The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2581 giving good things

"Don't look at it as small. If it gets bigger, it will scare you to death." Lin Tian laughs strangely, but Nangong Yan doubts, and the golden tortoise leaps to Lin Tian's shoulder and lies motionless.

Fire many fish can feel its terrible, so blinked, doubted, but Lin Tian said to that many Luo, "go back."

Dorone said, immediately took the people out of here, and then returned to the sea fish tribe.

However, in the sea fish family, there are bloodstains everywhere, and in the big water lake, there are floating sea animal bodies.

"Here." DORO's face changed a lot, and there were bodies on the bank.

This scared more Luo to run to the main hall, and said, "Dad."

Nangong Yan was shocked. "Big brother, what's the matter?"

"It's estimated that the seal broke ahead of time." Lin Tian frowned, and the fire fish trembled, "I feel the terrible breath."

The golden tortoise also said on Lin Tian's shoulder, "so strong."

He was weak in cultivation and didn't feel anything, so he was confused. Lin Tian took all the people and ran to the palace together.

At the moment, in this palace, duotianbao holds a sword and points to a dried fish body. The dried fish is the half man and half beast before, but it is already a little bloody and looks terrible.

"How are you, dad?" "Duo Luo hurriedly said. Duo Tianbao's face was pale, and the sword in his hand was still shaking." Dad, it won't last long. "

"Dad, you, you will be OK!" DORO said in a hurry, and Dorothy looked ugly. "Take advantage of my sword, you can still suppress it. You and those people will leave here quickly."

Dorothy cried in horror. "No, I won't go."

"Hurry up!" said duotianbao

But the mermaid made a grim smile, "want to go? Did you ask me? "

At this time, the whole hall is full of blood red bubbles, and Lin Tian and others are all trapped by blood red bubbles.

Those Tianbao are shocked, "these blood bubbles will devour people's blood and soul. You, break it quickly."

Duo Luo and others were shocked. They began to attack the bubble crazily, but they couldn't frown at all. This scared duo Luo. "Dad, it's useless."

Nangong Yan is also covered, "how can this bubble be so strong?"

"It's a bit fierce," said Huoduo

But the golden tortoise looked at Lin Tian and said, "it seems that you are the only one."

Lin Tian has no choice but to smile, "lend you a drop of blood."

"Lend me a drop of blood? Why? "

"This kind of creature is most afraid of the blood of the beast, and you are the reason why I am looking for you." Lin Tian finished, the golden tortoise had to force out a drop of blood.

Lin Tian is holding this drop of blood, smashing those bubbles directly, and then holding that drop of blood in his hand, laughing at the shocked Centaur, "it's time to seal you."

"Dare you!" The half Mermaid beat out in one palm, trying to shock Lin Tianzhen to death. Lin Tian jumped to the back of the half Mermaid and hit the half Mermaid with a drop of blood.

The mermaid immediately screamed, and Lin Tian took the opportunity to say to Huoduo, "borrow some blood from you."

"How much is needed?"

"A big bowl."

"So many," he said

"Hurry up, don't waste time." In Lin Tian's words, the fire fish had to make a pile of blood, and the blood flew to the front and back of Lin Tian's face. Lin Tian activated the blood one by one, and then drew a symbol on the halfling.

After a while, the mermaid stood still as if he were dead, and the red Rune flashed on him, completely suppressing him.

Duotianbao said in surprise, "here."

"Yes." Lin Tian tidies up his mood, while duotianbao is surprised, "how did you do it?"

"What I drew is a unique animal seal, and it can completely suppress his power with the introduction of animal blood." Lin Tian finished, let duotianbao put him away.

Duotianbao, immediately threw it into a box, and put it up, then let go of the airway, "he, so it's ok?"

"No one can let him move unless someone can break my seal." Lin Tian said, and duotianbao immediately thanked, "thank you."

DORO was also excited with tears. "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Lin Tian looked at a group of corpses outside and said, "just, I'm late, so."

Duotianbao shook his head and said, "no, you are just here."

Lin Tian doesn't know what to say, but duo Tianbao takes out a golden scroll from his arms and gives it to Lin Tian. "It's sealed, so it's meaningless."

"What is it?"

"This is the main thing that can make sea animals stronger here, but I don't know what it is." After that, he gave it to Lin Tian.

"To me?"

"Yes, you have sealed that thing, and it, of course, has no meaning, so you should be thanked for it." After duotianbao finished, give the scroll to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian opened it curiously and was shocked to see the above words and descriptions. "Interesting. "

" do you understand? "

"It's a kind of artifact, and after it's made, it can integrate nine beasts. Therefore, it's also called nine beasts killing God scroll."

Many Heavenly Treasures don't understand very well, but Lin Tian is very excited, because these nine beasts kill the God scroll, which is one of the most strange artifacts in the god world.

Because there was no chance to touch it before, I didn't know its real appearance. Now when I see it, I want to build one.

But Nangong Yan came to ask, "big brother, is this thing powerful?"

"At the beginning, it may not be very powerful, but after a long time, the nine beasts returned to their original positions, they were powerful."

"Nine animals return? What do you mean? " That Nangong Yan didn't understand, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'll tell you later."

"Oh." Nangong Yan said, but Duoluo asked Lin Tian and others, "everyone, what else do you need? Just say, we can give it to you, and we will give it to you."

Lin Tian is not a greedy man, so he smiled, "we want to borrow the transmission array."

Dorothy immediately asked Dorothy, "Dad, our teleportation array can still be used."

How could it be? What's the matter

"I invited them to come because I said we have teleportation array, which can shorten their journey by one month," DORO said awkwardly

"Oh, yes, if necessary, we'll start the teleport now." This duotianbao is very simple.

DORO looked at Lin Tian and others. "I don't know what else you need, just say it."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "no, take us to the teleportation array."

Duoluoen sound, immediately and duotianbao lead Lin Tian to the palace where the transmission array is located.

When Lin Tian and others entered the transmission array, DORO said, "if you have a chance to come back, you must come to us."

Lin Tian and others nodded, then duotianbao started the transmission array, then Lin Tian and others disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Duotianbao exclaimed, "this time, it's good to have him, or we're finished."

Dorothy said, "Dad, have you seen a person's soul? Can you ignore all the talismans and soul attack magic weapons?"

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