The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2266 aoheixianzun

Lin Tian didn't pay attention to these people at all, but went directly into the array. But at this time, a nine star Immortal Emperor and 800000 immortal figures were gathered in the array.

This man, with eyebrows, black mouth, and a lot of black spots on his face, is a little old, but not weak at all. He looks up and down at Lin Tian and says, "boy, do you think it's fun here?"

"I'm going up there." Lin Tian opens the door to the mountain path, but the man is stunned. His eyebrows are locked. The man in the array laughs. Some people say, "boy, you are crazy."

"Boy, do you know where the ice hole is?"

These people didn't take Lin Tian seriously at all, and the old man, with contempt on his face, even wondered in his heart, what's the origin of Lin Tian? He came here without being stopped by the people of yunshangzong.

So the old man got angry. "What about Lord Yun? How can he put people like you here? "

"Do you mean old man yundao?" Lin Tian asked, and the old man said, "that's right, cloud way old man."

"He's here." Lin Tian took out the seal talisman and smiled at the old man in front of him.

The old man was shocked, and the old guys in the array were curious one by one. The old man of yundao asked for help.

"Help me!"

Those old folks immediately whispered, "this boy, how can you kill the patriarch?"

"How did he do it?"

The old man in front of Lin Tian said directly to Lin Tian, "boy, let him go! You can still live, or you will die today! "

"Just you?" Lin Tian despised the 800000 immortal figures, and the old man thought that they were all powerful beings in the fairyland, but now he was despised by a fairy king. He was not willing to say, "boy, I'm still seeing such a crazy man for the first time in heixian cliff!"

"Black fairy cliff? Your name, is it a person's name? " Lin Tian asked, and the black fairy cliff flashed, "what do you think?"

Lin Tian is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, "it's impossible to let people go, but it's you. Let's go!"

"What? You want me to leave? " That black immortal cliff double eyes stare way, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "is not the eye opens big, is fierce!"

"Dying!" Black fairy cliff a black aperture hit, directly hit Lin Tian, but only hit the shadow.

The black immortal cliff was startled, but the man in the dark was surprised. "He even avoided it?"

"How is it possible?"

"Are you kidding?"

Lin Tian stood at another place and stared at the black fairy cliff and said, "you should use the dark magic."


"You are a dark immortal, majoring in ghost way." Lin Tian stared at the black immortal cliff, and the black immortal cliff said coldly, "yes, I built the ghost road!"

Lin Tian smiled and said, "well, I'll play with you."

"Play with me?" The black immortal cliff felt that Lin Tian was too crazy, and was ready to repair Lin Tian. At this time, Lin Tian's shadow was scattered.

Not only that, these shadows surround the black fairy cliff and open the throne of immortals. The black fairy cliff immediately stares, "how can this be?"

People don't know what happened, but black immortal cliff has already felt his cultivation is backward, and it also passes quickly, which scared him to rush into the array and hide.

Lin Tian looks around and says with a smile, "you think you hide, I can't find you?"

Black fairy cliff scolds, "boy, you bastard!"

Some people wonder, "what's the matter with you, black ancestor?"

"This guy will suck my accomplishments!" That black immortal cliff is very depressed, and people are shocked, and can't even believe that Lin Tian is so terrible.

Heixianya didn't want the audience to talk nonsense, but looked at everyone, "everyone, do you want to continue?"

Those people are afraid to go out when they see black fairy cliff like this, but Lin Tian looks at some place and says with a smile, "if you don't come, I will."

Lin Tianning gathers a pen and then breaks the shackle, which passes through the array and directly locks the black immortal cliff.

The black fairy cliff is startled. "Let me go!"

How could Lin Tian let black fairy cliff go? Instead, he joked, "don't waste your energy, it's useless!"

"No, I don't want to go out!" But the spirit of the black fairy cliff was dragged out a little bit.

Not only that, Lin Tian's separate body flies directly into it, grabs the body of the black fairy cliff and pulls it to Lin Tian's Buddha.

Everyone in the array looks stupid and doesn't know what to do, but Lin Tian stares at the black fairy cliff, "what do you want to say?"

"Boy, you can't hurt me, or my master can't spare you." This black fairy cliff airway, and Lin Tian sneers, "I don't care who your master is, as long as you offend me, there will be no good end."

"Boy, my master, but xianzun, you'd better think about it." The other side continues to frighten Lin Tian, but Lin Tian is not frightened. The immortal throne directly devours his accomplishments.

The body of the black immortal cliff was immediately repaired as useless, and the immortal soul stared at Lin Tian in terror.

"It's just that your body has a little effect, and nothing else." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he didn't talk anymore.

But when the immortal soul of the black immortal cliff is to be completely sealed, the immortal soul of the black immortal cliff flashes with a black light, and then directly devours the immortal soul of the black immortal cliff.

Not only that, a powerful force came out of the black light and directly bounced Lin Tian away. In the black light, there was an angry smile, "boy, do you dare to hurt my apprentice?"

"It's your apprentice, aoheixianzun." Lin Tian laughed as if he saw an old acquaintance.

In the black light, aoheixian asked, "who are you?"

Lin Tian releases his soul, and the proud black immortal is shocked by the black white light, "Lin Di!"

"Remember me?" Lin tianxie laughs. Aoheixianzun is a little scared at first, but soon hums, "of course I remember."

"Then you dare to clean me up?"

"Now you are not immortal ten thousand years ago, so I dare to clean up." The other side is very aggressive, but he is very nervous.

Lin Tian sneers, "well, come on, I'll wait."

"I'm not free now. When I'm free, I'll clean you up." When the other party finished speaking, the black light dissipated.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "Even running away is fair and aboveboard."

However, at this moment, the people in the array are afraid one by one, obviously frightened by Lin Tian's coming.

Lin Tian stared around and said with a smile, "who is going to fight with me?"

They couldn't say it. Some said, "Lin Di, please."

"Yes, Lindy, go ahead. We won't stop you any more."

Lin Tian smiled and leaped into the whirlpool of the sky and disappeared in front of all the people, who breathed deeply one by one, as if they were alive from death.

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