?"

"If you don't let it go, I'll fight with you!"

"Oh? Spell it? How are you going to spell it? I control all your spirits! "

"I, I can burn the immortal soul." The blood Europe threatened, and Lin Tian thought of the messenger before and said, "don't you want to die?"

"We are not afraid of death!" he said

Lin Tian knows that if he goes on like this, he will definitely force the other party to death, so Lin Tian deliberately intends to let go, and that blood Europe is relieved to see the chain disappear a little bit.

But at this time, Lin Tian's Tu Fen body appeared behind him, and Tu Fen body also took the ghost king, and directly let the ghost King pass through his body to control his immortal soul.

Then Lin Tian rushes to this blood Europe quickly and breaks into the soul seal. The blood Europe stares at Lin Tian strangely, "you."

Other people are curious about what happened, and Lin Tian laughs and says, "now, can you still die?"

Lin Tianbian said while stealing the memory, who knew that the blood Europe began to panic, and then shouted, "no, I don't want it!"

Then the body of the blood Europe began to rot, and finally turned into a pool of blood water, and the people were scared and looked at the sky.

At this time, there is a stone statue floating in the sky and flashing blood light. Lin Tian looks at the stone statue and feels the breath inside and says, "it's you again."

It's the mysterious woman in it. She has a little bit of an unexpected way. "You are not easy. You can find it."

"Thank you, the messenger."

"Oh? Did you kill that man? "

"It wasn't, it was his own suicide." Lin Tian explained, but the mysterious woman smiled and said, "I've already said that he would die if he was exposed like this. I guessed it."

"You're not one?" Lin Tian feels a little surprised, but the mysterious woman laughs? Which eye did you see it? "

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