No matter who Lin Tian is, Yang Tianguan stares at him and says, "here we are, Longyou Valley!"

"Dragon Valley? So, do you really want to disappear from this continent? "

As soon as Lin Tian said this, the people in Longyou Valley laughed. Some people said, "is this guy crazy? I will not inquire about the origin of our Longyou valley. "

"No, we are Longyou Valley, but the third existence of the middle school, he wants to destroy us?"

"It's ridiculous that a lower class clan doesn't even pay attention to our Longyou Valley!"

When people laughed, Lin Tian had already started. A blood Heaven Sword went out. Those disciples of Longyou Valley had no ability to resist. They crossed them at once.

For a moment, a person's blood was evacuated, and then they screamed one by one.

Some are still angry and unwilling, "senior brother Yang, he, he even hurt us!"

Yang Tianguan, who is the senior brother of longyougu, has a cold look at the moment and says, "look for death!"

At this time, a white light fell, and the three people of Nangong Yan were shocked, especially Tianbing shouted, "Grandpa, be careful, this is a slow attack!"

Slow attack? It's a kind of light magic. Lin Tian didn't expect that Yang Tianguan could even use light magic.

However, Lin Tian glanced at it coldly. "You are jinlinggen. You are forced to use light magic. It's less than one tenth powerful!"

Yang Tianguan didn't expect Lin Tianneng to see through his spiritual roots and laugh, "boy, although I'm not a light spiritual root, I'm enough to deal with you."

It's not the light spirit root. It means the power is greatly reduced. For Lin Tian, it's rubbish.

So Lin Tian doesn't even look at it. A blood vine is released and quickly entangles Yang Tianguan.

Yang Tianguan is not a simple transformation of the divine realm. Seeing the rattan, he immediately got rid of it with a strong force, and then flew up and sneered, "boy, you just built the foundation, just want to fight with me? You are naive! "

"Kill him!" cried the onlookers of Longyou valley! Kill him! "

That Li Yan is also excited, "elder martial brother Yang, get rid of him!"

It is believed that when Lin Tian died, all of a sudden, Lin Tian changed from one person to thirty-two people, and the target was Yang Tianguan.

This sudden scene, the presence of people have not responded, that Yang Tianguan was scared to quickly open a mask.

The golden aura mask resisted the burning palm one by one, but it lasted for a while, and the mask was broken. Yang Tianguan was hit directly, and then fell on a pavilion again, smashing the pavilion directly.

The people present were stunned, and Li Yan looked at each other, unable to believe that all this was true.

Nangong Yan is very happy. As for Lin Tian stepping on the blood Heaven Sword, he comes down to the front of Yang Tianguan and holds the sword and points to him coldly. "I don't care who you are. If you offend me, you have to pay a price!"

"Boy, I'm from Longyou valley."

"I said that if Longyou Valley participates, it will die." Lin Tian stabs in with a sword. Yang Tianguan doesn't want to struggle, but the blood sucking ability of Xue Tianjian is very fast.

All of a sudden, Yang Tianguan's spirit was weak, and the yuan God of Yang Tianguan made a leap and wanted to escape. As a result, Lin Tian was ready to throw him directly into the transformed demon box.

This demon box is full of demons, and that Yang Tianguan only has Yuanshen. It can be imagined that he screams in succession in less than a moment.

But people don't know where Yang Tianguan has gone. They only know that Lin Tian has caught Yang Tianguan.

Lin Tian then turns around and looks at Li Yan and others. Li Yan steps back and is at a loss.

"Today, none of you can escape!" Lin Tian finished, and he was ready to fight again.

At this time, a voice came from the deep part of the yard, "who is so brave! Dare to play wild in Longyou Valley! "

The people of Longyou valley are very happy, "it's summer that grows old!"

At this time, a man in a red robe, very fast, just like a shadow, arrived in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian directly cast thirty-two magic shadows, and the other party killed one directly, but there were thirty-one.

The old man, with white hair and scars on his face, said angrily, "boy, who are you? Why do you do magic?"

"Magic skill?" The people at the scene looked at each other, and Lin Tian was too lazy to pay attention, but stared at the old man, "are you sure you want to participate?"

"I'm the third elder of Longyou valley. You hurt me. Do you want me to participate?" That summer long old stare way.

Lin Tian sneers, "then your people don't hurt me first."

Elder Xia glanced at the three girls and ignored them, saying, "it's just three girls. Can you compare it with our great and perfect genius?"

"I'm sorry, their lives are more precious than any of you!" Lin Tian said something rudely.

That summer long old anger way, "seek to die!"

At this time, a group of escorts rushed outside. They looked at each other and looked at this group of escorts. The leader was elder Hu. He was angry.

In particular, I saw the three people sitting around the scene, the flow inflammation lying there, and Zhu Fei's airway, "say, what's going on?"

That Zhu Fei scared silly, but that Xia Changlao said in his own name, "elder Hu, you come just in time, hurry to catch this boy."

"Why?" Hu Yao asked curiously. Xia Chang pointed to the body of Yang Tianguan and said, "he killed the people in Longyou valley."

But Hu Yao said, "do I want to ask you why you brought these three women here?"

Xia Changlao didn't expect Hu Yao to ask, so he said politely, "it was their three women who came in."

"Oh? And then come in, and you make them like this? " Hu Yao looks at the three weak people. He feels very uncomfortable and looks even worse.

Xia Changlao began to be impatient. "Elder Hu, what do you mean?"

"I mean it's very simple. You Longyou valley are fighting in the city. I have to take your people back to investigate!" Hu Yao is cold.

Xia Changlao didn't expect the Hu medicine to stare at him just now. "Elder Hu, you'd better not do this, or everyone will not get down the steps."

"What's the problem? I'll take it." Hu Yaogen doesn't care, that Xia Changlao airway, "OK, I hope you can be so crazy after our patriarch comes!"

With that, elder Xia hummed and walked out of the yard. The old Hu shouted to the guards, "all but four of them, take them away!"


Those guard teams came forward one by one and took everyone away. Those people dare not resist. After all, this is Tianlong city.

Hu Yao hurriedly comes forward to compensate Lin Tianpei. He's sorry and says, "this, I'm sorry."

Lin Tian didn't say anything, but looked at Nangong Yan and asked, "are you ok?"

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