The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2134 mining Secrets

Lin Tian has come to a white place, and the mysterious woman seems to have disappeared.

"The confusion interferes with the soul, and it's impossible to find out where she is." Lin Tianning recovers, and then releases countless shadows one by one, looking for them in different directions.

In this way, under the infinite split of the shadow, the four places are soon Lin Tian, or even one in a few steps.

This makes the mysterious woman in the dark scold, "if you let him close, you will find the secret in the dark."

Thinking of this, the mysterious woman, looking at the coma of the current palace master depressed way, "it seems that you can only give him first."

So the mysterious woman pulled up the current palace leader, and then made a leap, and began to fly out, and some of the ghosts immediately found the trace of the mysterious woman, and pursued.

Lin Tian met her at the door.

The mysterious woman rushed out of the tomb, stared at Lin Tian, and supported the current palace leader with a force, "if you don't want her to die, you should leave."

"If you dare to move her, I can't spare you."

But the mysterious woman wondered, "boy, why do you want to get tangled?"

"I'm just curious."

"Heavy? Boy, I advise you, don't be so curious. " The mysterious woman threatened again, and Lin Tianleng said, "then you have to satisfy my curiosity."

"Curiosity, no! If you have the ability, you can chase it! " After that, the mysterious woman escaped with the palace leader.

Lin Tian immediately chases out, but the shitaihe Tianwan is scared, especially when the palace leader is thrown to them, they are at a loss.

After Lin Tian came out, he hurriedly went to check to make sure that she was just in a coma and asked, "what about that woman?"

"Gone." The Abbess was embarrassed, and Tianwan nodded, "yes, to that area, in a blink of an eye, it's gone."

Hearing this, Lin Tian frowned. "This woman, what is it?"

Abbess and Tianwan also want to know about this problem. Lin Tian can only wake up bingnv and stare at her. "Are you ok?"

Bingnv is also hostile to Lin Tian, especially when she sees herself lying outside the mausoleum, "how am I here?"

"A woman in red, caught you and made you dizzy." Lin Tian stares at bingnv, but bingnv doesn't believe it. She even says, "don't fool me. How can people in the Moon Palace catch me?"

Lin Tian wryly smiled, "if you don't believe it, ask them both."

Abbess and Tianwan explain the matter one by one, and the ice girl's eyes widened when she heard that the palace lords were under control

"Not yet?" Lin Tian laughs at her, and the ice girl stares, "you control me, of course I don't believe you."

Lin Tian had no choice but to smile and stood up and said, "believe it or not, anyway, I already know your origin."

"My origin?" The ice girl was suspicious, and Lin Tian said, "well, I know how you came from your master's memory, and I also know your real name."

"My master, where is she?"

This reminds Lin Tian. He suddenly turns around and stares at the mausoleum and says, "it seems that I have to go back to have a look."

"Going back?" The Abbess was shocked, and Tianwan stared at Lin Tian strangely, "no need."

"There are many secrets in it. I must go." Lin Tian said coldly, but Shi Taihe Tianwan could not speak, so he could only watch in silence.

Lin Tian doesn't want to let bingnv go wrong again, so he stares at her, "it seems that it's necessary to wronged you."

then, Lin Tian gets this bingnv into the ghost book space, so that she won't be in danger again, but Shi Taihe Tianwan looks at each other.

Lin Tian glanced at them. "You can do whatever you want. It's useless anyway."

When the two heard this, they left immediately. Lin Tian couldn't help shaking his head and entering the mausoleum again. The mysterious woman in the dark scolded, "Damn it, why is this boy so persistent?"

At the moment, Lin Tian came to the mausoleum again, went into the wall, looked at the white fog everywhere, "find the palace masters."

I saw Lin Tian's shadow continue to spread, and began to search around crazily.

The mysterious woman reappeared and stared at a magic shadow airway. "Boy, I've given you people. Why don't you keep your promise?"

"I knew you had a secret here." Lin Tian is evil smile, and that mysterious woman is furious, "you."

"What? I'm afraid I'll find the secret, so I'm back? " Lin Tian laughs at the mysterious woman, and the mysterious woman says, "boy, I've given you all the people. You should keep your promise and leave here."

"Funny, you didn't think so when I first asked you to give it to me and talk to you."

At first, the mysterious woman didn't want to give Lin Tian any palace leader, but at the moment, in order to keep the secret, she just left the ice girl to Lin Tian, but she didn't expect Lin Tian to catch up with her.

"What? Sorry? " Lin Tian smiled when he saw that the other side was dazed, and the mysterious woman said gloomily, "boy, I tell you, I won't be afraid of you."

"I don't care if you are afraid of me, but what I can tell you is that those palace lords, I must find out, and your secret, I must dig, unless you can tell me yourself." Lin Tian laughed.

Mysterious woman airway, "you dream."

Finish saying, the other side turned into a red light disappeared, and Lin tianben sneered, "want me to give up? Dream! "

Lin Tian's shadow continued to spread until a shadow stopped at the foot of a mountain, on which there was a huge stone pillar with the breath of 38 palace masters.

Lin Tian was so happy that he hurriedly got there and then stared at the mountain and said with a smile, "it should be on this."

However, the mountain is so steep that it can't climb at all, and it has great binding force and can't leap. Lin Tian has to use space jumping to start jumping there.

About a moment, Lin Tian came to the top.

At the moment, under the huge stone pillar, there is a door, and Lin Tian goes in. The thirty-eight palace masters sit in thirty-eight positions, and two of them are empty.

Lin Tianhu walked in doubtfully, and stared at the palace Lords. He saw that each of them stared at a similar altar in the middle.

"What kind of ceremony is it?" Lin Tianhu is suspicious, and the voice of the mysterious woman rings again, "boy, you are powerful."

"I'm here. Should I explain why?" Lin Tian smiled at the top of his head, and then the mysterious woman appeared again, and stared at Lin Tian and said, "why do I tell you?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll take these palace masters one by one. Then you can't control any of them." Lin Tian laughs.

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