The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2207 magic fire thousand palm

On one side, Nangong Yan was happy. "Big brother, let's go and see the tree."

The five jues also showed a curious look, especially Jin Jue said, "it's said that there is a magical magic fire tree in the devil kingdom. It's here."

Anyan said, "yes, this is the only one in the devil kingdom."

Five Jue immediately came to be interested, and Lin Tianze said, "let's go and have a look."

Anyan immediately led them, and the tree trunk was not hung with leaves, but with flames.

Seeing this, Nangong Yan exclaimed, "Wow, it's so beautiful."

However, the devil child joked, "it's a little strange."

"What do you know?" Nangong Yan despises the way, but the devil child says, "naive."

"As if you were not naive."

But the devil child said seriously, "I'm almost ten thousand years old, young master."

"If you are ten thousand, I am one hundred thousand." Nangong Yan refuses to fight, but Lin Tian doesn't pay attention to what they are fighting for. Instead, he focuses on the tree.

Because there are some weird patterns all over the tree, which are connected with the sky.

If you look carefully, you can see countless words in the sky.

"Magic fire thousand palm?" When Lin Tian saw the outline of the text, he looked curious, because it was a fire magic.

Not only that, this fire system spell can hit a thousand weights, and one weight is better than one weight. If you reach a thousand weights, you can hit a thousand palms.

If in a short period of time, the Thousand Palms fall on the same person, then the power can reach a thousand times, but the premise is that they cannot be interrupted in the middle, otherwise they have to be recalculated.

For example, if you hit a person with 500 palms and that person has been hit 500 times, but within a certain period of time, you haven't hit the 501st palm, then the next one can only be counted from the first.

Not only that, for the same person, there is a superposition effect. If you want to change a goal, you have to start from the first palm.

Therefore, it's hard to practice and exert. After all, no one will stand there foolishly to attack you, unless they have absolute strength and can quickly hit each other's countless palms in a short time.

In addition, the magic fire Thousand Palms, not only need fire power, but also need wood, but not one, so only those who practice wood and fire can practice.

So Lin Tianyi saw that the whole person was fascinated, and then stood in the Epiphany, and passed the Epiphany one by one to those individuals in the "light" space.

Among them, Huo Fen Shen and Mu Fen Shen are practicing together, so that the "magic fire thousand palm" can reach the highest weight as soon as possible.

But Nangong Yan and devil Tong on one side don't know, they are still arguing there, and that Wujue, let alone, they are not double practitioners, can't understand, can't see through, can only stare at that.

Anyan is surprised to find that Lin Tian is different. At last, "Mr. Lin?"

But Lin Tian is dazed and has entered a state of cultivation, which makes Anyan stop calling. Instead, he exclaimed, "master Lin is really quick to realize."

Lian Chen is excited and says, "martial uncle, has he begun to understand?"


"How could it be?" That even dust shows an incredible look, and that an Yan also doesn't believe it, but at the moment, seeing it with his own eyes, he has to say, "anyway, Mr. Lin is really not a simple wizard."

Nangong Yan on one side smiled back and said, "of course, my elder brother, but he is very powerful."

"I agree with that," he boasted

The five Jue looks strange, until Anyan receives the news from the sect leader and looks at Lian Chen, "I'll go to the sect leader, you're here with Mr. Lin."


Anyan is ready to leave, but he stops suddenly and tells Lianchen, "don't let outsiders disturb Mr. Lin, you know?"

"I see."

Anyan left at ease and rushed to the place where the sect leader practiced.

At the moment, the door master was sitting on a stone platform with heavy fire, and there were flames all around.

As soon as Anyan went in, he said respectfully to him, "sect leader, do you have anything to do with me?"

"How is it? Are you settled? " Fire opened his eyes and asked curiously, and the voice of Anyan said, "it's settled."

"That's good." Fire heavy relieved, but that an Yan suddenly said, "sect leader, I don't know if I should say something."

"Tell me." Huo Chong asked curiously, and that an Yan told Lin Tian what happened under the magic fire tree just now.

After hearing it again, he was surprised. "Really?"


Huo immediately got up and went with Anyan, but he just watched in the distance.

"That's true." Huo Chong saw Lin Tian standing in a daze and exclaimed, while an Yan said, "sect leader, what skill is hidden in this magic fire tree?"

"It's said to be a palm technique, but nobody has understood it for tens of thousands of years, so I don't know it now." The fire shook its head.

Anyan said in a voice, "can he understand?"

"Depending on the situation, it should be." The fire replies again, and an Yan exclaims, "this young master Lin is really not simple."

But Huo Chong hesitated and said, "do you know what I'm talking about today when I attend the meeting of the 12th session?"

An Yan looks at Xiang Huo suspiciously. "Sect leader, what are we talking about?"

"There are many mysteries around the devil kingdom."

"From the magic mountain range?" Anyan was puzzled, but Huo shook his head again. "Those devil sneaks have no stars, and the devil sneaks mountains have stars."

"What are you talking about?"

"Discuss why there are so many mysteries around."

Hearing this, an Yanning said again, "last time, I checked in magic town and found nothing unusual."

"Do you know how they came? And why do those star demons go there? " Asked the fire.

"Well, I don't know." Anyan shook her head, but Huo was suspicious. "Or, ask Wujue?"

"These five wonders have been trapped in a strange place in the magic mountain for a long time. They don't know what happened."

"Otherwise, ask Mr. Lin, maybe he can know something." The fire reposes its hope on Lin Tian.

"An Yan is embarrassed to say," but young master Lin, in epiphany ah. "

"When he's done, you can ask him." That fire heavy finish saying, clapped his shoulder, meaningful looked at him, then left.

That an Yan had to sigh, then returned to the magic fire tree nearby to wait, but that Lian Chen is good strange way, "martial uncle, what is the sect leader looking for you?"

"It's said that the last 12 last sects have discussed why there are so many mysteries around."

"Lian Chen doubts," isn't it normal to be haunted

"It's just that recently it's too ordinary, and there's no magic. It can't be a big gathering."

"Uncle, what do you mean?"

"It seems that there may be some reasons for people in a region to change into countless mysteries. For example, last time in magic Town, I saw that at least two-thirds of people became mysteries, and one-third of people were killed by mysteries."

Lian Chen takes a breath. "And this kind of thing?"

"Yes, there are many small towns or regions around now, so the twelve masters of demon land are curious about what happened."

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