The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2626 inside information

Lin Tian looks around and laughs, and that way cloud God gentleman stares way, "kid, laugh what smile?"

"I'm thinking about how to meet him." Lin Tianbian said with a smile, and then released the king of fire.

The king of fire stood in that wonderful way, "master, how can I get to Bagua mountain?"

"Call out the sleeping one." Lin Tian smiled at the king of fire, and He Lian and the red browed King stared at him doubtfully.

Fire King Oh voice, and then into a sea of fire rushed into the air, and the air immediately a impatient voice came, "who, who disturb me to sleep."

At this time, a gorilla with white fur appeared, but it was only a shadow, and it floated there with a trace of anger.

"White Ape." This way cloud God gentleman sees this shadow to pour to take a breath, and that red eyebrow strong king also stutters way, "this is god beast?"

He Lian's legs trembled with fear, and the king of fire stared at the white God ape, "Hey, sleepy, you're dazzled, even I don't recognize you."

White God ape doubts, "are you?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Come out to see my master."

"Your master?" White God ape one face doubt, until staring at that Lin Tian, and then see through his soul, full of fear, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "just know, don't cry out, I don't want you to know."

White God ape immediately flash, then a White Ape appears, and several people tall, and surprised to stare at Lin Tian, "adult, how do you come?"

"I've been invited." Lin Tian laughs at that cloud God, and that white God ape takes a look at cloud God, "who are you?"

"I'm the elder of the wood sword God sect, and I'm going to repair him now. I hurt my disciple of the wood sword God sect."

"Fix him? Do you know who he is? " White God ape drink way, and that way cloud God gentleman is confused, "he is?"

White God ape wants to say, but thinking of Lin Tian's explanation, he hums again, "anyway, he is a very powerful man."

"Road cloud God gentleman is puzzled," can he hurt a person

"Don't hurt people, just kill people. It's OK." White God ape crazy way, and that way cloud God gentleman look ugly.

The red eyebrow strong king and Lian are more frightened, but the white God ape stares at Lin Tian excitedly and says, "adult, you come here, how long do you plan to live?"

"I don't think I can live." Lin Tian said with a smile, but the white God ape did not understand, "why?"

"I have something to do." Lin Tian knows that he will go to the Oriental holy land, so he can't stay here.

White God ape heard this and asked, "well, have you seen that old man?"

"You mean Mu Chunyang?"

"Yes, he is." White God ape gracious voice, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I was caught here. Do you think I have seen it?"

"Ah? Who, who's got you? " White God ape immediately came to anger, and then stared at that cloud God King, and cloud God King stuttered, "I, I caught it."

"Dying." White God ape was about to start, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "forget about him. Take me to that guy."

"Good." White God ape pointed to a place and waved, there appeared a bridge, then white God ape took Lin Tian, and Lin Tian took up the fire king, and looked at the stunned and Lian two people, "have a daze, go."

These two people feel strange, but they keep up quietly. The wooden sword God clan is on a huge Island, and many people come in and out here.

Until someone found out that the white God ape came out of a mountain, immediately attracted countless people's attention, "look, the beast, the white God ape."

Many people came to watch the disturbance, and the God King Daoyun was depressed on that face. "Who is this guy? Why is the white God ape so polite to him?"

About a moment later, Lin Tian was taken outside a hall, and the white God ape said to Lin Tian, "I can only take you in, as for others, I can only wait outside."

"Yes." Lin Tian finishes saying that, let that and Lian wait outside, and Bai shenape grabs Lin Tian with one hand, then rushes into the hall, and disappears, just like entering another space.

The red eyebrow strong king just dare to say, "I say, he, in the end what identity?"

And Lian Bi wanted to know, "I don't know either."

The red eyebrow strong king had to look at the way cloud God gentleman which one face is dazed, "martial uncle, you don't be nervous."

"I, I'm so nervous." Only then did the Taoist cloud God return to God and shout, and the red eyebrow strong Wang said with a smile, "but he knows the white God ape."

"So what?" The God King of Daoyun hums, but the king of Hongmei says with a smile, "it's hard for the patriarch to call the white God ape, but he does. Do you dare to start with him?"

"Why not?" The God King of Daoyun swore, but he didn't know what to do. He even wanted to find a place to hide.


now in the palace, in a dark place, the white God ape said to a petrified old man, "I said, old man, the adult has come to see you."

The old man's breath was weak, as if he was going to die at any time. Lin Tianhu asked, "what's the matter with him?"

"When he attacked God, he was suddenly attacked by people sneaking into the conscious space. Then he petrified himself to prevent others from attacking him again. Since then, the space here has been closed, and only I can enter and leave freely." The White Ape explained.

Lin Tianhu asked, "was it attacked by someone?"

"Yes, it is said that he is a terrible guy, and his cultivation should be a God Emperor, and he is very strong." White God ape recalled one by one.

Lin Tian didn't expect to see this again. He squatted down and looked at the petrified old man. "I haven't seen you for ten thousand years. You who once had high spirits have become an old man."

"Who are you?" At this time, a weak voice came from the petrifaction, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "what do you say?"

The other side couldn't help it, and the white God ape despised, "Mu Chunyang, he is an adult, you don't know?"

"My lord?" That wood pure Yang is inexplicable, but Lin Tian then releases the soul.

When the wood Chunyang saw the soul, the stone statue shook, "Lin, Lin Di."

"Now, don't get excited." Lin Tian appeases, and Mu Chunyang calms down gradually. "I don't think I can see you anymore."

"I'm not dead, how can I not be seen?" Lin Tianxiao said, and Mu Chunyang explained, "it's said that ten thousand years ago, after you died in the wasteland of the divine Kingdom, no one has seen you again, so I thought."

"In fact, I didn't die at that time. I just chose to rebuild." Lin Tianxiao said, and wood Chunyang suddenly realized, "no wonder that guy said you will come back."

Lin Tian said, "that guy?"

"Yes, five thousand years ago, when I was about to break through the God Emperor, a dark man appeared, saying it was your friend and that you would come back. I thought it was a fake, so I didn't take it seriously."

"The dark man?" Lin Tian was curious, and Mu Chunyang said, "yes, the black shadow man, and he attacked me when he was talking to me, forcing me to petrify, and calling on the white God ape to help, so that he scared the other side away."

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