The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2209 a group of experts

When Tiejin devil heard this, he laughed, "fire Lord, do you think I will regret it? Are you kidding? "

"I'm not kidding!" Fire congeals again heavy way, but this iron gold devil is strange smile, "that I pour is to see, how can I regret."

Iron gold demon finish saying, order to the person around, "kill him!"

Lin Tian said, "you can do it."

It's the first time for them to see the strength of the five magic tricks.

In Nangong Yan's face, too, she was happy, but the iron and gold demons were stupid, especially seeing the breath released by Wujue: "six, six star demons, return, return 200000 demons?"

The two hundred thousand devil's shadow is the same as the four and a half million devil's shadow, so the iron gold devil's legs are soft on the spot.

Jin Jue then threw him in front of Lin Tian and said, "OK."

The iron and gold magic box was smashed, and the cultivation, let alone scrapped, the whole person was very uncomfortable rolling on the ground.

Fire heavy then helpless way, "I said you will regret, why don't you believe?"

Tiejinmo's face was pale, and his eyes stared at Lin Tian in horror. "You, who are you?"

Lin Tian didn't answer him, but went to him and put a finger into the soul seal. The iron golden devil stared, "you!"

"This man, do you know him?" Lin Tian showed the appearance of Tianbing, and the iron gold devil stammered, "recognize, know."

"Where is it?"

"It was taken away by our little patriarch and is about to get married."

"Married?" Lin Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and the iron and gold devil stammered, "our young childe took a fancy to her appearance, so he invited her to the gate of the clan. Now the gate of the clan has invited many guests, and is going to get married in a few days."

"Lead the way!" Lin Tian said coldly, the iron and gold devil stood up in great pain, and then hurriedly took Lin Tian and others to a transport array in the city.

Nearby, there was a corpse. People who didn't know it thought they had come to the city of death.

It was not until they left through the teleportation array that some people who were not dead appeared everywhere, and then they were scared to spread the story.

When countless people heard of the six-star devil in the ghost demon clan, they were shocked one by one.

However, Lin Tian and others have come to the ghost demon sect at the moment, and here, many people with masks.

These people see the iron and gold devils disperse one by one and dare not stop them. Obviously, the iron and gold devils have a position here.

But the iron gold devil is very weak at the moment, which makes everyone wonder what's going on.

Until a while later, tiejinmo came to an attic and was stopped by a swordsman. The swordsman crossed his hands and looked serious. "Tiejinmo, you know, you can't enter without the permission of young master here."

"Me." Iron gold devil did not know how to explain, can only look at Lin Tian, "adult, this is young childe's bodyguard, Yang devil sword Zun."

Lin Tian said to Jin Jue, "let him get out of the way."

Jin Jue walks over and stares at Yang Wujian Zun. "Get out of the way!"

"Who are you?" said Yang Wujian? Dare to be wild in front of me? "

Jin Jue immediately released the six-star devil's spirit, and it was still 200000 devil's shadow. The Yang devil's sword Zun was shocked. He quickly gathered a fire red sword and pointed to Jin Jue, "six star devil's spirit!"

"You don't have to tell me that I'm good." In a word, Jin Jue almost made Nangong Yan and others laugh.

Yang Wujian looked dignified. "Then I'll show you."

After that, Yang wujianzun is ready to start. Unexpectedly, the other four jues come out. When they release their power one by one, Yang wujianzun is dumbfounded. He can't even believe that there are five such terrible six-star monsters.

Therefore, Yang devil sword master had no intention of fighting at all. Some of them just retreated and stared at them and said, "this is ghost demon clan. If you dare to make trouble here, the consequences will be very serious."

"Consequences? What are the consequences? " Jin Jue gathers his hands and is ready to attack. Yang Wujian immediately leaps back to a roof and stares at the five people. "We, the devil clan, are also many experts."

After that, Yang wujianzun took out a rune, crushed it, and countless people came here.

Not only that, but also some people's masks are red. The iron gold devil said, "it's the red ghost."

"Red ghost? What is it? " Huo Chong saw this kind of person for the first time, and the iron golden devil explained, "in the ghost demon clan, people who have reached more than 300000 shadow will become red ghost."

Jin Jue despised him and said, "only 300000."

Who knows for a while, appear some black mask again, that iron gold devil takes a breath backward, "nigger evil spirit."

"How much of a nigger?" Fire re curious, and the iron and gold devil stuttered, "each half a million shadow."

Jinjue's five people immediately stood on guard, because the nigger evil spirit came to eight people, and around, it was very fierce.

At this time, the people in the attic heard the noise, and then opened the window. It was the ice that day.

Tianbing sees the situation outside the attic, and the whole person is ecstatic! I'm here! "

Lin Tian was relieved to see that Tianbing was ok, and Nangong Yan said excitedly, "Tian elder sister!"

After Tianbing saw Nangong Yan was ok, the whole person was also happy, "I miss you!"

But at this time, a voice came from not far away, "who is making trouble in my clan?"

At this time, a young man appeared in purple armor, accompanied by two niggers.

This man is the little leader of ghost evil clan, ghost green.

Ghost Green saw Tianbing and smiled, "little lady, you are willing to laugh at last."

"Shut your mouth!" Tianbing obviously hates him, but the devil Qing says with a smile, "don't worry, I'll play with you when I've solved them."

Finish saying, ghost green just stare at Lin Tian and so on, finally look at Xiang Huo heavy, "fire Lord, you also come?"

"Lord devil, I think you'd better let the woman go quickly." Huo Chong looked at the niggers and frowned.

The ghost green smiled, "let people go? Do you think it's possible? "

"Fire congeals heavy way," you are so stubborn, very easy to hurt your clan

Devil green laughs, "harm our clan? Just you guys? Believe it or not, I'll let these niggers get you out of here. "

Huo Chong knew Lin Tian was terrible, so he reminded him, "I advise you, you'd better not have this idea."

Ghost green sneers, "it seems that you think you can rely on these five evils to be authoritative here, right?"

"I don't mean that." Huo Chong shakes his head, but in the eyes of devil Qing, Huo Chong relies on these five people to dare to make trouble here, so he sneers, "when I have solved these five evils, I will have a good chat with your patriarch!"

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