Lin Tian smiled. "You just give it to me. Can you solve it? It's my business."

Lovin didn't want to, but he stared at him and said, "why should I give it to you?"

"Then I have to rob myself." Lin Tian said, and Loewen stepped back and said, "boy, you've ruined my good deeds. I haven't asked you to settle accounts. Now you still want to deal with me?"

"What about you?" Lin Tian asked, and that Luowen airway, "don't push your foot!"

"Then give it to me, will it be ok?" Lin Tianbian said and released countless ghosts.

Luowen immediately said to Jin Xuying, "elder martial sister, let's join hands to deal with him."

"But his soul is very strong."

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just a fairy king." Luowen finished, began to play a way of soul, and Jin Xuying had to cooperate.

But when they met Lin Tian, their attack had no effect on him at all.

This makes Luowen very uncomfortable, even depressed way, "boy, do you have a soul defense magic weapon?"

"Do you think I need it?" Lin Tian stares at this Luowen and asks with a smile, while that Luowen is in a hurry. "You, you must have it."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, and then makes a feint, while Luowen and her elder martial sister dodge one after another.

Not only that, this Luowen is also very mad way, "boy, our speed is not bad, so you want to hurt us, is impossible!"

Lin Tian laughs, and then with a wave of his hand, the thirty-eight boxes all fly to Lin Tian, and Lin Tian puts them into the ghost book.

Rowan was furious. "Boy, you."

"Give me the method of sacrifice, otherwise these people will be in my hands. It is estimated that you have to find more than 200000 immortal people for many years, hasn't it?" Lin Tian laughed.

Rowan was half dead. "You mean little man!"

"Despicable?" Lin Tian suddenly laughed, and the rowan said, "yes, you are a villain."

Lin Tian didn't want to hear the other side's nonsense, but asked, "do you want to give it or not?"

"I, I ask my master!" That Luowen depressed to the extreme, then a turn around disappeared, as for the gold virtual shadow but stare at Lin Tiandao, "you, you don't want to escape."

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "I will not escape."

After Lin Tian finished, he looked around in silence. At the moment, Luowen ran into an independent space and said respectfully to a huge stone statue, "master."

"What's the matter?" A woman doubts voice to come, and that Luo Wen is depressed to explain things one by one.

Hearing this, the woman's airway inside the stone statue said, "you are so brave, you really think that I have no one here, right?"

"Master, what can I do now?"

"Let him in." The woman's airway, and rowan answered, "yes."

I saw Luowen leave, then I found Lin Tian and said to Lin Tian, "my master wants to see you."

"That's right." Lin Tian smiled, followed her steps and came to the independent space together.

Lin Tian then looked around, finally stared at the stone statue, looked at the familiar people, and suddenly laughed.

"Laugh what laugh?" That Luowen airway, and that stone statue's female voice also airway, "young man, you are really too presumptuous."

"I should have guessed, the ghost king without shadow, Mo junchou." Lin tianxie laughed, and the woman in the stone statue said, "who are you?"

Lin Tian put his hands back to his back. "When you said that you are in the fairyland and can't come back, I thought it's strange how a ghost king can't come back. It turns out that you are trapped here."

The woman was worried. "Who are you?"

"Don't worry, listen to my analysis first."

"Analyze what?" That Mo Jun was worried and worried, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "when I saw shadowless soul skill, I thought, this is your unique skill. How can people here use it? And how can they choose every ten thousand immortals to transform their immortals and make them come here even if they die, right?"

"Well, don't talk about it. I know all about it. Tell me about you. How do you know me?" Mo Jun is worried.

Lin Tian smiled at her. "You came out to talk with me, I'll tell you."

At this time, a dark shadow appears, until the other side's appearance condenses, a very amazing face appears.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "the first beauty in the ghost kingdom is indeed worthy of fame."

"You." Mo Jun's cold face was heavy, and Luowen wondered who Lin Tian was and why he knew his master.

Lin Tian laughs at Mo Jun's sorrow. "What? When old friends meet, that's the attitude? "

"Old friend? Do I know you? " That Mo Jun is so depressed.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "you were in the ghost Kingdom, but I saved you."

"You save me? How can I know you? " That Mo Jun is worried about nothing, but Lin Tian now spreads his soul.

I see the soul standing there like a giant, and it shows another face.

Seeing this, Mo Jun was worried that the whole man was trembling. His eyes were still excited and he said, "Lin Di?"

"Is it ripe now?"

Mo Jun was so worried that he couldn't speak. He just stared at Lin Tian for a long time. But when Luo Wen saw his master was so abnormal, he began to worry, "master."

"You, get out." That Mo Jun worries to immediately return to God to order to her, and that Luo Wen Oh voice retreated to go out.

Mo junchou stared at Lin Tian for a long time and said, "you saved me in the ghost Kingdom, and then you left."

"Yes." Lin Tian said with a smile, but Mo Jun was worried and said, "but you said you would come to me again, but you never showed up."

Lin Tian said awkwardly, "well, I went to the divine kingdom later."

"Then, did your younger martial sister find it?" This Mo Jun can't help but ask, and Lin Tian sighs, "say it, you may not believe it."

"What's the matter?" Mo Jun worried about staring at Lin Tian, showing curiosity, and Lin Tian explained the matter again, and finally released the ice woman. "She is the same as my sister, but I know she is not, at least not in character."

Mo Jun wondered, "how can three people be exactly the same under this heaven?"

"I want to know more about it than you do." Lin Tian sighed for a while, and Mo Jun said sadly, "when you came to the ghost Kingdom, I asked you to find your younger martial sister, but I searched the reincarnation hall, and I didn't find any sign of her reincarnation."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "you helped me a lot."

"It's all my incompetence." Mo Jun said with sorrow and guilt, and Lin Tianxiao said, "in those days, you almost died because you broke into the reincarnation hall. That alone means you are not incompetent."

"If I were here, maybe I could find more information about it." It's a pity that Mo Jun is worried for a while.

Lin Tian was very grateful, and stared at her and said, "thank you."

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