The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2336 Black Fire King

Look at all Lin Tianxiao, the ink fairy wind doesn't understand, "what are you laughing at?"

"Don't you want me to die? How do you care if I am trapped in it? " Lin Tian asked.

After seeing the other party's intention, Mo Xianfeng was in a hurry. "I just don't want you to go."

"Come on, why?" Instead, Lin Tian asks Mo Xianfeng with a smile.

Mo Xianfeng is too lazy to say, while Lin Tianxiao says, "if you don't say it, I will go."

After that, Lin Tian took all the people into the mountain, and the Mo Xian was in a bad hurry.

Until Mo Xianfeng thought of something, he suddenly flew to Lin Tian and others, then stared at Lin Tian and said, "boy, you forced me."

"Oh? What are you going to do? " Lin Tian asked with a smile that Mo Xianfeng's body suddenly expanded, and then countless flames gathered around him.

Those immortals will be surprised one by one. Some people murmur, "is he going to be the king of fire?"

"The fire fairy king?" Lin Tian doesn't know what it is. One immortal will say, "it's said that as long as the fire immortal releases his internal strength, he can absorb the fire around him, and then become the fire Immortal King, but he will lose himself."

"Lose yourself?"

"Well, someone once did this, then lost himself, and finally didn't even know how to die."

Hearing this, Lin Tian was curious to stare at the ink fairy king, "would you rather not have your own consciousness, but also stop me?"

Using his last clear consciousness, King Mo said, "as long as I can stop you, I can do nothing!"

"Oh? So persistent? "

"Nonsense, if I fail again, those elders will not let me go." After that, the ink fairy roared.

At the next moment, the fire fairy King transformed from the ink fairy king has already caught fire in both eyes, and the whole face shape can't be seen.

At the moment, in the immortal palace, those elders stare at a picture, which can see what happens in the mountains.

"He has become the king of fire." One elder said suddenly, while the others looked coldly.

The elder said coldly, "he asked for it."

At this time, Mo Xian in the mountains became the queen of fire. There was only one obsession. That was to kill Lin Tian. So he punched out with a fist, and then flew to Lin Tian with a flame fist across the sky.

Lin Tianhua turned into a shadow to avoid, but those immortal generals didn't avoid. They were all shaken by that fist.

"It's a bit crazy." Lin Tian takes a breath, and Mo Xianfeng stares at Lin Tian again, and says hoarsely, "I want to kill you."

"You're not yourself. You want to kill me?" Lin Tian laughs bitterly, then takes out the sky music instrument, and waves the strings.

Under the influence of zither sound, the spirit of the ink fairy wind is suffering, while other immortals are curious about what's going on.

Lin Tian laughs at the ink fairy wind, "there are two fairy spirits in your body now, one is yours, the other is your controlling, right?"

The ink fairy wind stared at Lin Tian strangely. "You."

"Although you are integrated, it's very unstable. If I stir the music a little, you two immortal souls will have an impact on this body." Lin Tian smiles and stares at the ink fairy wind.

Mohan windway, "you."

"You should thank me for making you conscious, shouldn't you?" Lin Tian smiled at him, and then another hoarse voice in Mo Xianfeng said, "Damn it, I will kill you!"

But at this time, Lin Tian continued to fluctuate, making the two immortal souls of this body scream.

The other immortal generals were all stupid, and some said, "I didn't expect that the fire Immortal King could recover consciousness."

"Didn't you hear that? It's two spirits. " Someone explained.

Everyone understood what was the same. In the immortal palace, those elders were shocked, especially the elder, "this guy can sober up a person who becomes the fire Immortal King?"

Some elder congealed and said, "that kid, too terrible."

"But he is our enemy, so we must kill him, otherwise the palace leader will blame us, and we will be in great trouble."

People nodded and thought it was reasonable. In the mountains, Lin Tian released the ghost king when the two spirits could not care about themselves.

The ghost king passed through the fire Immortal King, and the ink immortal wind and another voice were shocked at once, but it was too late. They were completely controlled by Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled at the ink fairy wind and said, "should I call you the fire fairy king? Or what? "

The spirit of Mo Xian gnawed his teeth, but he could not disobey Lin Tian's meaning, and another consciousness even made the animal's buzz.

Lin Tian was very curious, "where do you come from?"

Mo Xianfeng also wanted to know, so he said, "before I became the king of fire, it suddenly infiltrated and then controlled me."

Lin Tian understood, then forced the immortal soul out, and then there was a black flame shadow.

People are curious about what the shadow of the black flame is, and Lin Tianxiao looks at it, "say, why do you dive into him?"

"As long as he turns the fire fairy King's decision to turn himself into the fire fairy king, then I will dive into his body and let his immortal soul disappear completely, but I didn't expect to be found by you."

Free reading of the full text is just in my book city. Click the next page to find out that the black flame is very unpleasant.

As soon as Lin Tian heard this, he immediately laughed, "it seems that you are the black fire king of the ghost kingdom."

The other party immediately surprised, "do you know me?"

"I've been to ghost Kingdom, and I've seen similar ones, but they're not as powerful as you." Lin Tian stares at the black fire king with a smile.

The king of black fire said helplessly, "no matter how strong it is, it's not because of you?"

"I'm not a pit." Lin Tian smiles, but the black fire king is speechless. Instead, Lin Tian looks at Mo Xianfeng and says, "do you want to revenge?"

How dare Mo Xianfeng? To be exact, he doesn't have this ability, so he stares at Lin Tian strangely. "He can't even become the king of fire immortal. What else can I do?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled, "let's go to the immortal palace."

But Mo Xianfeng reminded him, "I tell you, the ten elders of Xianyu temple are very powerful. Even if you go, you can't resist their attack."

"Aren't you immortal generals and fire immortal all powerful? But in the end? " Lin Tian asked, but Mo Xianfeng explained, "it's because of the previous immortal array that you have a chance to take advantage of. But in Xianyu temple, facing the top ten elders, you don't have any chance."

"I'll know when I go." Lin Tian is totally wrong, and Mo Xianfeng has to stop talking, but he is very depressed.

However, at the moment, in the immortal palace, the elders looked at each other, until the elder got up and said, "come on, let's welcome the legendary great man."

Everyone immediately got up, and then rub their hands, ready to repair Lin Tian. Want to talk with more like-minded people about "the craziest ancestor in history", wechat focuses on "" read novels, talk about life and find friends~

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