The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2447 bone soul Alliance

Lin Tian is only funny to see these people, "say, who sent you."

"If you don't want to die, ask less!" The young man was still very tugging and said, while Lin Tian smiled at him. "So, you are not going to say it?"

Those people, immediately one by one covetous, and Lin Tian wry smile way, "it seems, or have to do it."

When he heard this, he looked contemptuous one by one, especially the young man said, "just a few of you, you want to start with us? Are you sure you want to

Lin Tian goes out, but meiyouhan laughs at them. "Then try it, and my master promises to make your life worse than death."

These guys think that meiyouhan is joking, so they don't care about each other. Besides, some people watch Lin Tian come out and give him a slap or even say, "go to die!"

But that palm, after hitting Lin Tian, didn't have anything to do with Lin Tian. Those people immediately became curious one by one.

Some people still doubt, "this guy, it's the Immortal Emperor, how can I resist?"

Others said, "is there any magic weapon on this boy?"

At the thought of this, those people stared at Lin Tian strangely until the young man shouted, "all, attack together!"

Those people immediately started, and all of them threw the attack on Lin Tian. These people thought that Lin Tian could be killed easily.

Who knows, Lin Tian fought against all the attacks, and nothing happened, which shocked all the people present, even couldn't believe what happened.

"What's the matter?" Some people are puzzled and asked, some people are weird and said, "it's OK for so many people to attack?"

The young man began to think something was wrong and stared at Lin Tiandao. "Boy, who are you?"

"Guess." Lin Tian laughs at them, and these people, one by one, stare at Lin Tian strangely, until Lin Tian laughs, "well, there's no more nonsense, let's talk about you, who sent it?"

The young man hummed, "do you want me to tell you? Dream! "

When Lin Tian saw these guys and refused to say anything, he had to gather together and fight against the weakest one, but he had to resist the attack of the strongest soul power, so he screamed on the spot.

The others were startled and retreated, while Lin Tianqian put his hand on the forehead of the man who had been knocked down to the ground.

When a soul seal entered, the man was shocked, while others were curious about it.

Lin Tian steals the memory one by one and laughs, "another aspect of the ghost Kingdom comes."

These people didn't expect Lin Tian to know their identity, but the nihilistic emperor was surprised and said, "others came here?"

"Well, one of the ten guardians of the reincarnation hall, is of the spirit and bone alliance."

Hearing the bone and soul alliance, Emperor nihilism began to think about it. However, the ghost and cold were wonderful. "Master, is this bone and soul alliance powerful?"

"Among the ten palaces, it's medium." Lin Tian said, and the young man hummed, "boy, if you know our identity, you should know our strength."

"I have said that you can only be regarded as average."

"Medium? It's funny that our soul and bone alliance is much stronger than this ghost mountain. " The young man shouted.

Lin Tian smiled, "there are many ghosts, but they don't mean fierce, do they?"

The young man said angrily, "then I'll let you know our strength."

"If you're good at this, I think it's over." Lin Tian's contemptuous tone added fuel to the young man's anger.

So the young man clapped his hands together and recited a ghost spell. Next moment, Lin Tian was surrounded by fire cages.

This cage binds Lin Tian to that area one by one, and then burns Lin Tian's soul.

The nihilistic emperor took a breath and said, "it's a bit fierce."

"In front of my master, everything is empty."

But the young man despised Lin Tian. "Boy, if you don't surrender, I will increase my strength, and you will not live as if you were dead."

"I said, you're rubbish." Lin Tian, in a word, directly touched that pull, and then with the black jade pendant, directly swallowed up the flame.

Seeing this, the young man was frightened, and others were also frightened. Some people said to the young man, "elder Liu, what should we do now?"

The young man, called elder Liu, said coldly, "protect this to the death, do you hear?"

People know their purpose, so they are all on guard after their benediction, and Lin Tian laughs and says, "you will protect this to the death?"

The young elder hums, "boy, we won't give you a chance to enter."

"Oh? Is that right? "

"That's right. Don't step in!" Elder Liu stared, and Lin Tian smiled strangely, "then I will wipe you out one by one."

Finish saying, Lin Tian another virtual fight in a person, that person fell on the spot, and Lin Tian past, a soul seal down, also obediently Lin Tian took down.

This makes other people at a loss. Some people look at the elder Liu, "elder Liu, this guy is too powerful."

"Powerful what? It's just a fairy emperor. It scares you. " Liu Chang said angrily, but those people really can't deal with Lin Tian.

So some people still think about whether to withdraw or not, while Lin Tian says, "Whoever doesn't want to be taken, just leave, or I'll take them one by one."

But these people looked at elder Liu. It was obvious that he didn't give orders. They didn't dare to walk around. They could only stand there and persevere.

But meiyouhan joked, "don't be dazed, hurry up, my master will wait for you to come out!"

The nihilistic emperor sighed, "this emperor Lin is really terrible."

However, the elder Liu stared at the people and said, "if you are stupid, hurry to use the last resort."

"Are you sure?" Some people doubted, but elder Liu glared, "now you don't need it, do you want to use it when you fall down one by one?"

Everyone thought it was reasonable, so they turned into black light one by one and entered the body of the elder Liu.

Elder Liu's momentum has soared to many realms, and the red soul shadow has become stronger and stronger. Even when he speaks, he carries fire.

"Boy, see?" Elder Liu stared at Lin Tian and despised him.

Lin Tian laughed when he saw it, and the elder said, "what are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing. You're ignorant." Lin Tian stares at the old villain Liu Chang and smiles, while the elder Liu stares, "then you won't be able to laugh later."

Finish saying, the flow elder separated the air and made a fire to Lin Tian. The fire was very strong and covered Lin Tian in an instant.

The nihilistic emperor took a breath, "what a powerful attack."

"Just so." Meiyouhan doesn't think so, but the elder Liu is cold. "Boy, are you cool?"

At this time, the flame dissipated, but Lin Tian was ok, and even said, "it's not cool enough."

"You." Elder Liu is covered.

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