The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 238 do good without leaving your name!

Yunshaotian felt that he died before his ambition was paid, and looked up at the sky. "I thought that I could rush out of Huashen in a few years, and become an immortal in less than a thousand years, but I didn't think of Huashen, so I lost to a demon!"

Speaking of this, cloud shaotian looks helplessly at the two thousand year old demon, and Hu Yao cannot bear to say, "little city Lord, in fact, you are already very good."

"No, I brought in the demon. No matter what, I will kill it! Give everyone an account, and the whole city! "

Hu Yao said in a hurry, "little city Lord, you are very likely to explode the Yuanshen."

"I know that the soul is destroyed. I know that, but no matter what, I will try, but I need your help."

"Little Lord, say!"

Cloud shaotian's eyes are slightly red. "If I detonate it, you can give the demon a quick blow. Is there any hope to kill it?"

"If it's blown up, I can kill it." The Hu medicine said confidently, and Yun shaotian nodded, and said with a look of death like returning, "OK, if I die! Do help me! "

Hu Yao's eyes are slightly red. After all, Yun shaotian is also half of his apprentice and an outstanding demon hunter. But today, if you want to see him detonate, you can't help it. It's hard to say, "sure, I will pull him to death!"


Cloud shaotian takes a deep breath, ready to gather his whole body and leave, but then a voice comes out from the ground, "it's just a little demon, why?"

Cloud shaotian and Hu Yao immediately look at the person who appears. This person is not someone else. It's Lin Tian. He sits on the back of the Tulong and looks at the double headed demon with a smile.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Cloud shaotian's eyebrows wrinkled after pause, and Hu Yao was even more dignified, "this is the array around, how do you come in as an outsider?"

"I come to subdue the demon." Lin Tian is very calm, and that cloud shaotian just began to show surprise, you can see Lin Tian's eyebrows wrinkled after building the foundation, "can you lower it?"

"What? Don't believe it? "

Cloud shaotian didn't believe it, and frowned, "it's a demon of two thousand years. It's very powerful."

Hu Yao also said, "yes, once the surrounding demon subduing array disappears, its strength will return to its peak. At that time, no one here is its opponent."

Lin Tian did not speak, but smiled at the double headed demon. "Then you ask the demon, he is afraid of me."

Cloud shaotian and Hu Yao look at each other, but the double headed demon doesn't realize Lin Tian's crisis. Instead, the double headed demon looks at Lin Tian, even roars at him.

Lin Tian is getting closer and closer. Because of the reason of demon subduing array, Lin Tian doesn't want to resist its attack, but directly uses the magic of entrapment.

The Demon power inside the double headed demon immediately descended and became almost nonexistent, which shocked the double headed demon and stared at Lin Tian, "you, who are you?"

Seeing that the double headed demon would be afraid of Lin Tian's Yun shaotian and Hu Yaodu, Lin Tian was surprised. Lin Tian smiled, "the demon of two thousand years, if you don't want to die, please enter my demon seal!"

Finish saying, Lin Tian takes out a spirit talisman, and it is painted with the symbol of demon sealing. He even looks at one side of Hu Yao stupidly, "the legendary demon sealing talisman!"

Cloud shaotian was even more stunned and said, "seal demon rune, how can you have it!"

Lin Tian, of course, drew a spare one himself, but didn't expect to use it at this time, so he impolitely matched the Fu to the double headed demon.

Without demon force, the double headed demon struggles there, and finally painfully enters the demon seal, which disappears.

There's a double headed picture of the demon on the demon seal. Lin Tian puts up the demon seal and laughs at them. "OK, don't disturb you, I'll go."

Cloud shaotian and his two people were shocked. They wanted to stop Lin Tian and inquire about him. But Lin Tian suddenly smiled and said, "I like peace, don't disturb me."

With that, Lin Tian sat on the Tulong and disappeared, while Yun shaotian was completely stunned, "too, too powerful."

"Two thousand years of demons, that's it?" Hu Yao has never seen such a terrible person.

Cloud shaotian hurriedly said, "send someone to spy on him, don't disturb him, or you will annoy him."

Hu Yao also understands, especially thought that just now Lin Tian likes to be quiet, he has to say, "that row, wait for me personally to investigate secretly."

"Yes." Yunshaotian was very excited and then walked out of the array.

When people saw yunshaotian, they were curious about how the demon was, but yunshaotian didn't penetrate too much, only said that the demon was destroyed, then withdrew the array and took everyone back to the city.

So the stormtroopers left immediately to let everyone in and out of the city.

People in the carriage wondered where Lin Tian had gone and why he hadn't come back.

Until Lin Tian came from behind the carriage and said, "what's the matter? Miss me

Seeing Lin Tian, Nangong Yan immediately asked, "big brother, where did you go just now?"

"I'm just going around." Lin Tian smiled, and Nangong Yan couldn't wait to say, "let's hurry into the city."

Lin Tian nodded, and then all of them entered Tianlong city together.

This Tianlong city is indeed a third-class city. Even the walls of the four cities are more than ten stories high, and there are arrays on the walls, which make it impossible for people who transform the divine realm to pass through the walls and arrays.

Not only that, the guard at the gate of the city is more strict, until everyone enters the city one by one, what is in front of us is a pile of tall buildings.

These tall buildings are made of stone and wood.

In addition, when walking on the ground, Lin Tian could also sense the strong fluctuation of spirit. After looking at the ground, Lin Tian said with a smile, "six star spirit vein is really not simple."

Seeing Lin Tian's recognition, Dugu Yan said, "yes, this Tianlong city is built on the six-star spirit, so many nearby sanxiu, or some disciples, would rather live here for a long time than leave."

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "If I were an ordinary monk, I would do the same."

Dugu Yan nodded and said with a smile, "it's not."

The ghost 18 on one side is a wonderful way, "this six-star spirit can attract many talents, right?"

Dugu yan'en said, "yes, and there are many new guards in Tianlong city every year, so the storming army and Tianlong army in this city are tens of thousands of calculations."

Ghost 18 took a breath, and Tianbing and others were shocked. But duguyan said to a nearby bulletin board, "this is the rule of Tianlong city. You can see that the province has committed a crime in the city."

Tianbing several people immediately looked up, but the nearby Qiu kuangfeng looked at Liyan, "Mr. Li, what should I do next?"

"When I enter Tianlong City, it's just like coming to my site to see how I can beat them to death." Li Yan suddenly smiled strangely.

Qiu feifeng looks expectant.

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