The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2405 the short eyed

The cat demon knew that he was doomed. He could only stare at Lin Tiandao, "OK, I'll take you there."

After that, Lin Tian let her go and let her lead the way, but the cat demon was depressed. Especially when Lin Tian got her soul into the soul seal, she knew that it was difficult for her to be free.

Lin Tianxin thinks about the ancient demon temple, and checks the memory of the cat demon one by one to determine whether the ancient demon temple has what he wants.

Until half a day later, the elves pointed to a tall tower in front of them, which was full of demons.

"This is the ancient demon temple." The cat demon pointed to the tower and said, but Lin Tian looked over and saw that there were many demons coming in and out.

"Let's go." Lin Tian didn't think much about it, so he let the cat demon lead the way. With a sigh, the cat demon continued to lead the way.

After walking for a while, the nearby demons saw Lin Tian and surrounded him one by one. Some demons still looked greedy, "this human, don't want to live? Dare to come here? "

See these demon want to lay hands on Lin Tian's cat demon and say to them, "I remind you, don't have any idea, otherwise, you will regret it."

These monsters don't take the elves seriously. Some of them say, "isn't it a fairy King human?"

"That's right. It's just a fairy emperor. We are still afraid of him?"

But the cat demon despised, "today the earth shakes and the sky almost cracks. Do you know why?"

"Why?" said the demon

"He did it, so if you don't want to die, you will continue to provoke him." Said the cat demon to the demons.

These demons don't believe it. Some demons still say, "he's an Immortal Emperor, and he's going to crack the sky and the earth?"

"No, our demon world is not a fool's world."

After seeing that these guys are so unreasonable, the cat demon said, "I urge you to get out of the way."

then, the cat demon led Lin Tian forward, but these demons still had to block in front of them and not give them the way to move forward.

Some demons also make a fist in the air, intending to strike Lin Tian, who is only a shadow.

This let those demon startle, and the cat demon stare way, "you really do?"

"Do as you like, afraid of anything!" At this time, a demon shadow flashed after the demon group, and then turned into a wolf.

All the demons saw him and said respectfully, "Lord wolf."

Seeing him, the cat demon also said with a strange face, "wolf, how can you come here today?"

"Today, such a big event happened. I want to see if there is any record in this ancient demon temple. I just didn't expect that you, a little cat demon, should bring a person here." This wolf adult despises way.

The elves are helpless to say, "wolf, I tell you that our demon alliance has been destroyed, and the whereabouts of the eight demon kings are unknown, and all this is done by him. If you don't want to die, you can try."

As soon as the words came out, the demons suddenly began to laugh. Some of them said, "a fairy emperor can also mess up the demon clan alliance?"

Naturally, the wolf didn't believe it, and sarcastically said, "little cat demon, don't talk freely."

"I didn't say anything. If you don't believe me, you can go and find out if he went to our demon alliance today. Then something happened to the demon world." The cat demon now knows that he and Lin Tian are on the same boat, so he can only protect Lin Tian as much as possible.

The wolf didn't believe it. He waved his hand, and a rope made of evil spirit caught Lin Tian, and stared, "boy, are you so powerful?"

At this time, Lin Tian disappeared, appeared in another place, and stared at them and said, "I don't want to waste time. If any of you want to die, you can come and try, and I will accompany him for a while."

Hearing the sound, the demons immediately looked over and saw Lin Tian staring at them and laughing.

That wolf adult despises a way, "kid, you think rely on shadow, really marvelous?"

"I don't say it's great, but it's enough for you."

"Against me? Ridiculous! Do you know what I can do? " The wolf growled, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "it's just a demon. It's no big deal."

"No big deal? You don't know how terrible I am! " The wolf adult said, and turned into a shadow.

At the same time, he appeared behind Lin Tian. He thought that Lin Tian could be killed easily, but the wolf didn't know whether it was, or a shadow.

This angry wolf adults angry, "hateful, get out!"

"You can't tell if I'm the real one or the shadow. How can you fight me?" Lin Tian asked, and the wolf man was even more angry when he heard this, and shouted to the demons, "everyone, let's go together."


These demons are going up one after another, and there are a lot of demons. Those demons can't be wiped out at all. As for the cat demons, they have no choice but to say, "it's a group of people who don't know how to live or die."

At this time, Lin Tian's Tianyin Qin was turned on, and these little demons, unable to resist the sound at all, retreated one after another, only the wolf man was better.

But this wolf adult, still very unwilling to stare at Lin Tian, "boy, you're just dealing with some small demons, but it's useless to deal with me."

"Is it really useless to deal with you?" Lin Tian asked, and the wolf growled, "that's right, it's useless!"

Lin Tian just said, "that's OK, I'll show you."

After that, Lin Tianqiu and Qin Yin cooperated. On the spot, the wolf fell on his knees and begged for mercy. He was still lying there rolling. The demons were so scared that they could not believe a fairy emperor. They were so terrible.

The cat demon even came to the wolf and asked with a smile, "all said, why don't you believe it?"

"I, I am wrong." The wolf grownup shivered, and the cat demon said with a smile, "then you admit your mistake, but you have no value, just don't know."

Hearing the value, the wolf asked Lin Tian, "what do you want? I will give you everything."

At this time, the cat demon came to Lin Tian and whispered, "he is very familiar with this ancient demon temple. He even knows what's in it."

"Oh? Really? "

"Yes, it is." The cat demon nodded, and Lin Tian looked at the wolf and said with a smile, "then come here."

The wolf adult has climbed to the extreme, so he came to Lin Tian and stammered, "what are you doing?"

Lin Tian breaks into a spirit seal. The wolf is shocked. Lin Tian scans one by one and asks, "how did the seal come from the demon clan alliance underground?"

"Underground seal? How do I know that? " "Wolf adult depressed way, and Lin Tian ice cold stare at him.

But the cat demon said to him, "if you want to live, think about it."

"I know where the ancient demon temple is recorded," stammered the wolf

"That's good, lead the way!" Lin Tian said coldly, and the wolf led the way immediately, while the cat demon and Lin Tian followed.

Those little demons can only hide in the distance, dare not approach, afraid that Lin Tian will not be happy, and repair them.

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