The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2474 win or lose

Seeing the impatient wind elder, Lin Tian said, "I have said that I can control any magic weapon."

"You." The wind grows old and angry to take up this ribbon, no longer go to use, but Lin Tian stares at him and says with a smile, "like this, is it useful?"

"The wind elder hums a way," really seek to die! "

At this time, elder Feng is like a white shadow. It's very fast. When he arrives in front of Da Lin Tian, Lin Tian turns into countless ghosts in a twinkling of an eye, forcing elder Feng to say, "if you continue like this, I'm not polite!"

"What? Are you going to threaten me with them? Then you are too narrow-minded. " Lin Tian teases the wind elder.

"I have principles," said the wind elder, glaring

"Oh? Principle? Ridiculous! " Lin Tian despises Tao, but elder Feng recites a mantra in his mouth.

At the next moment, all the shadows of Lin Tian disappear, and the Buddha is shrouded in a green light.

"Interesting." Lin Tian saw the green light and laughed, and the old wind chief said, "do you know what this is?"

"Is it important?"

"Of course, this green light is called the skill of fixing people. Once trapped there, you can't come out, and I want to kill you, I will kill you." Elder Feng proudly said, but his face was a little pale.

Lin Tian laughs, "this magic consumes a lot of power."

Elder Feng looked at Lin Tian and saw the clue, then he glared at him. "It's important to kill you and consume a little. What's old?"

"Ridiculous!" Lin Tian laughs, and the wind elder says, "what's the laugh?"

"I'm laughing, you're ignorant!" Lin tianxie laughed, but elder Feng was annoyed. "It's time to die. How hard is it?"

"It's not just a kind of magic, but also a kind of magic that makes people sleepy." Lin Tian disdains Tao, then puts his hand on the light and begins to absorb the power of the light.

"Magic? Boy, do you really think you are a fairy emperor, you can break it? " Said the wind elder, with a face full of disbelief.

Not only the wind elder, but also the one who is away from Aotian and Wugang think it is unlikely, and Lu Qin is worried.

But at this time, where Lin Tian met, it became weaker and weaker, and the green light gradually dissipated.

This makes the wind long eldest brother startled lose color, but that leaves the proud day and so on also one by one to expose the stunned look.

Lin Tian laughed, "now, it's just the beginning."

"You." Elder Feng immediately returned to his mind and stared at the strange Lin Tian. Lin Tian laughed at her. "You must be weak now?"

Elder Feng is really weak at the moment. After all, this magic consumes a lot of her strength, but for the sake of face, she insists, "weak? Enough for you! "

Finish saying, this wind elder plans to make a move again, and Lin tianfo God decides to put it into practice.

Li Aotian sighs after seeing Lin Tian using this move again, "elder Feng, it's going to be over."

Elder Feng didn't know what the golden light was, so after blinking, he studied it carefully and found that it didn't have any influence on him, he disdained to say, "I thought it was so powerful, but I just scared people."

"Ask the elder Li how about this move." Lin Tian laughs and says, and that wind elder doesn't matter, but leaves Ao Tian to take the initiative to chat up a way, "wind elder, this move, can let you fall into an illusion, then."

Speaking of this, Li Aotian's face turned red, and the wind elder glared, "don't compare me with you, waste one!"

Li Aotian can't speak at once, so he can only stare at Lin Tian in depression, while elder Feng looks at Lin Tian and says, "boy, the last move is to win!"

"The final?"

"Yes, I'll give you a slap. Don't hide, don't use shadows. If you can't die, even if you win, how about it?" Elder Feng stared at Lin Tianleng and whispered to himself, "Damn it, this is the only way."

At the moment, elder Feng is very weak. If you don't take the opportunity to kill Lin Tian, you will surely be consumed.

Lin Tian, of course, saw the meaning of the other party, so he smiled, "I'd like to accompany you, but don't regret at that time!"

"Of course, how can I repent?" The wind elder arrogant way, but Lin Tianze change unearthed a smile, "come on, let's see how powerful this palm is."

When they saw that Lin Tian was going to attack elder Feng, they were shocked one by one, especially Li Aotian reminded them, "Sir, elder Feng has a powerful hand."

Wu Gang also said, "my Lord, if you don't use shadow, you will be in trouble."

It's needless to say that several people in Lu Qin were also worried. Only meiyouhan believed Lin Tian, "don't worry, my master dare to carry it, it will be OK."

People don't know if they should believe in this charming cold. But elder Feng stared at Lin Tian and asked again, "are you ready, boy?"

"I should ask you if you should be ready for that." Lin Tian smiled at the wind elder, and the wind elder said coldly, "unexpectedly, I'll show you my strength."

Finish saying, elder Feng gathers a group of strength, and the goal is Lin Tian.

I saw a strong green light from the palm of the wind elder hand, and directly "boom" on Lin Tian's soil branch.

The two elders and Lu Qin thought Lin Tian would die, but Tu Fen was only hit for a distance, and then he stopped in the middle of the air and said, "OK?"

All of them were immediately shocked, and meiyouhan proudly said, "want to pit my master? No way! "

"My God, it's all right?" Lu Qin's eyes are silly, but he is even more demented from Aotian and Wugang.

For elder Feng, he looks more and more ugly. His eyes are still fixed on Lin Tian, but he can't help saying, "OK, I'll take you to see my apprentice!"

"Lead the way!" When Lin Tian saw that the other side kept the agreement, he laughed, and the wind elder groaned and rushed into the forest. Lin Tian looked at Li Aotian and others and said, "don't be dazed, let's go."

Finish saying, Lin Tian also keeps up with, as for other people also hurry to catch up.

When Lin Tian passed through the woods, he came to a small village. Here, there are many rooms, but only the wind elder and the Mojun are worried. Mojun is still in the same room.

"That's it." Elder Feng stood outside the room and said, while Lin Tian looked around. "No one here, what are you doing with so many rooms?"

"It's my business," said the wind elder, glaring. "It's not until you say more."

Lin Tian smiled back. "I'm just curious. Is it so exciting?"

"Boy, I told you, I just agreed to bring you, not to let you meddle." Said the wind elder angrily.

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but let elder Feng open the door. As for elder Feng, he hummed. With a wave of his hand, the door opened automatically.

But in this place, there is darkness everywhere, and there is also a pile of medicine fragrance.

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