The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2407 half human and half demon

Night old hear this, strange stare at Lin Tian, "you really want me to inform them?"


The night always hesitates for a while, "well, I'll try my best."

Finish saying, night old a turn around to disappear, and cat demon good strange way, "adult, why do you want to know the origin of these guardians?"

Wolf adults are also confused, but Lin Tian said, "don't you think it's strange that one has so many ancient books and is guarded by human beings?"

"Strange is strange, but everyone is used to it."

Mr. wolf nodded. "No, I'm not used to it. I haven't thought about it much."

Lin Tian is not used to it, and for him, he wants to understand how the ancient demon temple came, and how these guardians came.

However, at the moment, in the secret room of the ancient demon temple, the night old asked the other four people in the dark, "what do you think, everyone?"

The man in the dark whispered until someone said, "it's about our secret. If it's revealed to him like this, aren't we exposed?"

"But he can break the seals of those strange books. Maybe he can untie our seals." The night old suddenly said this, and the other four immediately rejoiced. Obviously, this matter is very important.

So after a discussion, the five people finally asked Yelao to invite Lin Tian, and Yelao left here and came to Lin Tian's place.

When Lin Tian saw that the old man was coming, he asked, "how is it? Have you made up your mind? "

"Decided." This night, Lin Tian nodded and said with a smile, "let's talk about it."

"Come with me alone." Finish saying, the night old takes Lin Tian, and Lin Tian lets those two demon stay, oneself left.

The wolf looked at the cat demon, "I said the cat demon, this adult, who is holy, why is it so difficult to deal with?"

"Say it, you may not believe it."

"Oh? Talk about it. " The wolf is very curious, and the cat demon explains one by one. When the wolf finishes listening, he takes a breath and says, "he has cleaned up the shenshuzi?"

"You think I'm kidding?" The cat demon asked, and the wolf shook his head. "No."

"That's right. He's a terrible man anyway." Cat demon finish saying, then continue to wait, dare not escape here.

For Lin Tian, he was taken to a secret chamber of the ancient demon temple, and it was dark everywhere.

The night old closes the secret room door, then says to four places, "four people, come out."

At this time, the light around was shining, and then four people came out, and they were all human beings, just like the night old, but they looked different.

"You can really break the seals of those books at the top?" Some people can't help asking, others are looking forward to saying, "little guy, is this true?"

Lin Tianen asked with a smile, "you seem to be very interested in my breaking the seal?"

In fact, to be honest, we also have seals, which are similar to those of those books

"Oh? What the hell is going on? " Lin Tian asked, and the night old explained, "a long time ago, there was a terrible strong man in the demon world. Although he was a demon, he had human lineage, but in order to let the demon world learn more knowledge, he created the ancient demon temple. But in order to prevent other people from making trouble, the guy caught five of us and gave us a blessing. Once we left the ancient demon Temple The soul will be backfired. "

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "so you are forced to stay here?"

Yelao and others nodded, and Yelao also said, "we are human beings, long wanted to leave here, but we have been unable to do it, and you give us hope."

At the moment, the other four people stared at Lin Tian one by one, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "if I break your seal, aren't you terrible?"

Night old immediately said, "little brother, as long as you untie our seal, what conditions we need, we all promise you."

The other four nodded wildly, apparently hoping Lin Tian would help them, and Lin Tian smiled at the five.

These five people don't understand Lin Tian's smile until he asks again, "little brother, you really don't think about it?"

"I'm thinking about unlocking you. What's the good for me?" Lin Tian stared at the five people.

The night is always anxious, "as long as you untie us, do anything."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "are you sure?"


So Lin Tian said with a smile, "who will come first?"

Night old immediately said, "I come."

The other four were looking forward to watching, while Lin Tian called the old man and put his hand on his shoulder, then invaded his consciousness space.

There is a huge seal in the old consciousness space of this night, and the seal is similar to that in the book.

Before Lin Tian broke the seal, he first came to the old soul of that night. He thought Lin Tian wanted to talk with him, but suddenly Lin Tian hit a soul on his soul.

"What do you mean?" said the old night soul

"To be on the safe side, I want to make sure you lie." Lin Tian laughs at the old night, but the old night is worried, "you."

"What? Dare not? "

At the moment, he was shocked because he found Lin Tian's soul was too strong, and Lin Tian stole his memory one by one and asked, "say, the strong one, don't catch others, why catch five of you?"

"I, we are special." The night old pretends to be silly, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "if you like this, I can't help you."

He knew that he had been controlled by Lin Tian, and it was useless to conceal. So he quickly explained, "well, we five are here to catch the half man and half demon."

"Oh? Why did you catch him? "

"It's said that the blood of the half man and half demon can make people become gods directly. So the five of us came together, only to be picked up by him, and then became his servants. We can only guard in this ancient demon temple." The night was depressing to explain.

Lin Tian understood and smiled, "you told me, would you? Why are you in such trouble? "

Night old depressed way, "I see, even if I tell you, you will take the opportunity to take me down."

Lin Tian smiled, "understand people."

Night old immediately speechless, and Lin Tian looked around the seal, "you should be glad, I can break these seals."

After that, Lin Tian began to break the seal. In the middle of the solution, a virtual shadow appeared, and it was very big, but he could not see his face clearly, but he wondered, "who are you? Why do you want to break my seal?"

"You are the half man and half demon?" Lin Tian had some accidents, and the other side replied, "that's right."

Lin Tian smiled, "I want to untie them."

"These people are very vicious. If you let them go, they will kill the demons everywhere and destroy the demon world."

Lin Tian heard this saying and said, "don't worry, I will untie them, and naturally I won't let them make trouble."

"Are you sure?" The other side is dubious.

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