The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2194 the skeleton

Gu Luotian was so worried that he even shivered and said, "my Lord, I'm wrong. Please forgive me."

"Lead the way!" Lin Tian didn't want to listen to his nonsense any more, but that ancient Luo Tian had no choice but to move forward. The demons who were watching nearby didn't dare to approach, so they could only watch silently in the distance.

After a while, Lin Tian and others disappeared in the desolate mountain. At last, they could not see the divine sense, so they could only talk about it.

Now Lin Tian, who has entered this strange mountain area, finds that his divine sense cannot be used. He can only rely on the naked eye to ask, "this devil king, do you come out at ordinary times?"

"No, not out." That ancient Luo Tian looks around tightly and says, but Lin Tian asks after listening, "so, you don't know what the other side looks like?"

"Yes," said the ancient voice

"And what is his character?"

"It's said that he's very fierce and has a strong smell of blood. His eyes will turn red and his body will grow strange hair, just like a savage."

"Oh? Hearsay? Has anyone seen it? " Lin Tian asked, and the ancient Luo Tian said awkwardly, "this, see people, are dead."

Lin Tian can't help but let him lead the way, while this ancient Luo Tian can only lead the way.

About a moment later, the three saw a figure in front of them, and the ancient Roman immediately trembled with fear, "what is that?"

Lin Tian saw that he was an old man, and his feet were hurt. Now he was dressing up his wounds.

"It's a wounded six-star devil." Lin Tian explains, and that ancient Luo Tian Hu doubts, "are you sure it's not the devil king?"

"Don't you say that the devil king is very fierce, and has hair?" That Lin Tian asked, and that ancient Luo Tian Oh sound, "also right."

At this time, the old man turned his head and looked at the three people in Lin Tian. He immediately said, "hurry up, or the devil king will eat you."

Ancient Luo Tian immediately startled, "devil, where is the devil king?"

"He was after me just now. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been eaten by him." The old man said gloomily.

Gulaotian took a breath after hearing this, but Lintian walked over and stared at the old man and asked, "what does the king look like?"

"It's terrifying. It's hairy, and it's shining with blood, and it's full of terrifying teeth, and even hands and claws. That's what scraped my leg."

The old man said, pointing to his black, bleeding thigh.

"It's really scary," he said

"No, I would have died if I hadn't run fast." The old man sighed, but Lin Tian asked, "where is he?"

"What? Are you looking for the devil king? " The old man asked strangely, and Lin Tianen said, "yes, I want to find him."

The old man sighed, "young man, I didn't scare you. Just like you, he killed you in a flash."

"Just tell me where he's going." Lin Tian doesn't care.

"This," the old man said

"Say it." Lin Tian stared at the old man, and the old man had to say, "if you insist on going, I'll take you there."

"Aren't you hurt?" Lin Tian stared at the old man, and the old man sighed, "you can move if you are injured."

"You're not easy to run out. Do you want to go back? Is it not death? " Lin Tian asked, and the old man hesitated, "I have something left, if you want to go, I naturally want to go with you, and then found, I will leave."

Lin Tian said, "OK, lead the way."

"Good." The old man was gracious, and then led the way silently, and led Lin Tiansan into a small path, and after that path, came to a canyon.

I can see that the canyon is full of bones, and some of them are inlaid on the wall, some of them are lying under the canyon, making the whole floor of the canyon made of bones.

Gulotan was terrified, especially when he saw so many white bones, he was shaking all over. "This is too scary."

"Through the white bone Canyon, you can get to the devil king's nest." The old man explained.

Lin Tian was curious and asked, "have you passed through?"


"What are you here for?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and the old man said with a smile, "young man, I'm afraid you don't know that the mountain top occupied by the king of magic is full of herbs. Moreover, these herbs are very useful for us, magic and even some people who practice."

"Oh? So amazing? "

"Yes, I took the risk just to find the medicine. Then I found the queen of the devil and ran away, but I lost something and hurt my foot." The old man sighed.

After hearing this, Gu Luotian looked at Lin Tian. "My Lord, it's too dangerous."

"The danger will pass." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he let Gu Luotian walk in front of him, and Gu luotian had to walk from him, and the old man asked curiously, "what are you doing here?"

"Find someone." Lin Tian is very straightforward way, and that old man doubts way, "look for a person?"

"Yes, my apprentice, he's taken. Let me have a look." Lin Tian explained, but the old man said, "I'm afraid I can't live."

"Why?" Lin Tian asked back, and the old man sighed, "look at these bones. How can the devil king live

"Yes, it's frightening," agreed gulatian

But Lin Tian looked at Gu Luo Tian and said, "if something happens to my apprentice, you will stay and become white bones together."

Ancient Luo Tian flustered up, "adult, how can you like this?"

"You have to pay for what you do." After Lin Tian is cold, he doesn't speak. He goes on.

But at this time, all the white bones around suddenly moved, and one by one intact, and his eyes were flashing purple fire.

Ancient Luo Tian is startled to lose color, "this, how to return a responsibility."

The old man was shocked and said, "it's the devil skeletons. It seems that these skeletons have been refined into the devil skeletons by the devil king."

Gulotan stared, "what? So many skeletons? "

"Yes." The old man stared at the skeletons everywhere, but gulotan was in a hurry. "It's over, it's over. We're going to die here today."

Lin Tian said calmly, "I haven't said death yet. What are you afraid of?"

Ancient Luo Tian is depressed way, "adult, demon skeleton, that is very terrible, you are sure not to think about more?"

"What do you think?"

"Retreat now." That ancient Luo day is in a hurry, and that old man also says, "yes, while they are not fully awakened, we hurry to leave, otherwise they awaken, but they will kill people."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but walked up. The skeletons began to swing their bodies, and finally got mad, ready to attack Lin Tian.

The devil child takes out the devil dragon gun and throws it hard. Countless magic dragon illusions hit the skeletons and directly break them up.

Gulotan looked silly, and the old man was surprised.

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