"An Yan is dubious," is it so powerful

"Martial uncle, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, ask this fat wax gourd. Are those two people in the city, have they killed our clan and the ghost demon clan?"

Pang Dong nodded wildly, "yes, it's terrible. Those two children are so powerful!"

Anyan began to believe, "that young master Lin can go in and out of the array at will, and even make the devil dare not come near. With this skill, he is very good. Besides, there are two terrible children."

"Martial uncle, hurry to communicate with zongmen, and let them stop looking for things, or they won't know how to die at that time." That even dust suddenly thought of what kind of say.

Anyan said, "OK, I'll talk to the Lord."

Finish saying, an Yan takes out the tone stone, after a while, he is dignified, and that even dust does not understand a way, "martial uncle, what's the matter?"

"The patriarch wanted to see him. He seemed to appreciate him very much and wanted to win him over." That an Yan is embarrassed way, and connect dust to pour a breath, "pull him?"


"I don't think so." Lian Chen shook his head, and an Yan frowned, "look what he needs, maybe we can help him, then he may stand here."

"Martial uncle, this one."

"Let's go." That an Yan had a plan, immediately said to this Lian Chen, and Lian Chen doubted, "what about the devil here?"

"I'm trapped anyway, just leave it to Pang Chengzhu." That an Yan finish saying, took Lian Chen to leave.

Pang Dong was immediately blinded. "I am everything."


several people in Lin Tian have left, and Nangong Yan is curious to ask, "big brother, why do we go to the mountain of magic?"

Lin Tian said things a little more simply, and the Nangong Yan said in a hurry, "did you see Tian's sisters?"

"I haven't found it for the time being, so I need to find the current and ask what's going on." Lin Tian explained that Yan Ming of Nangong nodded.

But the devil child said, "Uncle Lin, I heard my master said that the mountain range of the devil kingdom is one of the most terrible mountains in the devil kingdom. Once you enter, it is very difficult to get out. Are you sure you want to enter?"

"Wherever my apprentice is, I will go anyway." Lin Tian laughs at the devil child, and the devil child says, "where is uncle Lin, I will go."

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing more, while the devil was depressed and led the way.

Nangong Yan is curious, "big brother, he didn't lose himself, didn't he realize it?"

"When you reach a certain level, you will change color. For example, he is now red and a star. Then he will have his own memory, but it is the memory after becoming a devil. The previous memory is empty."

Nangong Yan said in a voice, "it turns out that the devil has stars and can control himself with memory. Why hasn't anyone subdued them?"

"It's hard for the devil to surrender, and they have a nature, that is to see human beings and want to kill that person. Therefore, the people of the devil kingdom will not leave them by their side. Maybe they will kill you at the next moment."

"Then will he suddenly attack us?" Nangong Yan was shocked at once, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "he has been completely subdued by me, and there will be no such possibility."

Nangong Yan was relieved, but the devil child laughed, "coward."

Nangong Yan is not convinced, but also Tucao Dao, "you are a coward."

The devil child continued to tease, and at this time an Yan came with Lian Chen.

Nangong Yan and the devil child are curious about what these two people are doing. As for Lin Tianbian, he said, "what are you doing?"

Anyan didn't know how to open his mouth, so he signaled to Lianchen, "you'd better come."

"That's not good."

"What's wrong? Hurry up. " An Yan ordered, and Lian Chen was embarrassed. "That, my Lord, our patriarch wants to see you, and he also wants to hold you together."

Lian Chen is so direct that Nangong Yan can't help saying, "I think you'd better give up."


"My elder brother is used to freedom, and he is so skilled. If you really want to join any force, it's better to build a force yourself!" Nangong Yan explained.

Lian Chen is embarrassed at once, and that an Yan says quickly, "as long as you join us, you can use whatever resources and people you want."

Even Chen thought this was good, so he said, "yes, all resources, adults, can be used."

Nangong Yan replied, "big brother is not rare!"

This words, let two people be embarrassed, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "join you? Fight for you? Competing for places? Or as a protector of the clan? "

Anyan and Yan are more embarrassed when they hear this, but Lianchen says, "in order to show our sincerity, wherever adults go, we will go!"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'm going to do my own business in the devil mountain range. If you have the courage, you'll follow me all the time."

These two people immediately facial expression changed, but Nangong Yan says with a smile, "dare not?"

Anyan hesitated, "I, let's go out of the mountains."

"That's right. We'll wait outside the mountains."

"No sincerity." Nangong Yan said, regardless of them, but continue to run, as for the two Anyan people are dead skin Lai face follow.

"Martial uncle, shall we do this?" Lian Chen asked, and an Yan said, "no way, the patriarch has an order, we can only follow him until he wants to join us."

"But he's going to the mountains."

"Well, let's see." Anyan really didn't know what to say. As for Lian Chen, he sighed, "let's talk with him first."

Only to see these two people continue to follow, until a few days later, they came to a mountain outside.

Even so, outside the mountains, you can see some non star demons walking around like ghosts.

When they sensed people, they immediately showed greedy look one by one, hoping to eat everyone down.

Anyan and Lianchen are shocked, but one star devil sneaks out of the stone and makes a strange sound. Those devil sneaks back as if they saw the king.

Lin Tian continues to let the devil lack the stone to lead the way, but a little way away, the devil lack the stone to stop, and said to Lin Tian, "my Lord, go in here, it's the devil's mountain range, there will be many powerful devil's ways, I'm afraid I can't control it."

"You don't have to control it. Just take me to find the two star devil." Lin Tian said coldly.

"Well then." The devil was helpless, so he had to move on, while Lian Chen shouted, "Sir, we are waiting for you outside."

An Yan also said with an embarrassed smile, "wait for you."

Nangong Yan despised and said, "it's really timid to say that you are timid."

They are very embarrassed, but they are helpless. They can only slowly watch Lin Tian and others disappear there.

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