The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2151 mutual understanding

"Cultivation?" Lin Tian had some accidents. Fang qingen said, "we are here. We need to practice every day to make our spirit stronger."

"Oh? What does Wang Shi do this month? "

"It can speed up the cultivation, and it can speed up one hundred times. It's very precious here." When Fang Qing talked about this, his eyes brightened and he was very excited.

But at this time, those people had rushed over, and Lin Tian stood out. Those people saw that it was a fairy queen and wondered.

Some people also asked rezier, "rezier, this boy, can't you solve it?"

Leize airway, "let's go. How can we get so much nonsense?"

Those people thought that as long as they took Lin Tian, they would not ask more questions, so some people took out magic weapons, and some people took out their own ghost or soul skills.

But these people, no matter what, can't do with Lin Tian's soul. Instead, Lin Tian stands there and lets them attack, and laughs at them, "have you had enough?"

Those people were depressed and stared at Lin Tian like monsters.

Some people even mutter, "this guy, isn't he just a fairy king?"

"No, fairy king, is there such a terrible power?"

Some people couldn't believe that it was true. When rezer saw this scene, he rushed into the crowd and disappeared.

Lin Tian stares at the others. "If you don't want to die, don't bother me."

With that, Lin Tian took the masked woman and Fang Qing and walked around the city, but those people scattered one by one and were not brave to make mistakes.

But there are also some brave people standing in the middle of the road, and Lin Tian smiled, "it seems that there are really people who are not afraid of death."

Those people are not afraid of Lin Tian, and some even boast, "boy, don't think you have some skills, you can go crazy."

"That's right. We are all the spirits of the immortal, and you? It's just a fairy king. " Some people don't take Lin Tian seriously.

Lin Tian laughed, "if so, then I'm not polite."

Finish saying, Lin Tian is not polite, the innumerable evil shadow spreads directly, then spreads the empty extinguish, on the spot several immortal souls scream continuously.

People know that Lin Tian is not only terrible in defense, but also in attack. Those immortal souls are scared to escape in a moment.

Lin Tianze looked at Fang Qing, who was shocked. "Where are these envoys going?"

"Moon, Moon Palace."

"Is there a Moon Palace?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and Fang qingen said, "in this city, there is a forbidden area, the Moon Palace, but not everyone can enter."

"What does that need?" Lin Tian asked, and Fang Qing continued to explain, "for example, envoys, or some strong people, who are invited by the Moon Palace, become the people in the Moon Palace, and they can enter and leave freely."

"Oh? And that's how it's differentiated? "

"Here, whoever has a strong spirit or ability can enter the Moon Palace." That square clear envy way.

Lin Tian says with a smile, "go, I'll show you around."

Fang Qing was startled. "Are you kidding?"

"I don't have one." Lin Tian finished saying that, he let out the Shitai and Tianwan, and the two people saw the situation everywhere and looked puzzled.

But people can find that the spirits of these two people are very strong, so they are afraid one by one.

Fang Qing stared at them strangely until someone shouted, "master Tianwan, abbess Mie?"

These two people are one of the top ten guardians of the original Moon Palace. Even though they are dead now, many of them used to belong to the original Moon Palace. So when I saw them, I was shocked one by one.

Abbess and Tianwan look at Lin Tian, and Lin Tian explains to them a little, and smiles and says, "go, take you to see the moon palace here."

They were obviously shocked at the moment, especially Tianwan exclaimed, "I didn't expect to come to the palace for another month after death."

Abbess also said inconceivably, "it's amazing."

Fang Qing was nervous. He didn't even think that Lin Tian was so terrible that he could bring two experts with him.

In this way, Lin Tian and others came to the outside of a palace surrounded by everyone.

There was only one array outside the palace. Outsiders could not see the situation inside, but there were two guards guarding the gate.

The two guards, seeing the bustle outside, were curious about what happened. On that day, Wan came up and stared at them and said, "I want to go in."

"Who are you? Why should I let you in? " A guard roared, and that day the pill immediately released a strong breath.

The guards immediately counseled and hurriedly ran back. Tianwan wanted to go in, but was blocked by the array.

Lin Tian smiled at him. "I'll do it."

Lin Tian comes forward and puts his hand on the array, but the array is looming, then everyone sees the whole array disappear.

Not only that, but also the appearance of the palace. It's just a crystal palace, and it's all reflective crystal. You can't see the inside.

But Tian Wan said excitedly, "go in and have a look."

Abbess also quickly followed. Lin Tian took Fang Qing and the masked woman to go in. As for other immortal souls, they could only stay outside and dare not step inside.

Some immortal souls are very strange, "this, can you go in?"

"Don't want to live, just go in!"

"Yes, I'm not invited. To go in like this is to die!"


when these people were talking, Lin Tian and others had entered the palace and met a group of guards in a corridor.

Among them, Lei Ze also found a person in charge, and the person in charge was serious, but Shi Taihe Tianwan was surprised to see him.

Especially Tianwan doubts, "Longming, you are still alive?"

The Abbess was also surprised and said, "didn't you die tens of thousands of years ago?"

"I just died physically, and then the immortal soul came here." Said the man named Long Ming.

They were very happy and hurried forward. It was obvious that they were good friends, but Longming said seriously, "they died in the recent collapse?"


"Yes, I heard that the outer Moon Palace has collapsed, leading to the death of all the people in the Moon Palace. Only the immortal soul has arrived here."

Abbess and Tianwan nodded oddly, and then looked down at Lin Tian. As for long Ming, he stared at Lin Tian and his two human beings, "who are they? Why are you here? "

They don't know how to explain, but Leize complains, "Lord long, these two guys, just cleaned us up, you must make the decision for us."

Long Ming looked at Lin Tian coldly. "Boy, you came here to play wild, didn't you think about the consequences?"

"I'm here, looking for someone." Lin Tian smiled at him, and Longming said coldly, "looking for someone?"

The Abbess quickly said to Longming, "you can help him if he wants to find something."

Tianwan also said, "yes, help him."

"Why should I help him? And what do you have to do with him? " That long Ming does not understand to question.

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