The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2480 cheating is useless!

Those elders also felt that Lin Tian's power could not fight against the leader at all, so Li Aotian said, "Sir, I think it's better to forget it."

But elder Feng said with a smile, "little fellow, don't shrink back. Go on. I see if you dare to face the leader."

When those elders heard the words of elder Feng, they despised each other. The second elder also said, "four elders, don't hurt us."

"Harm you? Do you have any? " The wind elder asked, and the second elder said, "if he dies, we will play with him."

"Oh? Why? " Elder Feng was curious to stare at them, but these people didn't know how to say it. But Lin Tian said to them, "you are here. I'll go and meet the leader for a while."

With that, Lin Tian came to the edge of the array, and then the whole man walked into it. When everyone was covered, the elder said to himself, "how can I get in, boy?"

Others want to know, but no one can understand, so they can only look at each other.

Until Lin Tian walked inside, suddenly a black light covered Lin Tian's whole body, preventing him from moving forward, and everyone outside was shocked.

Lin Tian stared at these black lights and said with a smile, "do you want to trap me?"

The leader said coldly, "I've warned you, but don't blame me for being rude if you don't listen."

"Then come out and let me see." Lin Tian said with a smile that he didn't take each other seriously at all, which made the leader say in the dark, "unexpectedly, then I have to show you."

"Oh? What are you going to see? "

"Then you can see." At this time, in front of Lin Tian, countless stones gathered around him to become a stone man, and people were curious about the relationship between the stone man and the leader.

Lin Tian stared at the stone man and said with a smile, "are you interested in letting a stone man deal with me?"

"This is a stone spirit I subdued, and it's enough to deal with you." The leader said triumphantly, but Lin Tian didn't care. "It's not just a stone spirit, it's not a big deal."

"Oh? Is it? Then you can see. " The leader grinned.

Lin Tian doesn't think so, but the stone spirit punches Lin Tian very fast, but what the leader doesn't think is that Lin Tian is just a shadow, which makes the leader say strangely, "boy, you fight my stone spirit with the shadow?"

"No way?" Lin Tian laughs and casts a lot of ghosts. The leader hums, "then I'll show you its real power."

At this time, the stone spirit began to send out flames, and a mouth, countless flames erupted around, directly put out all the evil shadows, but Lin Tian seemed to disappear.

"What about people?" All the people were curious, and the leader laughed, "boy, it seems that you are just a shrinking turtle."

"Is it?" At this time, Lin Tian appears not far away, and then takes out the Tianyin piano.

"What? With piano? The leader didn't take Lin Tian seriously and even thought it funny. Lin Tian laughed and said, "yes, this piano can cut off its connection with you."

"Funny, how can I cut off the contact with this stone spirit after being subdued by me for many years?"

"I said that I was subdued by you, but you have a thought on the back of the stone spirit, don't you?" Lin Tian laughs, and people wonder what's on the back of Shi Ling.

At this time, Lin Tian played. The stone was crazy. A black talisman flew out behind him. Lin Tian seized the talisman. As for the leader's voice, it came from the talisman, "boy, you!"

"You've been talking to me through this rune, haven't you?" Lin Tian laughed, and the people outside were shocked one by one.

As for Shiling, he just like lost his power, lying on the ground and unable to move, while the leader hummed in the talisman, "boy, wait, I'll come out and take care of you."

At the next moment, the talisman was burning, and the top of the sky began to darken, as if a storm was coming. Then a black robe, an old man with an old face, fell.

I saw that the old man stared at Lin Tian coldly, and the elders outside were scared one by one when they saw this man, and even dared not talk more.

Lin Tian stared at him and said with a smile, "it's a man of God indeed."

"If you know that I am a man of God, you should know that I am terrible."

"You are powerful, but there are too few spirits here, so that the spirits in your body can maintain one or two magic arts at most. Otherwise, when you are consumed, you will only have to dodge, or you can make do with some magic arts, right?" Lin Tian smiles at him.

"Boy, how do you know so much?" The leader stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian laughed, "God, I have been there."

"You mean you're from the gods, too?" The leader stared at Lin Tian suspiciously, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "of course."

The leader was dubious until after a long time he said, "I don't care where you come from, but you are just a fairy emperor, so I will let you pay the price."

"The price?"

"Yes, the price of confrontation with me." The leader groaned, and then he took a hand to go out. A strong air flow turned into a huge flame, which was instantly distributed in the forest.

If it's not fire magic at the moment, it's estimated that Lin Tian almost feels like he's going to be blown away. Fortunately, it's fire magic. When Lin Tian meets this magic, he has turned into a fire part and directly absorbed this fire magic.

Then Lin Tian didn't do anything, and the leader and the onlookers were shocked, and it was incredible.

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "how is it? Continue? "

The leader stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian smiled at him, "what? Don't you like it? "

The leader said coldly, "son, do you really think I can't take you?"

"Come if you have the ability. Let me see how many magic skills you can use."

The leader knew that Lin Tian wanted to force himself to use divinity and consume himself, so he took out a black ring and smiled, "I have used this ring to absorb a lot of spirit in these years, so when I want to use it, just use it once, I can recover."

After that, the leader absorbed the spirit in the ring, and then the whole man got up in spirit, and planned to use the magic again, while the charming cold outside scolded, "cheat!"

The other elders look ugly, but Lin Tian laughs, "I didn't expect that you still have this thing."

"Are you afraid?" The leader laughed, and with a wave of Lin Tian's hand, the ring fell on Lin Tian's hand. As for the leader, he was shocked, and the people outside were even dumbfounded.

"Now that you don't have this ring, how many magic tricks can you use?" Lin Tian despises Tao.

The leader immediately stormed, "you, you are looking for death!"

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