The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2423 the great void

At the beginning of the crack, it was dark, and nothing could be seen, but Lin Tian could easily avoid those cracks, and the man, a demon, followed him without stopping at all.

In this way, after a long time, a fire red bright spot appears, and the bright spot becomes larger and larger, and finally becomes an entrance.

Seeing the ghost Yang king, he was shocked, "there is still such a place down here."

The demon snake king was not familiar with the ghost Kingdom, so he was not shocked. Until Lin Tianyi escaped, they quickly followed.

At this time, there is a fire everywhere, and there is a passage under the fire. In this passage, from time to time, we can see some dead souls appear, and line up to a place.

"As expected," said the ghost king, "they are all here."

The king of the demon snake wondered, "why do these dead souls come here?"

Guiyang Wang also wanted to know, so he frowned and even looked at Lin Tian. "What can I do, my lord?"

"Let's go in and have a look." Lin Tian keeps up with these dead souls and wants to see where they are going.

The king of ghost Yang and the king of demon snake had to follow in silence until half an hour later, they came to a ladder in line, and through the ladder, came to a room.

In this room, there is a huge vortex, and behind the vortex, there is a wall.

One by one, the dead souls disappeared after entering the vortex, and the fire red light flashed on the wall.

"This is where," said the king

"It is estimated that part of the body of the ancient ghost king was sealed." Lin Tian explains, and the ghost Yang Wang stares, "what? Ancient ghost king? "

"Yes, the ancient ghost king, I came to the ghost kingdom to prevent others from reviving it. After all, it, you know, is just the devil of the ghost Kingdom, the guy who destroys the order of reincarnation."

"Ghost Yang king look ugly," did not expect that someone would want to revive the ancient ghost king

However, the king of the demon snake wondered, "the ancient king of the ghost is actually the king of the ghost. There must be no emperor of the ghost. The emperor of the ghost is powerful. Why is he so terrible?"

Lin Tian wryly smiled, "although he is the ghost king and the title is also the ghost king, he is a kind of monster in ancient times, and he lives and becomes stronger by devouring the dead soul. Therefore, once he comes out, the dead soul of this ghost kingdom will become his food."

"Then seal it, won't it?" The demon snake king said naively, but Lin Tian laughed. "It's hard to seal. Besides, it can fly in the ghost land and disappear without trace. You can't find it at all."

"So terrible?" The king of the demon snake was shocked, and then a voice in the dark laughed, "I didn't expect that Lin Di even knew this."

Hearing the strange voice, Lin Tian suspects, "you should be the emperor of nothingness."

"Yes, it's me." At this time, Emperor nihilism turned into a fire red shadow and stood in the corner laughing at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian stared at the nihilistic emperor, "why do you attract me here?"

"Very simply, I want you to witness miracles."


"Yes, I want to untie this seal." The nihilistic emperor said with a smile, while Lin Tian said coldly, "I won't let you break the seal."

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish." The nihilistic emperor smiled confidently, while the king of ghost Yang and the king of demon snake looked at him curiously, and Lin Tian frowned, "say something."

"The ancient ghost king was sealed in six places, and this is only one of them, but as long as one of them is untied, the other five will be sensed, just like awakening, and those seals will become weaker, making them easier to rush out."

Lin Tian said coldly, "so, do you want to untie one in front of me?"

"Yes, how about it? Is it exciting? " The emperor of nothingness laughed, but Lin Tian stared at him and said, "I don't seem to have any enmity with you. Why do you want me to watch this?"

"When you're in the divine Kingdom, I've heard about you, so I want to see." The emperor of nothingness said with a smile, but Lin Tian sneered, "I think it's the God who asked you to do this?"

"You're here, aren't you, anyway?" The nihilistic emperor laughed.

"Then you think I'll let you untie it?"

The nihilistic emperor laughs, "this dead soul has been absorbed almost. As long as I increase my strength, this seal will be broken."

"You think so." Lin Tian finished, suddenly rushed to the seal wall, began to move, and one by one into a strange force, and even the seal on the seal wall for transformation.

The nihilistic emperor's smile gradually disappeared, and even scolded, "want to stop it? No way! "

After that, Emperor nihilism asked mother-in-law Guihua to fight against Lin Tian. Lin Tian's powerful soul ignored any attack from them.

On one side, the ghost Yang king and the demon snake king couldn't help at all. They could only stare at each other anxiously, while Lin Tianbian strengthened the seal and said with a smile, "don't waste your effort, these ghosts, what can I do for you?"

Hearing this, the nihilistic emperor was angry, and then his hands were open, and countless flames gathered here, and 11 rushed to Lin Tian.

These huge flames are very fierce, but Lin Tian's soul is like absorbing the flames.

Therefore, those flames were swallowed by Lin Tian, which made him unwilling to take out a rope.

The rope is fire red, and under the control of the nihilist emperor, the rope quickly entangles Lin Tian and doesn't let him move again.

Lin Tian looked at the rope. "Didn't anyone tell you that you can't do anything to me with this strength?"

Hearing this, the nihilistic emperor sneered, "this is one of the locks that trap the gods, so even if you are a God, the result will be the same, you will be trapped by it."

Hearing this, the king of ghost Yang and the king of demon snake were shocked, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "then you can see."

After that, Lin Tian stretched out his hand, and then the rope fell off one by one, and fell on Lin Tian's shoulder.

Seeing this, Emperor nihilism became angry. "Wait, I will release the ancient ghost King successfully."

"Until you can let it go." Lin Tian finished, ignored, but continued to be busy with his own, the nihilistic emperor was so angry that he stared at him.

Until Lin Tian for a while, after the seal was completely strengthened, Lin Tian smiled at the nihilistic emperor and said, "well, I've already strengthened it. If you want to untie the seal, it's not possible to rely on the dead soul alone."

Hearing this, the face of the nihilistic emperor twisted, while Lin Tian smiled at him, "it's time to solve our grudges."

"If you don't, I'll fix you, too." When the nihilistic emperor finished speaking, his body loomed and disappeared at last.

"What about people?" The king of the demon snake was scared and looked around. The king of the ghost Yang said seriously, "he should be near here."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "yes, right behind me."

Sure enough, a figure appeared behind Lin Tian.

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