Lin Tian stared at the Lord and smiled, "if you surrender earlier, maybe it will be better, but now, it's not so good!"

The Lord of the palace was scared to be silly. "Please, don't, don't kill me!"

The ghost king of Lin Tian entered his body, and the Lord of the palace was shocked when he found that his body was different. "You, what are you doing?"

"Next, I'll ask you questions. Before I ask you questions, I'd better look at your memory to prevent you from lying." Lin Tian finished, and a soul seal came in.

The Lord of the palace knows how terrible Lin Tian is. Lin Tian backs his hands and stares at him and asks, "where's the woman in the underground palace of the Lord of the city?"

"A woman in the underground palace? Who are you talking about? "


"She, when she comes to us, I dare not disturb her, unless she comes to me, but she sits and shuts her eyes, as if she is dead asleep."

"And then?" Lin Tian wants to know where Tianluo went later. The Lord of the Royal Palace says, "later, the young master Fang came and said that he wanted to see her, so I let him go. After seeing her, the young master Fang said."

"Say what?" Lin Tian stares at the Lord of the palace and checks his memory one by one to make sure that he is telling the truth.

The Lord of the Palace said, "say, this fairy, I have something to leave."

"Where have you been?"

"I don't know, my Lord." The Lord of the palace was frightened, and Lin tianlengyan said, "don't you really know?"

"Yes, I don't know!" The Lord of the palace was so scared that Lin Tian pulled his immortal soul out of his body.

The Lord of the palace was terrified and begged for mercy. "My Lord, I've said all I have to say!"

Lin Tian continued to drag his immortal soul, and the Lord of the palace trembled with fear, "I heard a faint word."

"What do you hear?" Lin Tianbian asked and confirmed his memory, while the Lord of the Royal Palace said, "I heard Fong's words vaguely that this fairy wants to practice in another place. This place is said to be the coldest place in the void. I think if I find this coldest place, I can find her."

"The coldest place?"

"Yes!" The Lord of the palace nodded wildly, and Lin Tian checked one by one. As expected, this Fang Taitian had said.

When the Lord saw Lin Tian's stupefaction, he was even more timid. Lin Tian said coldly, "although you have said it now, you have been concealing it all the time, and you have caused me trouble, so I won't let you go for the moment."

"My Lord, as long as you don't kill me, let me do anything!"

Lin Tian takes out the seal and seals him directly, while the Xuanyao king takes a breath.

However, Lin Tian looked at the king of Xuanyao. "How much do you know about the extremely cold place where there is no boundary?"

The king of Xuanyao said awkwardly, "my Lord, it's so big. And I've been in this desert all the year round. I don't know what the extremely cold place is."

"Oh? Really? "


Lin Tian had to ask the old man in the ghost book, and the old man said as if he had seen a lot. "It's extremely cold, of course, the boundless ice sea."

"Ice sea?"

"Yes, there is a world of ice and snow under there. It is said that there are many powerful beasts under the sea. They are terrible, but I heard that many people and ghosts are practicing there."

Lin Tian understood, then quit ghost Book consciously, and looked at Xuanyao king, "leave here."

The king of Xuanyao looks embarrassed. "It's easy to come in, but hard to go out."

"Find the exit and leave the rest to me." Lin Tian said, and the Xuanyao King Oh, take Lin Tian to find the exit.

But then there was a shadow flying behind them and disappearing, and Lin Tian stopped at once, frowning, "there are still people."

The king of Xuanyao was stunned. "Is there anyone else?"

"Yes, just behind you." Lin Tian swore, but the Xuanyao King wondered, "it's impossible!"

"It's true!" Lin Tian affirms, and Xuan demon king doubts, then stares at the back, but there is nothing around, which makes Xuan demon king weird way, "adult, do you feel wrong?"

"No!" Lin Tian believed in his intuition, while Xuanyao Wang wondered, "no one dare to come to this place!"

Lin Tian closed his eyes and used space peeping until he found a grain of sand in the space.

Lin Tian slowly leaps past, and the mysterious demon king follows Lin Tian curiously until he reaches a grain of sand. Lin Tian stares at the sand and says with a smile, "here it is."

"This? What? " The Xuanyao king was puzzled, but when Lin Tianzheng was about to touch it, this grain of sand suddenly turned into a huge sand man.

The sand man roared and the whole space shook. The king of Xuanyao stammered, "the legendary sand beast, yes, it exists!"

"The beast of sand?"

"Yes, it is said that there is no boundary. There is a god beast in the state of sand, and it is hidden in some deserts, but no one has seen it." The king stammered.

At this time, the sand beast's eyes were shining with black light, and he stared at Lin Tian. "A little fairy emperor can find my existence."

After staring at it for a long time, Lin Tian said with a smile, "it's not a beast of sand, it's a beast of void!"

"The void beast?" The Xuanyao Wang doubts, but Lin Tianxiao says, "the void beast is a kind of divine beast, which can make any weight lose in a certain area, that is to say, form the so-called void around."

"What? Is this space made of it? " The Xuanyao king was scared to be silly, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "no wonder there is no nihilism in the desert. It is estimated that you have wiped out the power of purification!"

"What is the power of purification?" The mysterious demon king looked suspicious, and Lin Tian explained, "the power of purification is a skill that can weaken many forces."

"What? Weaken others? "

"Yes, for example, in the desert, the power of ordinary people's spells will be greatly reduced. That's because he has exerted the power of purification in this area."

The king of Xuanyao suddenly realized, and the virtual beast stared at Lin Tian, "I know a lot at a young age!"

"I have read some books, so this time I have seen them with my own eyes."

"The other side laughs," unexpectedly knows my formidable, then you should know, came here, did not want to go out

"Oh? Why? "

"I don't like to be disturbed by others, but you have just disturbed my cultivation, so you all deserve to die." The void beast explained.

The Xuanyao king was scared to be on guard, but Lin Tian laughed at the void beast. "If you are ordinary people, you can't be restrained, but I have a way to restrain you."

The animals in the void smile like a smile. "Don't say you are immortal, even if you are immortal, you are not my opponent!"

"They are them, I am me, so don't compare me with them, because I'm not what they can compare." Lin Tian said confidently, but the void beast laughed, "you can blow it, little guy!"

"Don't believe it?"

"If I believe in you, I will not be called a void beast." This void beast doesn't believe Lin Tian at all, and even despises him.

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