Zhang Qian hates others to say that he is a big head most, so he gets angry, "get this woman for me, catch up!"


These people are going to rush out, and that charming cold weird smile, "it's really interesting!"

After that, meiyouhan releases the cold air, aiming at those who come forward.

Those people were frozen on the spot, scared those people to shout, and the one thousand two eyes stared at meiyouhan, "no, it's impossible!"

"What is impossible?" Meiyouhan stared at him with a funny smile, and Zhang Qian was in a hurry. "You are clear."

"What do I know?" Meiyou cold evil smile, as for Zhang Qian bite teeth, "you are not strong, why so terrible."

"I'm not strong? Am I weak? " Meiyou cold strange smile, and Zhang Qian is in a hurry, "look for death!"

After that, Zhang Qian is going to deal with meiyouhan. Who knows that meiyouhan is so cold that he forces the other party to back up quickly. He also jumps up and shouts to the surrounding area, "come!"

Here's the alliance. With such a shout, countless people appeared nearby. When they saw the frozen soul, they were curious about what happened.

Zhang Qian pointed to meiyouhan and said, "hurry, take this woman down."

As for Zhang Qian's identity, we should naturally listen to him. After all, he is a deacon.

But it's terrible that the evil cold broke out. No one can resist those who scattered the ghost alliance. Qin Yixiu was stunned.

The snake king took a breath, "this apprentice, it's a little scary."

However, meiyouhan clapped his hands and looked at Zhang Qian in the air. "Dead big head, hurry to call people."

Zhang qianmeng yelled, "you, you wait."

With that, Zhang qianfei left, while Lin Tian looked at Qin Yixiu and said, "lead the way."

Qin Yixiu answered, "yes."

Qin Yixiu was the only one who led the way, while those frozen there accused Qin Yixiu one after another.

Qin Yixiu ignores them and leads Lin Tian to the elder hall. At the moment, Zhang Qianzheng comes out with a group of elders.

"It's him, them, and the woman." Zhang Qian pointed to the charming cold and said, and the elders, one by one, frowned.

Qin Yixiu quickly reported to Lin Tian and others, "Sir, these are elders, and that hair is fluffy, like a broom, is the elder, ghost you Jun."

Lin Tian said, and the ghost Youjun stared at Qin Yixiu coldly. "Do you forget the rules of the alliance?"

Qin Yixiu said awkwardly, "you can't help yourself."

"A good man can't help himself." The ghost Youjun sneers, but Qin Yixiu doesn't know what to say.

But meiyouhan stared at these elders and said with a smile, "are you coming one by one or together?"

These elders were blinded, especially the ghost Youjun said, "who are you?"

"Me? It's your ghost palace, the woman you talk about every day. "

All these elders have heard about the ghost palace, so when they heard this, they stared at meiyouhan strangely. Qin Yixiu said, "she is really the ghost palace, the sealed woman."

"Ghost you gentleman however hum a voice," I do not care who you are, dare to make trouble in our this, it is us to make a mistake

"Is it? Then come on. " Meiyouhan doesn't put these elders in his eyes at all, but Lin Tianxin chuckles, "this girl, she really doesn't give face."

As the elder of the league, GUI Youjun met such a crazy woman for the first time, so he said, "OK, I'll let you know my strength."

Finish saying, ghost you Jun, just like a moving shadow, arrives at Meiyou cold body, and Meiyou cold blows cold air, but this ghost you Jun disappears again.

Meiyouhan frowns and looks around. Then a seal appears around meiyouhan.

There are golden words on these seals, and the ghost Youjun appears in his original position, and he recites some incantations in his mouth. The seal immediately binds the charm Youhan and makes it unable to move.

"What ghost power!" Cold and gloomy.

The elders laughed, and Zhang Qian joked, "crazy? Keep going crazy! "

Qin Yixiu was shocked and explained to meiyouhan, "this is the seal soul charm, which belongs to one of the ghost charms."

"Ghost curse?" That ghost cold depressed up, and Qin a xiuen voice, "ghost curse, specifically for ghosts, power is very terrible."

Meiyouhan has nothing to say at that time, but the demon snake king looks at Lin Tian to see when he will take action.

However, Zhang Qian came and stared at meiyouhan and laughed, "come on, continue to hit me."

But meiyouhan stared at him and smiled, "dead big head, you will be unlucky."

"I will be unlucky? Ha ha! " Zhang Qian laughed wildly, but meiyouhan sneered, "my master, you will be unlucky."

"Your master, where? Let him out. " Zhang Qian didn't know Lin Tian was her master, so he went crazy there.

Meiyouhan turns to look at Lin Tian, "master, someone called you!"

"Yes." Lin Tian's gracious voice smiled, and Zhang Qian could not cry or laugh when he heard that Lin Tian was master meiyouhan. "He, is your master?"

"What? Is there a problem? " Meiyouhan despises Tao, but Zhang Qian laughs, "just him, so weak? Still be your master? "

"Weak? You will know later that he is not weak. " Meiyouhan despises Tao, and Zhang Qian says with a smile, "then you can see how I can clean him up."

After that, Zhang Qianyi hits Lin Tian and thinks that Lin Tian is just an Immortal Emperor, which should be solved easily.

But when Zhang Qianyi's hand fell on Lin Tian, Lin Tian had nothing, and the elders were shocked.

Qin Yixiu said to Zhang Qian, "deacon Zhang, don't try. It's useless."

Hearing this, Zhang qianning got up again. "I don't believe it."

Finish saying, Zhang Qian tries again, the result is a kind, and that charming cold sneers, "how? How do you feel? "

"Don't be complacent!" Zhang Qian is in a hurry. Unexpectedly, Lin Tian goes down in vain. Zhang Qian screams like a pig, and finally runs back to the elders.

The ghost you gentleman then looks up and down at Lin Tian, "boy, your soul defense is a bit strong."

"Not bad." After Lin Tian finished, he put his hand on the body of meiyouhan, and the seal of meiyouhan disappeared immediately.

This makes ghost you gentleman startled, "you can break my seal?"

"It's just a small skill." Lin Tian's words made the elders frown one by one, while GUI Youjun said coldly, "your tone is not small."

"Not bad."

"I'll see if your strength matches your tone." Finish saying, this ghost swims gentleman to move, once arrive in front of Da Lin Tian, and turn around in Lin Tian, then have retreat to original position, next moment, chant a curse.

At this time, Lin Tian was also surrounded by glittering gold, while Lin Tian smiled, "I have said that you dare to use it to deal with me?"

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