The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2394 defeat of the whole army

Looking at oriental cherry blossom, Lin Tianze is there to persuade, "you said, what are you doing to stop me?"

Hearing this, oriental cherry blossom was angry. "I was ordered to come. If we can't take you, we will all die."

"Oh? All dead? "

"That's right. If we can't stop you, we'll all be dead!" Don't dodge that oriental cherry.

"Mastermind." Lin Tian thinks about it, but the oriental cherry blossom is in a hurry. "So, we are forced too."

"So you're going to surrender?" Lin Tian stared at oriental cherry. As for oriental cherry, she was depressed. "Others can surrender, but I can't."


"The alchemist, once I surrender or surrender, my soul will be destroyed!" Oriental cherry hastily explained.

Lin Tian doesn't believe, "stop, I'll have a look."

"I don't want to die." The oriental cherry blossom was depressed, but Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "if you don't do it, I'll have to stop you."

When oriental cherry hears this, it can only continue to dodge, while Lin Tian continues to perform the Buddha's voice, until a quarter of an hour later, the oriental cherry gradually produces an illusion.

Lin Tian took the opportunity to gather together, then pulled out her immortal soul, and the ghost King rushed to her.

But when the ghost king came across the immortal soul, the ghost King screamed, hurriedly returned to Lin Tian, and smoked.

Lin Tian frowned. "What's the matter?"

"There's a strange power in her body, and when I touch it, it's like it's going to be destroyed." The spirit of the ghost king was weak as if he were ready to be destroyed at any time.

Lin Tian knew that the ghost king could not die, so he quickly asked him to return to the ghost Book cultivation, and the oriental cherry blossom also came back from the time when the ghost king just shouted, and stared at Lin Tian, "you also saw that the power in my body, not to mention myself, is all that want to control my soul, must die."

Lin Tian frowns, then leaps over and reaches for the oriental cherry blossom.

"What are you going to do?" said the oriental cherry

"I want complete control of you." When Lin Tian finished, he pressed down with one hand, and then a powerful force was eating back Lin Tian's soul.

The oriental cherry blossom said, "see, this thing will bite back the soul."

Lin Tian is cold, and then she competes with that force. As for oriental cherry blossom, she feels that there are two powerful forces in the immortal soul, and her heart is shocked.

Until a quarter of an hour later, Lin Tian took back his hand, and oriental cherry blossom was in a coma because of the explosion of power in her body.

But Lin Tian regained his composure and said, "what power, even me, will take such a long time to completely eliminate."

At this time, oriental cherry blossoms wake up slightly, and then look around, "I, I am not dead?"

"I'm here. How could I die so easily?" Lin Tian asked back, and the oriental cherry blossom heard this, hurriedly checked his body, found that the strange power was not seen, and then asked, "all disappeared?"


Oriental cherry just knew Lin Tian's strength, so she surrendered, "I, I am willing to surrender."

Lin Tian stretches out her hand, but this time she enters the soul seal and steals her memories one by one, but some of them are also erased.

Lin Tian had to perform immortality, and then the oriental cherry blossom's memory was restored one by one. The recovered part, the so-called divine operator, gave the oriental cherry a kind of elixir.

After swallowing the pill, the oriental cherry blossom will generate an energy to resist any invasion from the outside world.

"What pill is it?" Lin Tianhu doubts, oriental cherry blossom also wants to know, but even if she sees the whole process clearly, she still has no choice but to say, "this, I don't know."

Lin Tian thought about it and said, "OK, you can go out."

Oriental cherry is scared to return to the body, then leave the dream space, and Lin Tian is back in the body.

Nangong Yan and others are curious about how the oriental cherry blossom can be solved, but the oriental cherry blossom appears at this time, but she has changed her character. She also orders people around her, "stop it all!"

Those nihilistic Temple people were puzzled one by one, and the nihilistic white also puzzled, "oriental cherry, what are you doing?"

Oriental cherry blossom said coldly, "from today, I am no longer a temple of nothingness."

Seeing that there was a rebel, Xu Bai scolded him. Then he ran away in fear. As for Feng Longwan, he was stupid and ran away.

However, oriental cherry blossoms entwine their way with countless petals, and use the array around them to directly wrap them up and throw them to Lin Tian, "adult, give them to you."

The old man and others were shocked, especially the Lingxing, who was also in the array camp, but they didn't expect that the oriental cherry blossom had even compromised.

Virtual white roared, "oriental cherry, you will die miserably!"

Feng Longwan also said, "yes, shenshuzi, you will be killed!"

Oriental cherry explained, "the pill in my body has been cleared by adults. Now I am free."

"What?" These two people were shocked, and at this time Lin Tian came to the two people and said with a smile, "you can choose to surrender, or you can choose to die immediately."

For them, it's more important to live, so they are frightened to surrender, while Yan Zhentian says to Feng Longwan, "who said that they didn't surrender just now?"

Feng Longwan immediately farted, "that's because I don't know how powerful adults are."

Everyone immediately despised them, but the disciples of the nihilistic temple around them fled in a hurry. As for oriental cherry blossom, they didn't care about them, but stared at Lin Tian. "Now, my Lord, we?"

"For a moment, this magic operator." Lin Tianxiao said, and oriental cherry said, "we have no God operator of the temple, but only second to the existence of the palace master."

Other people also expressed that the diviner was terrible, but in Lin Tian's eyes, there was nothing terrible, so he said to the people, "you can follow, if there is danger, hide it."

With that, Lin Tian ignored the reaction of the crowd and went on.

Everyone had to catch up quickly, but Xu Bai stared at oriental cherry, "how did you get defeated?"

"No need for you." After oriental cherry despised, she didn't speak again, and Xu Bai murmured, "when we get to the temple of nothingness, can we help you?"

Oriental cherry is staring at Xu Bai. "If he dies, we will die too. What do you say?"

Virtual white immediately speechless, and wind dragon pill and Yan Zhentian several people despise each other, but also bicker.

Nangong Yan came to Lin Tian and asked, "big brother, if you destroy this nihilistic temple, will this nihilistic emperor come out?"

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