The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2532 on a strange ship

Nangong Yan hears this, and Lin Tian knows that he has to gather his spirit quickly. Otherwise, many magic skills will be useless, and he will be very passive.

But now the most important thing is to go to the eastern Shenzhou.

But there is a vast ocean around, and it is very difficult to leave the sea, because there are many sea animals under the sea.

These sea animals are so powerful that even the golden realm can't do anything, so they can only cross through some special ships or magic weapons.

So Lin Tian thought about it and took out a sword. After making the sword bigger, he controlled it to float.

"Big brother, is that it?"

"Although I can't fly, my art of controlling things is very useful." Lin Tian smiled, jumped and came to the flying sword.

Nangong Yan also hurriedly went up, and sat on the sword and said excitedly, "then, which direction shall we go now?"

Lin Tian looked up and said, "do you see the sky? Nine stars. "

Nangong Yan looks up doubtfully, and sure enough, there are nine different lights on her head. They are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

These nine different colors flash.

"What is this?" Nangong Yan did not understand, but Lin Tianxiao said, "this is called the nine stars. It's the nine stars of the divine world, and their positions are fixed. As long as we use them, we can identify the general direction."


"For example, I'm going to Dongfang Shenzhou now. We choose wooden stars. If we keep flying in the direction of green light, we can reach Dongfang Shenzhou."

"Yes." Nangong Yan understood the same, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "let's go."

I saw the sword flying in the air, but half a day later, suddenly it was dark everywhere, as if a storm was coming.

"Big brother, what's the matter? All of a sudden it's dark. "

Lin Tian explained, "the general situation is that the weather changes, or some people cast magic, followed by sea animals."


"Let me see." Lin Tian looks around to see if the weather is changing. After all, the weather in the sea area is the most strange.

At this time, a huge ship appeared in front of us, just like a big Mac in the sea, slowly approaching, and then a handsome man appeared on the ship.

See this man to Lin Tian two people wave way, "two, quick, come quickly."

Nangong Yan doubts, "big brother, is this?"

"It's probably a passer-by in the sea." Lin Tian finished, and took Nangong Yan to the boat.

That man's wonderful way, "two, how are you in this sea area?"

"Our ship was accidentally sunk by sea animals." Lin Tian explains, and the man laughs, "then hurry in."

With that, the man led Lin Tian to the cabin.

In this cabin, there are many people, and these people are the same as them, because of various reasons.

Even so, these people all have a god state, some are still four or five-star, and Lin Tian, a man without a God, naturally attracts countless people's attention.

"This guy, who has not become a God, dare to come to the sea and jump?"

"So, miserable."

"But it's good that they met him. Otherwise, they would not know how to die."

The man called he Gongzi was just the man. He took Lin Tian and Nangong Yan to an empty house and said, "two, you can rest here these days."

Nangong Yan was grateful. "Thank you very much, little brothers."

And the childe said with a smile, "raise your hand, don't care."

"Still." Nangong Yan said with a smile, while he said with a smile, "I don't know what to call you, little girl, and this one?"

Nangong Yan said excitedly, "I'm going to Nangong Yan."

Lin Tian says, "Lin Tian."

He smiled and said, "I'm from the eastern holy land, the holy coast and my family."

"Oriental Shenzhou? It's the same place we went. " Nangong Yan said excitedly, and He Lian smiled, "Oh? Is it? Then we're in luck. "

Lin Tian is curious to see and refine, "I don't know why he appears in this sea area?"

"I like to travel around. I happened to pass here recently." He Lian said, and Lin Tian asked after the sound, "how long will it take to get to the Oriental holy land?"

"If you follow the speed of the ship, it will take several months." This and Lian explained, and Nangong Yan took a breath, "how many months?"

He Lian said, "it's fast. If it's slow, I'm afraid it'll be longer if there's something to delay in a few years."

Nangong Yan was shocked. "So far?"

"Yes, but don't worry about the two. When you get on this ship, you can rest assured." He Lian said with a smile, and Nangong Yan said with a smile, "thank you very much, little brother."

"You're welcome. If you need anything, just ask my servant."


He Lian just left the house, but Lin Tian was gloomy. Nangong Yan said excitedly, "big brother, little brother, it's very kind."

"Don't jump to conclusions until you know the other person's purpose." Lin Tian retorts, and Nangong Yan doesn't understand, "big brother, what do you mean?"

"Do you think it's OK for him to travel in the sea with a boat and save people along the way?"

"Maybe they are kind enough to save people from the sea." Nangong Yan guessed, and Lin Tianxiao said, "let's talk about it slowly. Some things are not suitable for conclusion."

Nangong Yan Ensheng then looked at the small house and looked out through a piece of transparent glass inside, "big brother, you can see the sea outside here."

Lin Tian came to the window and stared at the outside and said, "it seems to be the weather."


"This sea area is involved. It's estimated that it will take a long time to leave."

Nangong Yan said, and Lin Tianpan sat down and said, "let's have a rest first. It's going to take a few months, but it's going to take years."


Nangong also sat up, but half a day later, the door was pulled open, a drunk man appeared.

I saw that the big man was full of wine, and there was a Taoist nearby.

Nangong Yan is frightened. "Who are you?"

The big man laughed, "I, and the second childe of my family, and Kuang, are He Lian's elder brother, and this is my counselor, xueshandao."

Nangong Yan had a kind of ominous premonition, and Lin Tian was curious to see them until he Lian came and said, "second brother, what are you doing?"

"I heard that you have two more people today, one of whom is a fairy, so I want to borrow this fairy." That's funny.

He Lian said, "no!"

"Third brother, why not? Shouldn't he contribute something when he gets on our boat? " That's funny.

He Lian was depressed and said, "he was invited by me, so I have the right to let him stay here for free."

"What if I don't?" This and crazy stare way, and He Lian goes to two people in front of Lin Tian and says, "you dare to move them, move me first."

And crazy stare way, "your God root, really want your life."

Blood mountain road said with a smile, "three CHILDES, although you are cultivating a good way, you can't give a good heart."

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