The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2188 amiable martial uncle

Pang Dong was a little upset when he heard about this place. "Everyone, to be honest, this place was originally under my control, but recently there have been a lot of demons in that place, making people panic, so it has been sealed. You can only see a lot of demons when you go there."

"The devil?" Lian Chen was shocked, but Lin Tian frowned.

Nangong Yan is curious, "what is the devil?"

On one side, the devil child showed that "in our devil Kingdom, there is a kind of devil called" magic ". They are formed by people who lose themselves after practicing magic, and then change for special reasons. It can be said that walking dead and eating people's accomplishments specially, so it's similar to your people who practice immortality getting into the devil by fire, even worse than getting into the devil by fire."

Nangong Yan is shocked. He looks at Lin Tian. "Big brother, they were ice sisters that day?"

"Don't worry. Let's go." Lin Tian appeases, and Nan Gong Yan Ensheng, as for Pang Dong, wonders, "do you have friends there?"

Nangong Yan said directly, "I have some elder sisters there."

Pang Dong hesitated, "that's not easy to do. After all, some time ago, almost all the people there were dead, and then the neighborhood had been sealed by some experts, so that no one could come near."

"No, we must go and have a look." Nangong Yan is in a hurry, but Pang Dong is a little timid. "Little girl, don't go to such a place."

Lin Tian said directly, "is there a shortcut?"

Pang Dong glanced at Lin Tian and found that Lin Tian was the weakest. She was only the queen of four-star immortals. She didn't take Lin Tian seriously. "Yes, so what?"

Lian Chen stares and says, "who told you to talk to adults like this?"

"My lord? Which adult? " Pang Dong immediately became nervous and completely changed his appearance, and the Lian Chen said coldly, "you don't care who he is, as long as he is my adult."

"Yes, I see." Pang Dong nodded quickly.

"Is there a shortcut?" Lian Chen asked, and Pang Dong nodded, "there is a transmission array in my mansion. You can get there in a moment."

"Lead the way." Lian Chen shouts, and Pang Dongen hurries to lead the way.

They all teased, "fat wax gourd, coward."

The fat man ignored, but took Lin Tian and others to the transmission array of the mansion, and then arrived at another place. When he went out, he found that there was a fog everywhere.

"Where is this?" Lian Chen asked suspiciously, and Pang Dong explained, "this is the outside of devil town."

"Devil Town, how can there be such a strong devil spirit?" Lian Chen doesn't understand, and Pang Dong says with a smile, "you don't know. Our devil town is the most powerful place in my jurisdiction."

"Oh? Which ghost force is in charge of your city? "

"On fire." Pang Dong explained, and Lian Chen said, "take us to have a look."

"Yes." Pang Dong is not willing to neglect and takes them straight ahead.

After a while, they are blocked outside the boundary of a formation, and in this formation, there are a group of people with no eyes.

From time to time, these people attack everywhere, sometimes attack their companions, or destroy everywhere.

Nangong Yan took a breath when she saw this. "They are the devil."

"Yes," replied the child

Nangong Yan is in a hurry. "Big brother, that day ice elder sister they."

"Don't worry, I'll go in and have a look." Finish saying, Lin Tian prepares to go in, and at this time a red light flashes, then a middle-aged man, and this middle-aged man cares, "everybody, don't touch this array."

When Lian Chen saw this man, he was shocked, "martial uncle?"

"Lian Chen, it's you?" The middle-aged man laughed, and Lian Chen said awkwardly, "uncle, why are you here?"

"It's not. Recently, there's a devil haunting here. In order to find out and trap the devil haunting here, I've been sent to investigate." The man said with a smile, and Lian Chen said, "this is my friend."

The middle-aged man nodded, but soon thought of something and asked, "it seems that you have been caught."

"This." Lian Chen didn't know how to answer, but Lin Tian said, "I caught it."

The man immediately regained his composure. "Young man, he has no injustice or hatred with you. Why do you want to arrest him?"

"Look at me, where are you from?"

The man looked at several people in Lin Tian and was immediately surprised, "fairyland?"


"Then I see." The man soon understood, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "understood?"

The man nodded and said, "my name is Anyan. If you want to let him go, I will help you if you need anything later."

"Let him go, will you help me?" Lin Tian is curious and stares at an Yan. An Yan sighs, "since his master died, I've been watching him grow up, so he's my relative."

Hearing this, Lian Chen was a little embarrassed, while an Yan continued, "if you don't want to, then you have to offer."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I will let him go, but I want to ask, what's the situation in this now?"

"Since the outbreak of the devil, we have sealed up this place as soon as possible, and then made an investigation."

"What does it find?"

"No one is alive. I don't know what happened, let alone how these monsters came from." That an Yan a face helpless, but Lin Tianning heavy way, "then I go in to have a look."

"Don't, it's dangerous." That an Yan warm reminder way, but Lin Tian said, "he, I can control, not to mention those devil."

Anyan said in a hurry, "the devil is different. They are crazy and have infinite power. They can even reach the nine star Immortal Emperor, or even higher."

Lin Tian said confidently, "don't worry."

Lin Tian finished, the whole person passed through the array, and that an Yan was shocked, "how can he pass through this array?"

Pang Dong was puzzled. "I don't know."

But Lian Chen said, "martial uncle, he is not simple."

"Don't you know how to escape?" An Yan reminds a way, and that even dust is depressed, "I want to escape, also cannot escape."

"Oh? What's the matter? " An Yan was puzzled, while Lian Chen looked at Nangong Yan and magic child, and then looked at himself. "To be honest, I am the weakest in their eyes, and the adult can let me come back with an order at any time."

"So powerful?" An Yan was half convinced, but Pang Dong was shocked and said, "look, those devil sneaks don't attack him."

Anyan hurriedly looks over and sees Lin Tian walking there. However, those devils dare not approach, as if they saw some terrible people.

"What's the matter?" An Yan is shocked, and even Chen is also dementia, "no way."

"The devil child said," Uncle Lin, but very powerful

Nanmiyan also agreed, "yes, my big brother, but invincible existence!"

Invincible? Several people looked at each other, but Lin Tian's performance was really frightening.

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