The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2275 ghost cultivator, just in time!

But Lin Tian said, "don't say you, the immortal is here. I still say that."

They didn't expect Lin TIANLIAN, the elder Qin, to look down on him, but Nangong Yan added, "tell you, my elder brother is Lin Di, the legend exists!"

"Lindy?" People have heard about it, but they don't believe it. Some people laugh. "Little girl, Lin Di, many of us have seen it, so don't scare us. It's useless."

Qin Ke also said, "yes, who is Lin Di? Have we met? "

Elder Qin said coldly, "if he is emperor Lin, I am the God!"

Everyone laughed, but Nangong Yan was angry. "If you don't believe it, pull it down!"

Qin Changlao didn't bother to pay attention to it, but with a wave of his hand, countless brown dust beat around Lin Tian, fixed Lin Tian there, and made him become a stone carving. When others were about to be happy, the stone carving immediately cracked.

Then Lin Tian appeared and stared at them and said, "that's it?"

Everyone was blinded, and the arrogant voice was gradually reduced. Qin's eyes were puzzled, "it seems that I underestimated you."

"It's normal for you to underestimate me." After that, Lin Tian gathered his pen, while others immediately reminded elder Qin that the power of the pen was not recognized by the elder Qin, who also stared at Lin Tian, "it's just a broken pen, what's the big deal."

Qin Ke was worried, "Grandpa, this is not easy, it will lock the soul."

"Soul lock? Just him? Think of my soul? " The elder Qin despised him, but at this time countless chains entangled the immortal soul of the elder Qin.

Qin Changlao doesn't think so, but he still wants to struggle, but it's hard to imagine that no matter how hard he tries, he can't break the shackles, and Lin Tian says, "it's over."

Elder Qin was in a hurry and shouted to the corpse mountain, "old devil, come out and help me break it."

It's known that elder Qin is looking for an elder in the corpse bone mountain. But the elder grows old and turns into a black wind, which blows out a black air and directly cuts off the chains of Lin Tian.

"A little bit of skill." Lin Tian smiled a little accidentally, and the black air turned into an old man with no blood on his face and a black cape behind him.

Mr. Lu Jin was shocked and said, "my Lord, he is the person in charge of the corpse mountain, the ghost corpse Lord."

At this time, the ghost corpse Lord smiled at elder Qin, "elder Qin, I didn't expect that you would be a fairy King's pit."

"Don't mention it. This guy's a ghost." Elder Qin complained, but the ghost corpse master laughed, "I like to deal with the doll of ghost cultivation best."

This made the mountain guards very happy. At this time, many ghost cultivation disciples also appeared and hid in some bones to whisper.

"Who is this boy? How dare you come to our door to make trouble because you don't have long eyes. "

"Don't look at him. He'll be scared later."

While these people were whispering, Lin Tian said, "are you two going to come together?"

People didn't expect Lin Tian to challenge two people alone, and the ghost corpse master smiled, "boy, I'm not joking. You're not even as good as any of my disciples in the corpse mountain."

"Any disciple?" Lin Tian didn't thank him for his smile, but the ghost Lord cried out in a good mood, "come out."

Then a group of disciples came out, all of them were ghost practitioners, and they all stared at Lin tianxie and laughed.

Some people also volunteered, "ghost elder, give it to me."

"It's me."

Those people were scrambling to take Lin Tian down to show their authority in front of the people.

But Nangong Yan came out and said, "you are not even as good as me!"

Those people are not happy, after all, Nangong Yan is just a little girl, so someone immediately shouted, "Stinky girl, I can crush you to death with one hand!"

But as soon as the voice fell, Nangong Yan put out her hand and made a bubble to entangle the noisy man.

The man laughed, "I'm not afraid of this kind of attack."

Say wow, the man turned into a virtual shadow, walked out of the bubble, and proudly said, "this is the power of ghost cultivation."

The mountain guard envied, and the Nangong Yan was extremely depressed. As for Lin Tianxiao, he said, "let me do it."

Nangong Yan had to retreat to one side, and Lin Tian stared at those people, then looked at the ghost corpse master, "do you want them to die together?"

"To die? Boy, you are crazy! " The ghost corpse master joked, and Lin Tian smiled, "I'm worried about my strength, but now you're going to send it, I'll take it as hard as I can."

People didn't know what Lin Tian said, but Lin Tian released countless ghosts, and these ghosts opened the throne one by one.

Under the throne of immortals, the strength of those people disappeared a little bit, which scared the ghost practitioners to roar and shout. Even the ghost corpse master was also affected, so he hurriedly pushed to the back.

In this scene, people guarding the mountain look foolish. Nangong Yan laughs. As for Lu Jinye, he takes a breath, while Lin Tian stares at those people. "How can we go like this?"

Those people are afraid at the moment, hiding in a pile of bones, even the ghost corpse master dare not come out.

Lin Tian had to look at the stunned elder Qin, "it seems that he can't help you."

Qin Changlao immediately backed up and stared at Lin Tian. "You boy, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Lin Tian gathered his pen again, but this time, Qin Changlao did not dare to be so crazy. He retreated directly to the distance and shouted, "I just need to avoid you."

"It's boring." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he went to the corpse bone mountain, making the people outside look silly one by one.

Nangong Yan and Lu Jinye followed in silence, but those ghost practitioners were afraid to get close to each other and hide far away.

When the three of Lin Tiansan entered the corpse mountain, elder Qin was depressed and said, "this guy."

Qin Ke was depressed and said, "Grandpa, what should I do now?"

"What to do? Of course, when they die in it. " Qin Changlao was depressed to the extreme, and the ghost corpse came out and said with a depressed face, "you almost killed me."

When elder Qin saw the ghost corpse master's retreat, he was helpless and said, "I'm really sorry."

"Sorry? Is it useful? " The ghost master was annoyed, but elder Qin was not happy. "He came to make trouble in every gate. Shouldn't you be in charge of the ghost mountain?"

"But he's so powerful, how can he manage it?"

"He's in your bones mountain. It's none of my business now." Qin Changlao directly pretends to be silly, but the ghost corpse Lord is extremely depressed, "I'll go in and clean him up!"

"Wait for your good news." Elder Qin waited, and the ghost Lord hummed and took people directly to the deep of the ghost mountain to see where Lin Tian had gone.

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