The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2397 an endless elder

When they heard this, they looked at each other one by one, but Lin Tian looked at these people in the empty temple, "you can go first."

"Go first?" Everyone looked at each other, and Lin Tian asked, "why? Do you want to stay with me? "

As soon as this words came out, these people were frightened and turned around one by one, afraid to stay more. However, Ma Lao and Nie Dahai looked at each other, but their eyes showed their expectation.

"You can go, too."

Ma Lao and Nie Dahai are very happy. They evacuate one by one, and there are only virtual animals and Nangong Yan left at the scene.

"Big brother, where can we find the God operator now?" Nangong Yan can't help asking.

Lin Tianxiao said, "in the memory of these nihilistic people, there is a record of a place, and this place is called the nihilistic secret place, and this place, only the elders can go, outsiders can't step in."

"You mean, the diviner is in this nihilistic secret place?" Nangong Yan was surprised, and Lin Tianen said, "depending on the situation, it should be so."

"Let's get going." Nangong Yan immediately wants to go, and Lin Tian picks up his mood, takes one person and one beast, and leaves here.


shenshuzi, at this moment, is in a cave wall with no light shining everywhere, and he goes all the way. Finally, in the cave, he sees several stone statues.

One by one, these stone statues release powerful breath. When the God operator sees them, he says to them, "that boy, it's likely to come here, so it's up to you."

"Yes," said the statues

Shenshuzi then left a corridor behind the statues, while the people in the statues whispered.

"Who the hell is that kid? I can't help God operators escape. "

"It's said that an Immortal Emperor defeated many talents in our nihilistic temple."

"No matter how powerful it is, we elders can't be."

"That's right, too."

These stone statues contain exactly that group of elders, and there are six of them, and each of them thinks that they are very powerful. They don't take Lin Tian seriously at all.

For Lin Tian, it took him half a day to find the hole and walk step by step, while Nangong Yan was surprised to see the shining stones on the four barriers and said, "what kind of stone can give off such a dazzling light."

Lin Tian explained, "these stones can emit light in the dark, but they don't have much real power."

"Oh." Nangong Yan Oh sound, and at this time, in front of two people and one beast, there are some stone statues.

These stone statues look very quiet, as if there is no breath, but Lin Tian looks at these six stone statues and says with a smile, "don't you talk?"

Hearing the chat, the stone statues immediately became active, "boy, did you find out that we were for?"

"What do you say?" Lin Tian asked, and the stone statues immediately laughed one by one. Some people also said, "little guy, I'm good at it."

Lin Tian smiled but didn't speak. Seeing Lin Tian's smile, these stone statues immediately despised him. "We are the six elders of the nihilistic temple, and we are very good at our skills."

Nangong Yan hears that the six elders are on guard immediately. The void beast is not willing to show weakness, so she is on guard for these guys in front of her.

"Look at you, coward." A stone statue despised, but Lin Tian said, "don't be timid. Try it, and you'll know."

Hearing this, a stone statue said, "OK, I'll show you."

After that, green lights twinkled all around the forest, and these green lights turned into a huge "pea", which wrapped the forest.

What's more, the pea is so hard that it looks like an unbreakable spell on the outside.

The void beast was worried, but Nangong Yan said, "you'd better give up."

"Give up?"

"Nonsense, my elder brother is very skilled. Can you restrain him?" Nangong Yan explained.

These stone statues think that Nangong Yan is joking, so they laugh at Nangong Yan one by one. Some people also say, "little girl, this binding force can trap a immortal, and ten thousand people with no power can trap them."

Nangong Yan joked, "if you can only trap xianzun, then you are finished."

"Funny, is he more powerful than immortal?"

"Otherwise, how could your nihilistic temple be destroyed?" That Nangong Yan a word stimulated them, angry them one by one abuse, even ready to clean up Nangong Yan.

Who knows that Lin Tian's "pea" has changed, and directly smashed the "pea".

When the peas disappeared one by one, the people of the six statues were shocked. Obviously, they didn't expect such a result.

"You're a bit fierce, but you're just trying to trap me." Lin Tian's words make these people feel that Lin Tian despises himself and gets angry one by one.

Lin Tian laughs at them, "is there any other way?"

"Boy, next, we'll make you worse than dead." A stone like finish, the moment six kinds of strength hit Lin Tian.

But this time, Lin Tian is only a shadow, so when six attacks hit Lin Tian's shadow, Lin Tian himself has nothing.

This surprised six people, and Nangong Yan laughed, "how about six elders? Does my elder brother's ability surprise you? "

Hearing this, the six were more angry, and one by one cried to kill Lin Tian. But Lin Tian stared at the six statues and said, "I, it's time to crush you."

Hearing the smash, the six laughed, some of them said, "boy, smash us? Is it up to you? "

"Boy, don't be naive. You can't crush us."

"That's right, you can do it! And deal with us? "

Seeing that these people didn't believe it, Lin Tian began to use the Buddha's voice and light to cover the stone statue.

At first, these people thought it was something terrible, but after being attacked for a while, they didn't have anything, so they laughed more happily.

One of the statues said, "it's ridiculous."

"That's it? And they say they're going to kill us? "

"Boy, I think it's better for you to solve it by yourself, and save us time."

Lin Tian was relieved to see these people's carelessness, but the six didn't know and thought they were going to depend on them, so the six laughed and attacked the ghosts.

Lin Tian did not speak, but continued to watch in silence. After a quarter of an hour, the six people began to feel strange, as if something was shaking in front of them, which scared them out of the statue.

There are only six different old men, but now they, one by one, fall into a mirage, and they are also frantically attacking everywhere.

Nangong Yan took a breath when she saw it. "These six men are really powerful."

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