The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2464 strange woods

Among these leaves, Mo junchou also came to these boulders and looked at them, but finally disappeared in front of a rock.

Lin Tian immediately looks for the boulder in these boulders, and then walks over step by step, while the bone ally leader and ghost mother-in-law are uneasy to follow.

Burning Qingqing and meiyouhan also followed in silence and came to a boulder. Lin Tian looked at the boulder and found that there were no words on it, but other boulders had some words, such as ghost art.

"Why is there no word in this piece?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and the bone ally leader hesitated, "you say this."

"Yes, that's it." Lin Tian was curious to stare at the bone leader, and the bone leader explained, "at the beginning, we thought this piece was strange, but we studied it for a long time, and didn't find anything special about it, so we ignored it."

But Lin Tianming saw in the leaves that Mo junchou had disappeared from the huge stone.

Burning Qingqing has also been seen, so she is curious to explore the boulder, but she can't find anything.

Lin Tian had to close his eyes and begin to feel the surroundings to see if there was any strange space. But then, suddenly, a wind blew through a place.

Lin Tian opens his eyes, and then a black wind appears, rolling meiyouhan and others directly. The green light on the burnt green body flickers, making the black wind unable to take her away, so the other three people disappear.

This scene scared the burning green, "grandfather, just now, that, what is that."

Lin Tianning stressed, "maybe it's some kind of power, and it's very powerful, but it's afraid of the light on you."

"The light of God?"

"Yes, some gods have their own light." Lin Tian explained, and burning Qingqing worried, "what about them?"

"I left a soul mark on those two people, which can locate their whereabouts in a short distance." Lin Tian finished, and began to sense the traces of the two of them.

But these two people are in a dark area. Lin Tian passes through them and doesn't know where they are, but he can know their general position.

So Lin Tian looked at the burning green and said, "go."

Burn Qingqing immediately followed Lin Tian's steps, then ran out of the area to a path.

There are a lot of flowers around the path, and these flowers, when they pass by, emit green light.

It's a wonderful way to burn green. "Ancestor, why do I meet these flowers? They will always swing with me."

"For the root of your God." Lin Tian said, and burning Qingqing wondered, "My divine root is so interesting?"

"In the future, you will find that you have a great spirit!" Lin Tian smiled and said, "is it true?"

"Wait." Lin Tian knows that once the Tianmu divinity is fully understood, it will be a very terrible existence, because Lin Tian once met such a terrible person.

Burning Qingqing didn't know how strong it was, so she looked forward to it. When Lin Tian took her around several mountains and came to a mountain, Lin Tian saw the scene and frowned.

The burning green startled me, because there was a valley in front of me, and the trees in the valley were very high, and other plants were very strong, just like a huge forest.

Not only that, in these woods, there is a place, there is a tower, and the tower is surrounded by all kinds of vines, making the tower look like a tree.

"Grandpa, here." Burning green and stuttering, but Lin Tian said, "be careful to follow me later."

"Yes, grandfather." Burn Qingqing carefully follows Lin Tian, and after Lin Tian flies, burn Qingqing also flies.

But then, all of a sudden, the plants became more prosperous, and countless vines came out and surrounded the burning green, but they did not do anything to her.

When Lin Tian saw this, he looked dignified. Then he burned the green and said, "grandfather, these things surround me and don't let me out."

Lin Tian stared curiously and said, "you put your strength away."

"Put away the power?"

"Yes, just don't let out a breath." Lin Tian explained, and that burning green grace sound, and then put away the breath, then the plants a little bit back.

After a while, he was free. Then he hurried to Lin Tian and asked, "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

"You are divine root, with the smell of wood, and you are very powerful, so these plants surround you and think you are what energy."

Hearing this, burning Qingqing suddenly realized, "that's what happened."

"Let's go." When Lin Tian finished explaining, he took the burnt green and disappeared from his original position, and went directly to the front of the tower.

The plants on this tower still surround that tower, and when Lin Tian was going to break them, the black wind appeared again.

Lin Tian immediately condenses his body, and then casts countless shadows. These winds lose their target instantly, and can only attack the shadows at will.

Burning Qingqing is looking at it in a panic, until a green cane sticks out from a tree, like a hand, suddenly entangles burning Qingqing, and then drops down to the tree.

"Ah!" Burn Qingqing shouts, and Lin tianben rushes down the forest. He sees a huge rattan, and catches the burn Qingqing. But the rattan is as happy as a spirit. "This little girl has a delicious smell."

Lin Tian stared at the tree spirit and said, "you'd better let her go."

"Let her go? Do you think it's possible? " Lin Tian said, "if you don't let her go, you will regret it."

"Funny, how can I regret it?" The tree smiled, but Lin tianxie smiled, and then countless ghosts surrounded the past, and one by one out of the void.

The tree spirit screamed on the spot, and the tree spirit quickly hid in the ground, and burned the qingqingsongkou airway, "ancestor, what is this? It's so terrible."

"Here, many plants have become refined, and this is one of them."

"Is it refined?" Burning Qingqing takes a breath, but Lin Tian says, "you wait here."

When Lin Tian finished, he left some shadows here to protect and burn the green, while Lin tianben hid in the ground.

At the moment, in a hole underground, the tree was refined into a woman, and she arranged her hair and complained, "it's really unlucky to meet such a terrible person today."

"If you don't mess with me, you'll be fine." Lin Tian's words shocked the woman, then she looked pale and stared at Lin Tian, "what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to talk to you." Lin Tian smiles at the woman.

"What's there to talk about?" the woman said

"What is the world here, and what is the tower?" Lin Tian asked two questions in a row.

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