The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2630 Tianlei baptism

"Early rescue?" And Lian was shocked, and Lin Tianen said, "yes, cross the robbery."

At that time, the black patriarch who heard that Lin Tian was about to cross the robber laughed and said, "boy, cross the robber? Are you trying to rally yourself? "

"Any questions?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the black master joked, "the most dangerous time is when you cross the river. If someone suddenly attacks you, you will be destroyed."

"That's the case, but I'll bring a lot of power to the rescue. At that time, you'd better stay away, save it and kill you." Lin Tian laughs.

But the black patriarch laughed, "keep blowing."

This moye heaven said to the black lord, "younger martial brother, I think it's better to take him down directly."

"It's too cheap to kill him like this." The black patriarch said coldly, and moye Tianhu asked, "don't you really plan to let him cross the robbery?"

"He trapped me for a while, and made me retreat and escape. So I also want him to experience the feeling that life is not like death." The black patriarch hummed.

Moye Tian knew the character of the black patriarch, so he looked at Lin Tian and said, "boy, I'll see how you can get through the robbery."

Lin Tian smiled, then took out some collected divinities and inhaled them one by one. Then, the divinities whirled wildly and were full of a powerful force.

After a while, Lin Tian was a nine star immortal, and people wondered how Lin Tian could directly absorb the divinity.

Not only that, Lin Tian suddenly divided into nine parts, plus his own, is ten bodies.

Then let people more unexpected is that the sky began to be dark clouds, and lightning rolling.

"Ten together?" Seeing this, moyetian stared, and the black patriarch was also unbelievable. "This guy, let the separation also cross the robbery?"

"Isn't it dying?" Moye heaven felt so incredible, and the gods looked at each other one by one.

"This kid is crazy, my Lord and my body are going through the robbery together."

"There is no doubt that he will die." Some people even said that in the city Lord's mansion, the God King City Lord doubted, "is this a direct pursuit of death?"

He Lian on the edge of the forest is even more stupid, "brother Lin, you are here."

"With the separation, the power is boundless." Lin Tian laughs strangely, but he Lian worries, "it's said that the power of thunder robbery increases ten times when two people cross the robbery, while the power of three people increases one hundred times. How many times do these ten people have?"

"I said, infinite." Lin Tian has a strong smile, but he Lian is dignified, "here."

Lin Tian released a strong voice, and the voice spread, "Whoever doesn't want to die, don't get close to this."

At this moment, the people around us are scared to stay away. After all, the power of this thunder robbery is very powerful.

But the ice cold way of the moye sky said, "boy, if you do this, I think the first thunder robbery will kill you."

"Is it?" Lin Tian laughs strangely, and that moye Tian looks at Lin Tian's smile and always feels a little uncomfortable.

However, the black patriarch stared at Lin Tian and said, "boy, don't stop if you have the ability."

"Stop? It's impossible. " Lin Tian said with a smile, and the black patriarch hummed, "then I'll see how you've been blasted into cinders by these thunder."

Lin Tian smiled, and then said to He Lian, "you'd better go to my space, or you'll become scum later."

"But you."

"Don't worry." Lin Tian finished, and Lian into the space, and looked at the sky together with a thunderbolt smile said, "it seems almost."

At this time, ten powerful thunders gather together and form a huge thunderbolt, which falls directly from the air.

At that time, the gods who maintain the border retreated in fear of approaching, but the border did not break itself. As for the array of wooden heaven City, they were directly smashed into a hole.

Everyone looked silly, and the moye heaven immediately said to the black lord, "back up."

The black patriarch immediately retreated with the black tiger, and moye Tian also quickly retreated to the safe area.

Then Lin Tian's area, the instant "boom", the powerful thunder and lightning, directly hit Lin Tian's Buddha and his sub.

On the spot, the buildings were smashed everywhere, and the ground was also cracked. At the same time, countless stones were splashed.

All of a sudden, Lin Tian's area was in ruins.

"Dead?" Some of the gods asked curiously, while others searched for the breath of the forest sky one by one, and the people watching from a distance opened their divine sense.

At this time, Lin Tian and nine separate bodies came out, and looked at the air and smiled, "it's not easy to unite the divinity."

Seeing that Lin Tian is OK, moye Tian hums, "boy, there are nine thunder robberies in this ferry, and they are more and more terrible, so don't be complacent."

The black patriarch also said, "yes, the second one is at least several times as powerful as the first one."

Lin Tian shrugged and said with a smile, "you only need to watch it slowly. There is no other nonsense."

"You." Moye Tian gets angry, but Lin Tian laughs and ignores them until the second lightning comes again.


This time, the ruins turned into countless sands, while Lin Tian and Fen Shen were still OK, but the surrounding areas had turned into deserts.

Moyetian regained his composure and said, "why is the second thunder so weak?"

"It's not weakness, it's his physical resistance." The black lord looked ugly, while the other gods were all dementia.

After a while, there was thunder and lightning in the air, and the target was Lin Tian.

The third thunder and lightning went on. Everyone thought Lin Tian would get hurt or bleed, but Lin Tian was OK.

This made everyone puzzled, but Lin tianbenzun was staring at his Dantian. At the moment, there are nine virtual shadows, and they are the virtual shadows of the God's figure gathering slowly.

At the same time, the chapter of immortal robbery in reincarnation and sky killing has been flashed in Lin Tian's mind.

Among them, the most striking thing for Lin Tianxing is that it mentions "Lei baptism".

The so-called thunder baptism is to let Tianlei attack his own separate body and the Buddha, and the more powerful the power is, the more powerful the God will be. Therefore, when these Tianlei hit the separate body and the Buddha one by one, they actually transform those forces into the God.

This is why Lin Tian is not afraid of these thunder, or even other people's surprise attack, because at this moment, he has entered the "baptism period".

"Baptism period", also known as invincible period in reincarnation and killing the sky, can resist any damage, and the greater the damage, the more beneficial it will be for the cohesion of your divinity.

Therefore, I have an idea that he said to the moxie heaven and others with a smile, "the fourth thunder is coming, don't you attack me?"

The black lord hums, "Tianlei will take care of you. We don't need to fight."

Moyetian also said, "yes, it's only the fourth way. There are so many ways behind, and one is more terrible than the other."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "when you want to attack, you can't help it."

The two still thought Lin Tian was bluffing them, so they didn't take it seriously.

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