The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

2366 not afraid of death

The green mud was in a hurry. "Didn't you let me deal with him?"

"You." The bloody leopard was speechless, and the green mud begged for mercy, saying that he would never fight Lin Tian again.

Lin Tian smiled, "if I hit you and say sorry to you again, what would you do?"

Green mud flustered, and began to hurry up, "that, I, valuable!"


"Yes, I live in this forest because it has good things. I think it will help you." The green mud quickly explained.

"Oh? What do you have? What interests me? " Lin Tian asked, and the green mud said, "that one."

"Say it!" Lin Tianleng Dao, the green mud explained, "there is a spring under the ground, and the water in the spring can cultivate. I think you must be interested."

"Water, can you practice?"

"Yes! A magic water. " The green mud explained, and Lin Tian stretched out his hand. "Come here."

"For what?" Green mud suddenly asked in a panic, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I want to make sure if you have lied."

The green mud promised, "no, absolutely not!"

"It's better to have a look." Lin Tian smiled at the green mud, which had to worry about the past.

The bloody leopard is shouting, "traitor!"

Green mud is deeply aware of Lin Tian's horror, so only compromise is the best choice, so it still chooses to stand in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian breaks into the soul seal. After a while, Lin Tian looks at Lin Tian. Lin Tian smiles and says, "let's make a contract. After all, you demons and beasts are the same. Only when you make a contract can you be more honest."

"Deed, deed!" Green mud flustered, and Lin Tian asked with a smile, "what are you nervous about?"

"I'm afraid of you. If one is not happy and kills me at will, am I not?"

"Don't worry, I don't kill people casually." Lin Tian seems to be smiling, but green mud has no way to go at this moment, so he can only make a contract with Lin Tian.

One side of the old man exclaimed, "this boy, there are more powerful guys."

The blood red leopard is angry, but Lin Tian stares at it and asks with a smile, "it's your turn."

"I, I will never compromise!" The bloody leopard said firmly, and Lin Tian asked with a smile, "aren't you afraid of death?"

"Boy, you killed my second brother. Do you think I want to live?" The bloody leopard hummed.

Lin Tian wanted to say something, but the void beast said impatiently, "don't waste time."

I saw a leap of the void beast, reached the red blood leopard, and directly hit the red blood leopard seriously.

The blood red leopard's face was ugly, and he stared at Lin Tian. "Boy, even if you kill me, I will not return to you!"

"In your way, I want you to be more obedient." After that, Lin Tian directly enters the soul seal.

But even though the bloody red leopard was hit with a soul seal, he was still not afraid to die. "Then you will let me die!"

"I'm not afraid of death?"

"Not afraid!" The bloody red leopard hummed, and Lin Tian had to let the ghost King control it first, and then he picked up his mood and said to the green mud, "lead the way."

"Yes." Green mud had to lead the way, and the blood red leopard was forced to follow, but he kept swearing at the green mud, "traitor!"

Green mud said, "you are not afraid of death, but I am afraid."


"Whatever you say!" The green mud was depressed, but Lin Tian said to the bloody leopard, "your brother, in fact, the spirit of the beast is still alive, not dead."

"Where is it?" "That blood red leopard immediately urgent way, and Lin Tian asked with a smile," it seems that you have deep feelings

"Bullshit, we are the same parents, but later reduced to this, just for each other." Said the bloody leopard.

Lin Tian smiled at it and said, "if you don't want it to die, you will listen to me."

"What do you want to do?" "Blood red leopard urgent way, and Lin Tianxiao said," contract. "

"Make a contract, and you'll let my brother go?"

"Don't kill him for the moment, but whether he can live longer depends on your performance." Lin Tian stared at the red leopard and said with a smile.

The blood red leopard had no choice but to make a contract with Lin Tian, but the void beast couldn't understand, "he doesn't have much ability, why do you have to subdue him?"

This makes the blood red leopard a little depressed, "what is not much ability?"

"Isn't it?" The blood red leopard was frightened immediately, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "he and his brother are not ordinary demons."

"Not an ordinary demon? What kind of demon is that? " The void beast did not understand. Even the old man said strangely, "what kind of demon is that?"

"If you don't say it now, you'll know later." Lin Tian said, let the bloody leopard follow him.

Blood red leopard is angry, but helpless, can only follow, until a while, all out of the array, and under the guidance of green mud, came to an underground river.

There is a spring at the end of the underground river.

From time to time, some liquid came out of the spring, and the green mud said, "this liquid can be cultivated, but once you leave the pool, the liquid will become ordinary water, that is, the underground river just seen."

"Is it so magical?" The void beast didn't believe it, and the bloody leopard added, "I think it must be your mud. You drink too much water, and then you become mud. That's why you think it works."

Green mud was so insulted, immediately unhappy, "blood leopard, don't think I'm afraid of you."

"What? No shame? Want to fight? "

Seeing that the two monsters have a good temper, Lin Tian said to them, "don't hinder me."

Finish saying, Lin Tian walks over, but that green mud reminds, "this liquid can only take one drop a day at most. If you take too much, it's not good for your health."

The animal didn't believe it. He ran to the edge of the pool, looked at the transparent liquid, and licked it and said, "except for being sweet, it seems nothing special."

"Green mud said," you are a beast, I don't think it will work

"I have no effect, you have effect?" That void animal despises, but the green mud does not know how to explain, can only watch silently.

Lin Tian touched the liquid, then closed his eyes, and then laughed, "I didn't expect there was such a liquid in this world."

"What liquid?" The void beast was curious, and the old gentleman was also very confused, "what kind of liquid is this? What's the point? "

"Green mud is expected to say," I say, this spring is not simple

"Blood red leopard despises a way," anyway in my opinion, it is just a common pool, can have what special liquid

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