The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 231 and the seven old geeks

Li Yan's words made Nangong Yan very angry, and she glared, "you can talk more!"

"Oh, little girl, how fierce!" Li Yan makes fun of it. The swallow in the south palace is angry. The cold immediately makes the bracelet shake.

This Li Yan doesn't care at all, and he joked, "you're the one who built the foundation and wanted to hurt me? Naive! "

However, as soon as the sound falls, Li Yan freezes, and takes soul damage.

Li Yan, who was hurt by Lin Tian last night, was seriously injured, and his face was pale and frozen there, unable to resist.

At a glance, duguyan and others saw that Li Yan was hurt, especially the one who was studying medicine. After a look, she suddenly realized, "it was you who sneaked into the city Lord's mansion yesterday!"

Li Yan didn't admit it, but glared, "I don't know what you said!"

With that, Li Yan's flame flickered and melted the ice slowly. Nangong Yan was not willing to let it go.

Li Yan was so angry that he shouted to Dugu Yan, "take care of them! Or I'll do it later! "

Dugu Yan didn't want to take care of it, but there were so many people looking at it. He whispered to Nangong Yan, "little girl, there are so many people here. If they tell Tianlong City, it will be a big trouble."

Tianbing and huoqingqing also know the relationship between them, so they appease Nangong Yan at the same time, and Nangong Yan just converges.

Li Yan scolds in his heart, while Qiu kuangfeng on one side asks curiously, "Mr. Li, didn't you get hurt by the array yesterday?"

"Yes, that's the array." This Li Yan firm way, and Qiu kuanfeng Oh sound and stare at the dark forest doubt, "that boy, in the end is dead?"

"Dead for sure!" Li Yan said confidently, while the civet there said to Nangong Yan and others, "my Lord, it's OK. He's busy."

"Busy?" Nangong Yan and other people wondered what Lin Tian was up to, but Dugu Yan and ghost 18 didn't understand either.

As for Li Yan and others not far away, they are curious about what they have heard and why they look better.


now in the dark forest, Lin Tian, under the leadership of fierce and ruthless people, went through countless arrays and finally came to a high place.

In this highland, there is a maze, and the maze is in the mountain.

Even if fierce ruthlessness, to the entrance of the maze, but also a face helpless way, "my authority, only to this, as for the maze, only the elders and some elite are qualified to enter."

"Oh? Then get in touch with me! " Lin Tian said something fearlessly. He looked at Lin Tian for a while and said, "are you sure you want to go in?"


After a long time of unrelenting hesitation, lie came to a disciple at the entrance and whispered in his ear. The disciple immediately took out a tone stone.

After a while, several strong breath fell, and there were seven people wearing different colors of robes.

Not only that, this color, or red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple seven colors.

Even these people's hair is this color, and the age, uneven, some forty or fifty, some feel hundreds of the same.

Strong ruthlessly immediately told Lin Tian, "this is the seven elders of Heifeng stronghold, that is, the seven elders. The weakest one is wearing red clothes, and the strongest one is wearing purple clothes. But you should not see through the accomplishments. Anyway, it is better than Huashen!"

Lin Tian took a look and found that these seven people were all above the God, which was really powerful, but Lin Tian was very calm.

The old man of the purple robe, with a raised forehead and several muscles on his face, looks like a stone stuck to it.

"Ruthless, you say, a genius has come?" The elder, that is, the man in purple robe, stared at the fierce mercilessly with a strange face.

Strong ruthless dare not say that Lin Tian is coming to subdue them, so he looks embarrassed, "this, elder, yes!"

"Oh? It's not this one, is it? I think it's very common. It seems that it doesn't even have spiritual roots! " The elder looked up and down at Lin Tian and could not see Lin tianlinggen at all.

For Lin Tian, he has no spiritual root, but it's because of the reason of reincarnation and killing God, so outsiders can't see through.

So these people misunderstood, and even the other elders were nagging.

"Ruthless, are you kidding? Is he a genius? " A fat middle-aged man, wearing a green robe, all green, looks very strange.

"This, elder LV, he, he is really powerful!" That fierce ruthless embarrassed way, but also looked at Lin Tian Chuan Yin way, "Lu Ming, Lu Changlao, is in charge of the things in Heifeng stronghold!"

Lin Tian said to the seven elders, "I want your Heifeng stronghold to return to me!"

"What?" The seven elders said together, and stared at Lin Tian with wide eyes, as if he were fierce.

In particular, Lu Changlao touched his chubby stomach and laughed, "boy, I have been in Heifeng stronghold for so many years, and I saw you so crazy for the first time!"

The other elders even spread their momentum and wanted to give it to Lin Tianxia Ma Wei to let him know what is strength.

Lin Tian has the skill of dividing Qi, which disperses all these people's momentum one by one. When those elders see it, they stare at each other with curiosity.

Elder LV moved his stupid body and came to Lin Tian and asked him, "boy, how did you do it?"

The elder also stroked his strange face and looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "first tell me what it takes to be your stronghold leader."

The people in the room immediately made a noise. As for the elder, he couldn't cry or laugh. "Boy, are you here to make us laugh?"

"Say it, I can try anything." Lin Tian's self-confidence is released, and his overlord spirit is just like the arrival of an emperor.

The elders were confused one by one, and they thought they had an illusion. However, fierce and merciless looked at the elder and others and said, "you don't need to look at him to build the foundation. The explosive power is terrible, and even can defeat us."

"You?" The elder doesn't believe it. Those people explain the terrible side of Lin Tian one after another, but the elder doesn't believe it.

In particular, the elder Lu laughed and said, "boy, I don't care what others say about you. If you can be faster than me, I'll tell you how to become a stronghold leader. How?"


"Yes." The elder Lu shook his fat body and smiled strangely, while the other elders smiled strangely. Obviously, they all knew that the elder Lu was not simple.

Lin Tian stares at LV Changlao and says simply, "let's talk, how can we compete!"

"Later, the elder is responsible for throwing a thing into the air. After a rest, we rush out. Whoever gets it first is his!" Elder Lu smiled intensely.

"Oh? That's it? " Lin Tian asked back that LV Chang was playing. "Yes, if you win, I'll tell you. But if you lose, you'll lose your freedom. Stay in Heifeng stronghold and become a member of Heifeng stronghold!"

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